Chapter 310

The nine-headed pheasant spirit was naturally rude after being humiliated like this: "The Taoist priest said it, but I am very noble. If you really look down on me, a little demon, why would you take my son away?"

What's the point of having a son? The nine-headed pheasant spirit doesn't have Ji Chang's hobby. He wanted to refuse just now, but he just didn't have time.

Now, just in time!
Ji Chang scolded gently: "Ximei, don't talk nonsense!"

Although he had heard the Nine-Headed Pheasant Spirit talk about the difference between Chan Jiao and Jiao Jiao, and although he had no confidence in Chan Jiao, he had no better choice now.

For the only life-saving straw, you don't have to hold on tightly until you reach the shore, or grab a thicker straw.

"If the Taoist master is willing to teach the child, it will be a blessing for the child." As Ji Chang spoke, he was about to send the child to Yun Zhongzi.

"Master Marquis, give this child a name."

Hearing that Ji Chang was about to hand the child over to him, Yun Zhongzi showed a smile on his face. After all, this Xibohou is aware of current affairs, knows what God's will is, and understands the orthodoxy of fairies and demons.

With his cultivation, he had naturally discovered the child who was abandoned in the wilderness. However, he cannot accept this child casually.

This child has a father-son relationship with Ji Chang, and Ji Chang must hand it over to him personally in order to become his replacement.

Ji Chang named the child and handed the child into his hands so that the child could fend off the disaster for him.

Chanjiao has always obeyed the destiny of heaven. If he forcibly snatched the child and brought the child back to Zhongnan Mountain, it would be against the destiny of heaven.

Although the actions seem similar, the procedures are different and the results are completely different.

Ji Chang smiled and said: "This son was born in response to thunder and lightning, let's call him Lei Zhenzi!"

When his voice fell, a thunderbolt sounded out of thin air.

Then, the baby in Ji Chang's arms laughed even more. But smiling, the baby's face suddenly showed an expression of extreme fear.

The Nine-Headed Pheasant Spirit and Yun Zhongzi looked into the sky at the same time, but one was shocked and the other was angry.

The moment he heard Zhen Yuanzi's cry, Yun Zhongzi also reacted instantly. In his hand, a pillar-like magic weapon appeared.

Immediately, the dragon roar sounded. Then he saw forty-nine fire dragons circling up, protecting Lei Zhenzi.


Seeing Yun Zhongzi reacting so quickly, Wu Yunxian, dressed in black, sneered.

Under the crushing power of realm cultivation, the magic weapon could not play much role, and the Heaven-reaching Divine Fire Pillar was directly shattered.

Wuyunxian is one of the seven immortals who attend Tongtian. He has advanced cultivation and is only one step away from being a quasi-sage. Fighting alone does not even belong to the deputy leader of Chanjiao, Ran Deng.

Yun Zhongzi, on the other hand, has good fortune, but has not made a breakthrough for many years and has been stuck in the Taiyi Golden Fairyland. How could he be Wu Yunxian's opponent?

The Divine Fire Pillar instantly shattered, and after a shrill scream, Lei Zhenzi turned into powder and scattered in the wind.

Then, a soul emerged from Lei Zhenzi's body, and it turned out to be a Chaos Demon God.

Wu Yunxian was stunned for a moment. Sure enough, even the people who replaced him were all from extraordinary backgrounds. They were indeed disciples of the Chan Cult. It was a bad idea to follow God's will.

Casting a spell again, Yun Zhongzi broke through Yun Zhongzi's defense again, and Yun Zhongzi watched helplessly as the person who replaced him died before becoming a disciple.

Everything happened in an instant. After killing Lei Zhenzi, Wu Yunxian didn't stop and turned around to leave.

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