Chapter 316

Dashang has eight major passes.

The Youhun Pass in the east is to guard against Dong Bohou Jiang Hengchu.

Sanshanguan in the south was built to guard against Nanbohou E Chongyu.

Chentangguan in the northeast was to guard against Beibohou Chonghouhu.

The remaining passes such as Sishui Pass, Tongguan, Lintong Pass, Chuanyunguan, and Jiepaiguan are all in the west, guarding Xibohou Jichang.

Sishui Pass is the most central pass in the west, and Our Lady of Fire Spirit has been waiting for the start of the war in this Sishui Pass.

But on this day, a Taoist priest appeared at Sishui Pass and said: "Our Lady of Fire Spirit, get out of here."

A loud shout sounded in the sky above Sishui Pass.

The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit was instantly furious and rushed out of Sishui Pass.

She is a sage's sect and is the direct descendant of the third generation of Chanjiao. She has never been provoked like this since she transformed. How could she bear such a cowardly attitude?

But as soon as she flew out, she saw that the Heaven-turning Seal, magnified countless times, was hitting her head violently.

Her Golden Cloud Crown, her protective magic weapon, and all her trump cards are of no use at this moment.

Because Guangchengzi didn't care about the identity of her saint disciple. With absolute cultivation, he held a huge treasure and directly crushed her, a pawn in the Golden Immortal Realm.

After a scream, the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit was beaten directly under the Heaven-turning Seal until her brain burst. A little bit of soul flew towards the list of gods.

After killing the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit, Guangchengzi took a shot of his hand, and the golden cloud crown flew up and fell into his hand.

A moment later, shouts of people who were not afraid of death came from outside Penglai Island.

"Taoist Duobao."

"Where is Taoist Duobao?"

"I, Mr. Guangcheng, have something important to see you." Tongtian was preaching to Duobao and frowned upon hearing this. He is a saint and the uncle of Guangchengzi. Guangchengzi is yelling outside his dojo. Is it a provocation?
Hearing this cry, the Jie Jiao disciples were also furious.

Jin'ao Island is the holy land of Jiejiao, but Guangchengzi is making a lot of noise here.

"Guangchengzi, you are so bold, how dare you act so arrogantly in front of me." An angry voice sounded.

Tongtian knew who the speaker was and was ready to give him a reward.

"Duobao, since Guangchengzi asked you to go out, you should go out and take a look, so as not to delay things." Tongtian closed his eyes.

Duobao bowed and walked slowly over.

"Duobao, why are you dead? It took you so long to come out!" Guangchengzi started cursing again as soon as he saw Duobao.

Duobao was originally a Duobao mouse who gained enlightenment, and was also an early disciple of Tongtian. Because of Tongtian's training and injuries, he could complete his transformation from a little demon to the top level of the ancient world.

Therefore, Duobao could not be more loyal to Tongtian.

But now, Guangchengzi actually ran to Biyou Palace and yelled.

Deceiving too much!

Duobao's murderous intent burst out instantly!

"Fellow Taoist Duobao, I haven't seen you for so many years. I didn't expect that you would still have such a hot temper."

But Guangchengzi didn't care about Taoist Duobao's anger. He smiled slightly, and then took out the Golden Cloud Crown.

"Golden Cloud Crown?" Duobao felt bad.

Because this spiritual treasure is actually the protective spiritual treasure of his disciple Fire Spirit Mother. It has the effect of invisibility and is a magic weapon that his teacher took out from Fenbaoya.

But unexpectedly, today, the personal spiritual treasure of Our Lady of Fire Spirit fell into the hands of Guang Chengzi. One can already imagine what the outcome of the Fire Spirit Madonna will be.

His beloved disciple was killed, and endless sadness and anger rose from Duobao's heart.

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