Chapter 308 Chapter Three Hundred and Eight
Hongyun calculated with her fingers that the fight in Chaoge's harem was ongoing. Queen Jiang was targeting the Nine-tailed Fox and Chu Xin, and the Nine-tailed Fox had been provoked to murderous intent. In order to ensure that Dongbohou would not rebel after Queen Jiang was deposed, he persuaded Emperor Xin to issue an order for the four major princes to come to Chaoge to pay homage.

But Di Xin had just realized Xiqi's objection after being prompted by Chu Xin. It was just mentioned in the court that half of the courtiers, including Bigan and Shang Rong, were interceding for Ji Chang, which made Emperor Xin even more sure of Ji Chang's ambition.

Just when he didn't know how to convict Ji Chang, the nine-tailed fox came up with such an idea. He was immediately overjoyed and ordered the four major princes to come to celebrate Queen Jiang's birthday.

Hongyun put her hands down, just knowing the time in the human world.

"There is a man named Lei Zhenzi who will appear on Ji Chang's way to Chaoge. Just send someone to keep an eye on Ji Chang. That Lei Zhenzi should be a child and has some father-son relationship with Ji Chang."

'Ding! A thousand points of bad virtue have been recorded! '

Hongyun continued: "The twelve people who were to take their place in the tribulation, the Chaoge princes Yin Jiao and Yin Hong, had already worshiped under Kong Xuan's sect, so they left. Nezha died, but his two brothers were also among them. There are also Huang Tianhua, the son of King Chaoge Wucheng, and Yang Jian, the son of Yao Ji and Yi Moran."

"These are the only ones I can calculate." Hongyun didn't say too much. After all, the secrets of heaven are not revealed under the calamity. It is unreal to come up with so many results just by calculation.

Even so, Zhen Yuanzi noticed something was wrong, but he didn't ask, he just sat aside without saying a word.

"Okay, I'll tell my disciples to do it. Hongyun also needs to pay more attention to the situation in the human world. I, Jiejiao and Chanjiao, will definitely compete this time. The eldest brother...should be able to help the second brother." Tongtian sighed. , he was the last person to want to get to this point.

Hongyun nodded in agreement.
After the Dharma Mirror disappeared, Hongyun immediately cast a spell to make his Dharma Mirror appear in the Wa Palace:

"Fuxi, Nuwa, you should already know that Lingzhu was reincarnated and killed by Zhenyuan's disciples!" Hongyun also suddenly remembered that Nezha, whom Taiyi regarded as a replacement, was not only a disciple of Chanjiao, but also Nuwa. of spiritual beads.

Although he knew that Nuwa would not hate him, Hongyun still had to explain it. After all, etiquette must not be missed.

Nuwa said happily: "I know, I entrusted the spiritual beads to Senior Brother Yuanshi because I saw that Taiyi really loved the spiritual beads, but unexpectedly, Senior Brother Yuanshi actually used the spiritual beads to replace Taiyi Yingjie. I was really angry!
Senior brother Hongyun, don't worry, it's a good thing that Lingzhu died before he entered the disaster. After I reshape his body, he can still stay in the Wa Palace to practice, which is better than dying and entering the list. "

Hongyun expected Nuwa's attitude, but she didn't expect Nuwa to be so sensible. It can be seen that Fuxi was by her side to enlighten and comfort her.

"Junior Sister Nuwa is sensible. After the Conferring God Tribulation is over, I will let Ao Bing go to the Wa Palace in person to plead guilty."

Although it is not necessary, Nuwa is a saint and an elder, so it is okay to ask Ao Bing to lower his head. It is better than being resented and not knowing when to be safe.

When Nuwa heard Hongyun's words, she felt much better and smiled:
"After all, it was Lingzhuzi who killed the Dragon Palace Prince first. Ao Bing should avenge his brother. He was killed because he was not cultivated enough, so he can't blame anyone. Besides, it was a blessing in disguise, so he should be grateful to Ao Bing."

This is just a joke, Nuwa will not let Lingzhuzi apologize. If she doesn't hold a grudge, it is all because of Hongyun's face.

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