Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 293 Chapter 293 Give Zhen Yuanzi another apprentice

Chapter 293 Chapter : Give Zhen Yuanzi another apprentice
It is really difficult for the Dragon Clan under Haotian. The prehistoric overlord who was once as good as Hongjun was reduced to the level of an animal after the calamity.

Haotian is now a quasi-sage. Dragon liver has no effect on him. It is just a dish that shows his nobility. Alas~

Hongyun felt sorry for the Dragon Clan now, but he had killed dragons just for food, so what position did he have to be unfair to the Dragon Clan now.

In the ancient world, the weak preyed on the strong. In the past, dragons also preyed on other creatures, but now it is just tit for tat.

Outside Penglai Island, Hongyun chuckled: "Tongtian, since you know I'm coming, why don't you welcome me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a sound broke through the air next to him, and Tongtian had appeared not far from Hongyun: "Come here, why are you shouting!"

Hongyun and Tongtian entered Penglai Island together.

"How about it? Look at my Penglai Island, it's no worse than Longevity Mountain!" Tongtian showed off with a proud look on his face.

Hongyun looked helpless: "Okay, okay, your Penglai Island is the best! It's a pity that you don't have any innate spiritual roots, and some of you are not worthy of your status as a Tongtian Saint."

"There are yellow plums in Kunlun Mountain, and there are three innate spiritual roots in Wanshou Mountain. Even in the West, now that the spiritual energy has recovered, there are a lot of spiritual values. Now, at a glance, you are the only saint without innate spiritual roots..."

"It's obviously a bit embarrassing to say this out loud!" Hongyun became more and more confident as she spoke, and even experienced the psychological activities of the plastic sisters of later generations.

Tongtian glared at Hongyun. He had just chosen a place and moved to a home. Where could he find his innate spiritual roots? Moreover, this time was different from the prehistoric times when they transformed. All the good things were taken by others. How could he grab them directly?
If you can grab it, grab the Wuzhuang View first.

It has nothing to do with the friendship between him and Hongyun. It is purely because Wuzhuang Temple has many good things. There are three things as precious as innate spiritual roots in Wuzhuang Temple.

"How about you beg me and I give you an innate spiritual root?" Hongyun looked at his points and found that it was more than enough to buy an innate spiritual root.
There are many innate spiritual roots, but it is not easy to make the mighty Saint Tongtian ask for help.

"Get out!" Tongtian roared out without thinking. Hongyun was not angry, but laughed, "Hahaha~"

'Ding! Ten points of anger have arrived! ’

Hongyun thought: "System, there is no need to report these ten or eight points!" '

'Ding! Doesn’t the host feel that such points are more fulfilling? '

The system also has its own reasons. After hearing this, Hongyun also felt that it made sense.

He continued to be angry: "I have always been blessed with profound blessings. I can pick up treasures wherever I go, as if they have grown legs and bumped into me. I am also very helpless and very fed up!"

"If you open your mouth, considering our relationship, it's just an innate spiritual root, so there's no harm in giving you one."

'Ding! One hundred anger points have been received! ’

'Ding! One hundred points of bad virtue have been received! '

Hongyun couldn't help but be stunned. Is this considered immoral? Isn't this just a little bit of Versailles?

Tongtian should not be so narrow-minded!
Hongyun started to lie again: "As for our relationship, it's not shameful to ask for help, right?"

"But if you are asked about it, everyone will know that among the saints in the prehistoric times, only Saint Tongtian, the leader of Jiejiao Tongtian who has come to worship the Ten Thousand Immortals, does not have innate spiritual roots. Then you will be really embarrassed! "

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