Chapter 315

Hongyun continued: "Even if my disciples of Wuzhuang Temple do not leave Xiqi, Chanjiao will definitely find a way to contact Ji Chang. After all, Chanjiao claims to clarify God's will and has chosen to support Xiqi."

"On the contrary, it is the people of my Wuzhuang Temple who are in Xiqi who give Chanjiao a sense of oppression and act more eagerly."

Zhen Yuanzi: "Then if Wuzhuang Temple and Chanjiao were combined, Ji Chang would not necessarily think that he would lose to Chaoge."

"But our Wuzhuang Temple is neutral. Whether it is helping Chaoge or Xiqi, it is all done by a few human disciples of Bu Ran and Don't Forget for the human race. It can represent the power of Wuzhuang Temple, but it cannot represent us. Two." Hongyun still insisted on her own idea and tried her best to persuade Zhen Yuanzi.

Zhen Yuanzi hesitated for a moment. He said that if he did not avenge Kong Xuan's revenge, he would be a teacher in vain. He must teach Yuanshi a big lesson.

"In this case, will Ji Chang continue to believe in Zhong Mo Wang and the Nine-Headed Pheasant Essence?" Zhen Yuanzi has been persuaded by Hong Yun.

Hongyun also thought about it carefully. Although he didn't think of a better way, he still felt that the previous arrangement did not need to be changed:
"Ji Changdu has already seen the useless disciples of Chanjiao. Even if Chanjiao can give him tempting benefits, he will not give up the assistance of Mo Wang and the Nine-Headed Pheasant Essence."

"Furthermore, the Nine-Headed Pheasant is a descendant of Guiche. To you and me, she is just a little demon with a meager bloodline from a branch of the Phoenix Clan. But in the eyes of the human race, isn't a descendant of the Phoenix Clan more noble than the nine-tailed fox beside Di Xin? ? Even if it is to show that he is destined, Ji Chang will not give up the Nine-Headed Pheasant Essence."

Zhen Yuanzi paused and finally nodded. He is too kind-hearted. Even if he is very angry now, he can't think of any conspiracy suitable for Chan Jiao now.

Hongyun saw Zhen Yuanzi's dissatisfaction and took the initiative to give her an idea: "Actually, it's not difficult to vent this bad breath. Although it can't relieve the hatred immediately, it can still make Yuan Shi feel heartbroken."

"Now Yun Zhongzi has died in Kong Xuan's belly, and one of the twelve golden immortals has been lost. As long as two of them die, the heavenly stems and earthly branches where the fate of the teachings lies will be out of balance. This is more disturbing to Yuan Shi than the death of his disciple. I feel bad." Zhen Yuanzi nodded and returned to Wuzhuang Temple first.

Hongyun was stunned for a moment behind him. Did he leave it to him?

Sure enough, it was him who did such immoral things. Hongyun sighed and followed back to Wuzhuang Temple.

As for the candidate who will go to kill the disciples of Chan Cult, Hongyun has already decided.

This person needs to be a quasi-sage, and he has no direct relationship with him and Zhen Yuanzi, so it has nothing to do with the fate of a saint.

The most suitable candidate is Kong Xuan, but Kong Xuan is seriously injured, and the only candidates chosen from the prehistoric quasi-sages are Kunpeng and Styx.

Yuan Shi always looked at people with cold eyes and his nostrils turned upward. None of the old-fashioned creatures in the ancient world could take a fancy to him. Hongyun extended an olive branch to Kunpeng. As long as he killed one or two disciples of Chanjiao, he could go directly to the demon world. With his quasi-sage cultivation, he could accomplish a lot after all.

Kunpeng has been hiding in the deep sea to practice since the Lich War, but he has been unable to move forward. Although he knew that there would be no chance of becoming a saint, he still felt a great sense of disparity in his heart when he saw that the little demons who had respected him in the past were all joining the disciples of the saint.

Now Hongyun has given him a chance to return to a high position. As long as he can kill a disciple of Chanjiao, he will definitely be inferior to ten thousand people after going to the devil world. Compared to the time in the Demon Clan, it's not much worse.

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