Chapter 291 Chapter , Jiejiao moves
"Everything is okay. Beginner's Heart, Butain, and Don't Forget all have good minds. Kong Xuan's disciples are also all over Chaoge. Wen Zhong got Emperor Yi Tuogu. Now he is Chaoge's grand master, leading troops to quell the rebellion in Beihai.

A lot of things happened during your retreat. Jie Yin secretly plotted against Emperor Xin and asked Emperor Xin to blaspheme Nuwa while offering incense in Nuwa Palace, leading Nuwa to punish Emperor Xin.

But I discovered it early, told Nuwa the truth, stopped Nuwa's actions, and sent the three banshees she selected again. I borrowed the name of your Wanshou Mountain Saint Dojo and arranged a good background for them. "

Hongyun sat and chatted with Zhen Yuanzi for the first time since that incident. She felt a little uncomfortable and felt inexplicably guilty. Keeping talking seemed to alleviate some of the embarrassment at the moment.

Zhen Yuanzi didn't feel the same way as Hongyun, but thought Hongyun was ridiculous at this time. Did he think that others couldn't see that evasive look?
"Wanshou Mountain is a monastery for saints. This name is also due to you. No need to borrow it. Just make arrangements." Zhen Yuanzi looked at Hongyun with a smile, but his meaning was unclear.


"But what?" Hongyun never expected that Zhen Yuanzi would have such a problem.

Didn't he just use the name of Wanshou Mountain? It was he who transformed into Wanshou Mountain first!
Zhen Yuanzi: "However, you are so unfamiliar with me, shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

Hongyun was stunned for a moment, and once again avoided Zhen Yuanzi's eyes: "Isn't this... polite!"

"Polite?" Zhen Yuanzi raised his eyebrows in confusion.
What Hongyun heard was "polite", but what she saw was "Do you have this thing?".

He immediately got angry and was not convinced at all: "You are looking down on others, what's wrong with me, how polite you are!"

Zhen Yuanzi laughed directly:
"Were you polite when you sent Mu Heng to heaven?"

"Were you polite when you took over your disciple and threw it to me without caring about it?"

"Were you polite when you turned me away?" Zhen Yuanzi listed Hongyun's impolite behaviors one by one, making Hongyun feel guilty.

But until the last one, Hongyun was stunned again: "Are you polite when you break into someone else's room in the middle of the night?"

"You have something that we can't talk about in the daytime. You disturbed my sleep, you know? Do you think everyone is like you, not sleeping at night but only cultivating?"

"Besides, why are you looking for me so late at night? Are you polite to me?"

Hongyun paused, not wanting to see Zhen Yuanzi's face again, so he got up and left angrily.

"Why are you going?" Zhenyuan asked when he saw that the direction Hongyun was going was not the room.

"Stay away from you!" Hongyun suddenly shook his sleeves and flew away.

Zhen Yuanzi laughed dumbly. Wherever Hongyun could go, there would be no other place except Kunlun Mountain with that one good friend.

Yes, what Zhen Yuanzi expected was correct. He was the person who knew Hongyun best. Hongyun left Wuzhuang Temple and headed straight for Kunlun Mountain.

But when I arrived at Kunlun Mountain, I learned that because of the different stances of Jiejiao and Chanjiao during the Conferring Tribulation, Taoist Hongjun personally selected Penglai Island in the East China Sea as the new dojo for Jiejiao. Just a few months ago, Tongtian moved to Penglai Island in the East China Sea with a group of disciples.

Without Tongtian, Kunlun Mountain is meaningless, and the red clouds directly turn to the East China Sea.

And Zhen Yuanzi specially sent a message to me before Hongyun arrived, asking me to block Hongyun outside the mountain gate to prevent Hongyun and Tongtian from harming the vegetation and fairies on Kunlun Mountain.

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