Chapter 314

Hongyun also heard the loud noises and screams one after another, not far from Wanshou Mountain.

They are all familiar with Kong Xuan's voice, so there must be nothing wrong with it.

Zhen Yuanzi was about to go out to check, and Hongyun followed closely.

Seeing Zhen Yuanzi's brows furrowing, Hongyun comforted him: "Don't worry too much, Kong Xuan is already a quasi-sage, and there are not many people who can hurt him."

Zhen Yuanzi: "But he is injured. Who do you think it could be?"

Hongyun also suddenly realized that Minghe, Kunpeng and others naturally did not dare to take action against Zhen Yuanzi's apprentices. I would not embarrass the juniors, and it was even more impossible for Nuwa and Tongtian.

Therefore, when Kong Xuan was injured, it was either due to receiving the invitation or Yuan Shi.

No matter who it is, Kong Xuan is in danger.

Hongyun stopped talking and quickly went to the place where Kong Xuan fell.

A peacock was lying on the ground, with a bit of red at the corner of its mouth.

Hongyun looked around, but no one else was there.

Zhen Yuanzi cast a spell to heal Kong Xuan's wounds and turned Kong Xuan into a human form.

Kong Xuan spit out another mouthful of blood: "Master~"

After confirming that Kong Xuan was fine, Zhen Yuanzi stopped worrying and asked, "What happened?"

Kong Xuan said weakly: "On the way back to the mountain, my disciple saw Chanjiao Yun Zhongzi secretly staring at the residence of Junior Brother Xiqi Mo Wang, and wanted to take action.

The disciple transformed into his original form, swallowed Yun Zhongzi into his belly, and took him back to Wuzhuang Temple. If the master refused, the disciple had time to spit him out. "But I didn't expect that Yun Zhongzi's cultivation level was not high, but he had a thunder talisman to protect him, and he triggered the thunder talisman in the disciple's belly." The disciple did not check and resisted, so he was seriously injured. "

Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun looked at each other, and then checked the situation in Kong Xuan's belly: "He is already dead."

What was Yun Zhongzi doing above the Xiqi Military Advisor's Mansion with a thunder talisman that could injure a quasi-sage? If Kong Xuan didn't happen to pass by today, what would Yun Zhongzi do, and what would the thunder talisman do?
Hong Yun sneered, Yuan Shi only had this ability, and if he asked his disciples to come out to kill anyone, he would have to wear a thunder talisman made by him himself.

Zhen Yuanzi took Kong Xuan with him, and the three of them returned to Wuzhuang Temple together.

Qingfeng Mingyue helped Kong Xuan back to the room and took the elixir refined by Zhen Yuanzi to heal his injuries.

Hongyun and Zhen Yuanzi sat together with livid faces, discussing how to deal with it.

Hongyun: "Although Yuanshi's move is despicable, it is very effective. Don't forget that they are in the human world and scattered in all directions. If they encounter danger, it is impossible for Kong Xuan to arrive in time.

Except for Kong Xuan, anyone who encounters this thunder talisman will die. Even if we give them magic weapons to protect their bodies one by one, they still fall into passivity. I have been a thief for a thousand days, how can I guard against a thief the day before? "

"A saint cannot intervene directly to measure calamity, so his thunder talisman does not count?" Zhen Yuanzi felt sorry for Kong Xuan's injury and wished he could hit Kunlun Mountain directly.

Hongyun snorted coldly: "He will only think that all his actions are in compliance with God's will. Those of us who are against him are acting against God."

Zhen Yuanzi thought for a moment and said: "Recall Mo Wang and the Wuzhuang Temple disciples in Xiqi. This will make Xiqi no longer dependent on others, and also give Chanjiao a chance to enter Xiqi."

"Why?" Hongyun was puzzled.

Zhen Yuanzi: "If the disciples of Wuzhuangguan do not leave Xiqi, can the disciples of Chanjiao enter? Is it possible that Ji Chang will seek help from the West under the influence of Wuzhuangguan and Chanjiao?"

Hongyun felt something was wrong: "But the Nine-headed Pheasant Spirit has been inseparable from Ji Chang's side and is deeply trusted. Even if Mo forgets to leave, the Nine-Headed Pheasant Spirit cannot leave. The power of Wuzhuangguan still has a great influence in Xiqi Influence."

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