Chapter 323

"Huh? You said that the Twelve Golden Immortals represent the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches of the Heavenly Branches. If a few of them die, will Yuanshi still have to accept disciples?" Hongyun suddenly thought of something, and his eyes lit up.

Zhen Yuanzi also looked over: "Antarctic Immortal Weng, Jiang Ziya and others have different fates and origins. In order to ensure that the luck of the Chan Sect is not lost, he should be recruiting disciples."

Hongyun and Zhen Yuanzi looked at each other, suddenly smiled, and had something to do.

Zhen Yuanzi's calculations were stronger, and he was outside the way of heaven. He immediately began to look for someone who could replace Guangchengzi or Huanglong Taoist to explain the positions of heavenly stems and earthly branches.

"Demon?" Zhen Yuanzi asked in confusion.

Hongyun had no doubts. Although it was known to everyone that Yuanshi didn't like the demon clan, Huang Long also belonged to the demon clan. Tongtian was quite surprised when Yuanshi accepted his disciples!

In this way, it can be explained why Yuanshi hated Huanglong so much. After accepting his disciple, he refused to give him magic weapons or skills, and why he didn't see him for hundreds of years.

It was explained that one of the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches should be a demon clan, and he had to accept him, and he was really disgusted, so he did this.

"Where is it?" Hongyun came closer again.

Zhen Yuanzi: "Meishan"

Meishan? The Seven Monsters of Meishan?
Hongyun had a guess in her mind and asked again: "Do you know who it is or what it is transformed into?"

Zhen Yuanzi shook his head. The heavenly secrets were chaotic. Even the calculations by the saints were always inaccurate. Zhen Yuanzi was like this, and Hongyun was even worse.

Hongyun: "Then Chuanyin Huiyu, let him go to Meishan to observe if there are any useful people in Meishan!"

Ao Bing's cultivation level was not high and he had a grudge against Chanjiao. Hongyun was worried that he would be targeted by Chanjiao when he went out and he would not be able to escape. And Yusheng and Yuheng were inseparable, one of them was not very smart, and Hongyun was not worried either.

"Let Ao Bing go. Although he has only been introduced for a short period of time, he still needs actual combat to make progress in his eight or nine profound skills." Zhen Yuanzi went to Hongyun without comment. It was just an errand. Zhen Yuanzi was not worried about Ao Bing's safety. Hongyun still cares about so many things.

As for Ao Bing... give him more life-saving means!

"Ao Bing~" Zhen Yuanzi called softly

Ao Bing was meditating in his room. When he heard the summons, he hurried over and saluted: "Meet Master, Saint Hongyun."

Zhen Yuanzi saw that Ao Bing was now in the middle stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal and was about to break through, so he gave him a five-needle pine:

"This thing can help you break through. After you take it, go to Meishan to find a demon."

"Don't make any noise and hide your figure. The demon's cultivation level should be not low and outstanding. Once you find it, send it to Wuzhuang Temple."

Although Ao Bing didn't know why Zhen Yuanzi assigned such a task, it was the first thing Zhen Yuanzi assigned to him. He was inevitably excited and secretly determined to do it beautifully.

He took the five-needle pine tree with both hands and said, "Thank you, Master. I will definitely live up to my command!"

"Success or failure is not important. Life is the most important. If you don't want to be on the list of gods, remember to be careful." Zhen Yuanzi spoke calmly, as if he didn't care whether this matter could succeed or not.

"Disciple, please keep this in mind!" Ao Bing bowed respectfully and left.
After Ao Bing left, Zhen Yuanzi raised his hand to add some tea to Hongyun's tea cup and said calmly: "Don't worry, now anyone with a discerning eye can see, we will definitely be the winners!"

Hongyun sighed lightly. He had never taken Yuanshi and Chanjiao seriously. Even if Yuanshi and Jieyin joined forces, he was not afraid.

He was thinking not only about conferring the gods to measure the calamity, but also about the battle between Hongjun and the way of heaven after the calamity was over.

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