Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 292 Chapter 292, Prince Ao Bing of East China Sea 3

Chapter 292 Chapter , Ao Bing, the third prince of the East China Sea
This was too in line with Yuan Shi's intentions. He was originally too polite to turn people away, but now that he had Zhen Yuanzi, he directly made up his mind not to allow Hong Yun to go to Kunlun Mountain.

But no one expected that Hongyun had already arrived at Kunlun Mountain. When he learned that Tongtian was not there, he didn't even pay a courtesy visit.

Zhen Yuanzi was still waiting for Hongyun to return from the Kunlun Mountains, and then went to the heaven to cheat, but there was another place.

In the depths of the East China Sea, a green dragon of more than ten feet swung its head and tail, and swam in a panic, trying to return to the Dragon Palace as soon as possible.

"Haha... You can't escape, just accept your death." Qinglong Nian suddenly saw a huge sea monster blocking the way. It was obviously with the sea monster behind him.

Qinglong was panicked, but he still tried his best to delay time: "I am the son of the Dragon King of the East China Sea. Aren't you afraid that my father will kill you?"

The siren's eyes flickered, and he was obviously afraid of the Dragon King of the East China Sea. But soon, this fear disappeared, and he laughed wildly and said:

"What's the difference between your dragon clan and ordinary fairies like us now? Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

"When we share your dragon flesh and our cultivation level increases greatly, what can even the Dragon King of Dragon Sea do to me?"

Qinglong glanced in the direction of the Dragon Palace in horror, and found that there was no one to rescue him, so he started swimming upward again.

When Hongyun passed by the East China Sea, he noticed someone fighting below, so he stopped to watch the excitement. As a result, he was almost hit by Ao Bing who suddenly rushed out of the sea. If Hongyun hadn't been highly skilled, it would have been difficult to avoid him.

"Help, help! I am the Crown Prince of the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea. Save me, and my father will definitely thank you!" Ao Bing saw Hong Yun move and stayed far away. Knowing Hong Yun's advanced cultivation, he directly asked for help.

He was already injured, and after swimming so far, he had no strength left. Right now Hongyun was his only life-saving straw.

Hongyun glanced at the two sea monsters lightly: "What's the grudge?"

Ao Bing had already run and hid behind Hongyun. The two sea monsters were more discerning and knew how powerful Hongyun was. When they saw that Hongyun wanted to meddle in this business, they ran away. "Thank you, thank you so much, my benefactor!" Ao Bing turned into a human form and weakly bowed to Hongyun.

"Do you have a grudge against them?" Hongyun glanced at Qinglong. He was riddled with karma, but it didn't look like he had killed anyone.

Ao Bing and Hongyun talk about the reason

It turns out that they have no grudges, just because since the Lich Catastrophe, the status of the demon clan has plummeted, and their cultivation has been faced with many difficulties.

After Taozu conferred the title of Jade Emperor and Queen Mother, he used dragon liver in every banquet he held, which made countless monsters believe that dragon flesh and blood is a great tonic.

Some great demons with good natural cultivation began to search for the lone dragons. The purer the bloodline, the greater the effect will be.

This green dragon is Ao Bing, the third prince of Longhai Dragon Palace. Because he went to play alone on the shore, he was targeted by these two sea monsters.

The third prince of the Dragon King of the East China Sea was beaten to death by Nezha during the Conferred God Tribulation. Now Hongyun looks at him and thinks he is quite a polite child. However, he has deep karma and low cultivation level, and was brutally beaten to death by the rude Nezha. What a pity.

Hongyun directly revealed his identity: "I am Saint Hongyun"

Ao Bing was shocked and quickly knelt on the ground: "Xiaolong didn't know that the saint was here in person, so he asked the saint to atone for his sins."

Hongyun: "Are you willing to become a disciple of a saint?"

Ao Bing thought that Hongyun wanted to accept him as his disciple, and said excitedly: "Thanks to the saint for not giving up, Xiaolong will naturally be willing!"

"You go to the Wuzhuang Temple of Wanshou Mountain to find Zhen Yuanzi. Just say that I asked you to go and he will accept you as his disciple." After Hong Yun finished speaking, she stopped looking at him and continued flying towards Penglai Island.

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