Chapter 307

Looking at it now, Chanjiao Twelve Golden Immortals have such good qualifications and skills. He should be included in the list of gods and make some contributions to the peace and happiness of the three realms in the future.

Hong Yun thought for a moment and came up with an idea: "Send an order to the Nine-Headed Pheasant Spirit to tell Ji Chang the difference between the Twelve Golden Immortals and Jie Jiao and Wuzhuang Temple disciples. If Ji Chang wants to win in the battle involving the gods, he can only rely on It was absolutely impossible to explain the teachings. To draw his attention to Western Buddhism."

As we all know, this human war is the outcome of the gods. Without the help of the gods, no matter how many soldiers and horses there are, they are like ants.

Just the twelve disciples of Chanjiao and less than twenty disciples, how can they be compared with the Chanjiao of thousands of immortals who came to the court. What's more, although Wuzhuang Temple's disciples are few, they are talented.

Ji Chang had been planning to rebel for many years. How could he be willing to face such a disparate situation? He would naturally seek another supporter.

At this time, Tongtian and Yuanshi had just ended a fierce quarrel.

"Tongtian, why are you stubborn and bent on going against God's will! I think you have fallen into the devil's way."

Yuanshi's Dharma Mirror disappeared after the last sentence, leaving Tongtian alone sitting in the main hall of Biyou Palace angrily, cursing into the air:

"You just fell into the devil's way. You only want to know the way of heaven. The way of heaven is your father!"

"As for your disciple Jin Gui, it is your own fault to kill someone who kills someone. Your disciple must find a replacement for someone else! The person who killed someone for someone else is dead. If you have the ability, go find the murderer to avenge him. It's shameless to target my disciple Beijie. Yes, are you worthy of being called Master Uncle?"

Taiyi's disciple was killed by Ao Bing. Although Yuanshi plans to compete with Wuzhuangguan in the great calamity, the top priority is to find a substitute for Taiyi, otherwise it will be difficult for Taiyi to kill him.

After some calculations, he concluded that Huo Ling, a third-generation disciple of Jie Jiao, could be Taiyi's replacement. He directly consulted with Tongtian using the Dharma mirror. After being rejected by Tongtian, he scolded Tongtian, which eventually turned into a big quarrel and broke up unhappy. "Okay, don't you want to keep those precious disciples? I want to see how you can keep them if you are your enemy!"

Tongtian calmed down and murmured: "Second brother, second brother, don't blame me. It was you who ignored brotherhood first. You feel sorry for your disciple, and I also feel sorry for my disciple. When the catastrophe is over, I will do it again for my brother." Make amends to my second brother!"

With a wave of his long sleeves, a Dharma mirror appeared in front of Wuzhuang Guan Hongyun, and the figure reaching the sky appeared on the Dharma mirror.

"Hongyun, do you have a way to deduce the whereabouts of the person who will teach the Twelve Golden Immortals the calamity?" Tongtian said as he arrived.

Hongyun was stunned for a moment. Wasn't Tongtian always hesitant to use despicable means and unwilling to confront Yuanshi?

"Why did you suddenly think of this?"

Tongtian's face was livid, and he told Hongyun what happened just now.

Hongyun sneered, this is indeed Yuanshi's style, but is it so straightforward now? He doesn't want this younger brother anymore?

"I can roughly calculate it, but are you sure you want to kill them before they get into trouble?" Hongyun thinks Tongtian's plan is very good, but he still wants to confirm it one last time. After all, Tongtian is very emotional, so don't regret it in the end. It became his fault.

Tongtian smiled coldly: "It's not necessary to kill them. Killing them will make the second brother angry, but if they are accepted into the Jie Cult, he will really be angry to death!"

Hongyun couldn't help but think of what Luo Hou said to him when he was listening to the sermon in Zixiao Palace. Tongtian's idea was more damaging than him.

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