Chapter 324

If Yuanshi wins, the destiny of heaven will be stronger. If the way of heaven prevails, even if the Chanjiao falls apart, their side will be liquidated. However, although Hongyun is a saint, he has no way to help Hongjun. He can only find a way to defeat Chanjiao and destroy Tiandao's plan.

Hongyun thoughtfully picked up the tea cup on the table and drank it.

"Is this tea okay for you to drink?" Zhen Yuanzi suddenly changed the subject, leaving Hongyun stunned.

This tea? What's wrong?
Isn’t it the enlightenment tea that I have been drinking for so many years? The old tea that is more than a thousand years old has been well preserved and has not lost its spiritual energy. Is there any difference?

Hongyun took another sip to taste

"This tea... Dao Yun is still there, the spiritual energy is rich, and the fragrance lingers on the lips and teeth after printing, is it very good?" Hongyun didn't know what Zhen Yuanzi was asking, so she had to praise it.

Zhen Yuanzi smiled slightly and looked at the teacup in Hongyun's hand: "You are using my teacup, is it okay?"

"Ahem~" Hongyun choked on her saliva and quickly put down the tea cup.

"Give it back!"

Just as he was about to put the teacup back, he remembered that he had already used it. Hongyun wanted to push his teacup over again, but after picking it up, he remembered that he had also used this teacup. No matter which one he gave him, it would be bad.

"Hahahaha~" Zhen Yuanzi was in a good mood when he saw Hongyun's flustered expression. It was rare for him to laugh so freely, with a hint of constriction.

"Okay, it's just a teacup, what's there to care about? Hongyun couldn't have forgotten that you have worn even my underwear!" Zhen Yuanzi took away Hongyun's teacup and drank it all.

Hongyun's face turned red. She was wearing his underwear, so it was clearly an accident.

Hongyun simply got up and went back to the room, not listening to Zhen Yuanzi's specious words. I don’t know what’s going on now, I’m becoming more and more careless, and I’m not afraid of being heard by Heaven. If Heaven knew about it, then who would the wicked thing tell this matter to?
Zhen Yuanzi glanced at Hongyun's back, put down the teacup in his hand, and followed.

Soon, Ao Bing had lived in Meishan for three months, hiding himself and observing a kind of fairy in Meishan.

There are now seven monsters on Meishan Mountain, known as the Seven Monsters of Meishan Mountain.

These seven monsters are naturally nothing among saint disciples like them. But in Meishan, it is the leading force.

There is also Yuan Hong, who is a Taoist master of the Great Ape, and is already at the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivation. If he hadn't taken the five-needle pine breakthrough, I'm afraid he still wouldn't be Yuan Hong's opponent.

Moreover, he also discovered that the exercises practiced by Yuan Hong were actually the Eighty-nine Mysterious Techniques, but the exercises were incomplete. Although they were powerful, they had hidden dangers.

Ao Bing also benefited from seeing Yuan Hong practicing in the mountains every day. After all, it was a very similar cultivation method. Ao Bing could see the problems in his own practice by watching Yuan Hong.

Time flies, and another three months have passed.

Ao Bing was meditating when he suddenly heard the sound of fighting in the distance. Looking up, he saw a white ape and a ferocious six-winged golden cicada fighting in the forest.

Where they fought, mountains collapsed and vegetation was destroyed, showing the intensity of the fight.

The six-winged golden cicada can actually be on par with the monkey, which is really powerful.

Ao Bing couldn't help but become even more fascinated when he saw it. He lacked actual combat experience and he had never fought. Nowadays, it is the same when Yuan Hong, who has the same skills as him, fights another person who has similar cultivation level to him.

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