Chapter 312

Yuanshi Tianzun said coldly: "Go to Sishui Pass and kill the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit, the great disciple of Taoist Duobao. This Holy Mother of Fire Spirit should be the one who should be robbed. Since Tongtian is not willing to let her answer Taiyi's tribulation, go on your own." Die!

No matter what, she can't escape the will of heaven after all, and she is the one who deserves the disaster. After you kill her, send her Golden Cloud Crown to Biyou Palace. "

"What?" Upon hearing this, Guangchengzi was dumbfounded.

Taiyi Zhenren, Yun Zhongzi, and Baihe Tongzi on the side were all dumbfounded.

The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit is the eldest disciple of Taoist Duobao and the first of the three generations of disciples of Jiejiao. The status of Chanjiao is equivalent to that of the White Crane Boy sitting on the Antarctic Immortal.

It was enough to kill the Holy Mother of Fire Spirits, but he actually wanted to return her magic weapon to Biyou Palace. This is clearly a murderous act, a slap in the face to the entire Jiejiao family, leaving no trace of face for Master Tongtian.

They have been apprentices for many years and know the relationship between the three Qing Dynasties. How come they have reached this point in just a short period of time?

Guangchengzi said worriedly: "Teacher, will this move make Uncle Jie angry?"

He is not afraid of offending Jie Jiao, and killing the Fire Spirit Madonna is nothing. Even if Uncle Tongtian is angry, the teacher can protect him.

However, after killing the Fire Spirit Madonna, and then running to Biyou Palace to give the Golden Cloud Crown, the situation would be different. When Ao Bing of Wuzhuang Temple came to plead guilty, the teacher didn't even see him. He made up his mind to let the disciples of Wuzhuang Temple be on the list to calm down his anger.

Now, he goes to intercept and slap the saint in the face. Even if the leader of Tongtian Cult has a lot of blessings, he will not care about him. The four disciples of Jie Jiao's inner sect, the Seven Immortals, Zhao Gongming, San Xiao and others would never let him go.

And he can't defeat any of these people. This time he went to intercept the teacher, which was definitely a dead end.

Use his life, the great golden immortal, in exchange for the life of a mere golden immortal named Our Lady of Fire Spirit?

Regardless of whether it's worth it or not, he doesn't want to! "Of course I know that this will arouse Tongtian's wrath. This is what I want. As long as Tongtian dares to kill you in Biyou Palace, I will dare to unite with the Four Saints and destroy the entire Jiejiao."

"At that time, even if the teacher is intentionally biased, there will be nothing to say." There was a hint of coldness in the tone of the original Tianzun.

Hearing this, Guangchengzi felt a chill in his body instantly.

If I die, you will have reason to deal with Jiejiao in an all-out way. But in that case, my disciple will turn into ashes.

Guang Chengzi looked sad and did not dare to answer.

It would definitely not work if he refused his teacher. After all, his teacher has the best reputation. Once he dares to refuse, there will be endless troubles next.

But if he doesn't refuse, he will definitely die if he goes to Biyou Palace.

Yuanshi Tianzun saw Guang Chengzi's fear: "Don't be afraid. Since I dare to let you go to Biyou Palace, I will naturally have a way for you to escape safely."

"This is a death talisman. Even if Jie Jiao and others kill you, you can still be resurrected."

"In addition, you leave another ray of soul. As long as this ray of soul is there, even if your physical body is destroyed, I can use the Three Light Divine Water to help you rebuild your physical body."

Upon hearing this, Guangchengzi immediately knew that he had no other choice. The teacher did not give him the right to refuse. He could go to Biyou Palace, or he would have to go even if he didn't.

"Teacher, disciple understands." Guang Chengzi left a mark of his soul and took a death talisman from Bai Hetongzi.

Turn around and fly down Kunlun Mountain, heading towards Sishui Pass.

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