Chapter 311

"Where to run." Yun Zhongzi was about to chase after him.

But at this moment, Yun Zhongzi suddenly turned around.

Yun Zhongzi immediately felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar. He knew that if the mysterious man in front of him wanted to kill him, he could easily kill him.

Wu Yunxian smiled disdainfully and left without saying anything more.

Seeing Wu Yunxian leaving, Yun Zhongzi and Ji Chang both let out a sigh of relief. The murderous man in front of them was really terrifying.

He only appeared for a few breaths, but he easily killed Lei Zhenzi. The look in his eyes frightened Yun Zhongzi so much that he did not dare to avenge this murder.

"Who on earth dares to oppose my teachings and kill my substitute!" Yun Zhongzi's previous immortal spirit disappeared in an instant.

There was a look of hatred on his face. The reason why he could not care about this calamity before was because as long as he accepted Lei Zhenzi as his disciple, even if the calamity befell him, it would be transferred to Lei Zhenzi.

But now that the person who had done the robbery was dead, and he was beaten to death before he accepted the disciples, it meant that someone wanted him to personally answer the robbery.

Thinking of the strength of that person just now, I couldn't help but feel scared.

No, you must return to Yuxu Palace immediately.

Yun Zhongzi knew that the matter was of great importance, and he had to report the current matter to the original Tianzun immediately.

"Master Marquis, things may change, we will meet tomorrow." After saying that, Yun Zhongzi flashed and flew away directly in the direction of Kunlun Mountain.

On the same spot, Ji Chang had a look of panic on his face.

"Ximei, what on earth is going on?"

The nine-headed pheasant spirit rolled his eyes: "What else could it be? Immortals fighting!" Ji Chang: "Then are we in danger?"

"It's okay, Lord Marquis. Immortal fighting is also for the sake of war. But in the battle, Lord Marquis is the man of destiny, and there is no way he will be hurt!" The nine-headed pheasant spirit comforted and threatened at the same time:
"It's just that the Twelve Golden Immortals of the Chan Cult are really dissatisfied with their reputation. They know the current affairs best. If they can be beaten, they will fight. If they can't be beaten, they will run away. They will never fight to the death."

Ji Chang completely lost confidence in Chanjiao and looked toward the west with worry. I don’t know if he is reading Xiqi or Buddhism.

When Yun Zhongzi went back to resume his life, Tongtian kept waiting for Hongjun's reprimand. But after a few days, Tongtian was sure that he had done the right thing.

Tongtian sat alone in the main hall of Biyou Palace and sighed: "Second brother, second brother, you only say you follow God's will, but you don't see clearly who has the final say in this prehistoric period!"

"Master allows me to intercept a glimmer of life, but you rely on the will of heaven and feel superior. If you don't look back, Master will definitely despise you."

But Yuanshi of Kunlun Mountain had nothing else to think about except anger, and he even determined who did this without any doubt.

"What a great Tongtian, you actually killed my disciple, you really have no regard for love!"

"How did Hong Yun instigate my brother to turn against him! Well, since you kill my disciple, then your disciple will not be able to live!"

The original Tianzun began to calculate. Although the heaven is now in chaos and cannot calculate much useful information, it is the power of a saint after all, and ordinary people may still be able to calculate it.

Soon, the original Tianzun found the whereabouts of some Jiejiao disciples. And one of the Jie Jiao disciples directly attracted the attention of the original Tianzun.

He said, "Where is Guangchengzi?"

There was no figure of Guangchengzi in the main hall, and Yuanshi closed his eyes to rest.

After a moment, the original Tianzun suddenly opened his eyes, and Guangchengzi quickly entered the hall.

"The disciple is here."

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