Chapter 329

The Seven Monsters of Meishan watched Ao Bing enter Wuzhuang Temple, and then waited patiently.

Jin Dasheng whispered: "Brother, do you think the saint will let us practice here?"

Yuan Hong quickly scolded: "Stop talking, the saint can hear you."

Yuan Hong was unsure before arriving at Wanshou Mountain, but since he went to Wanshou Mountain and saw the goblins on the road who did not shy away from them, he knew that Ao Bing's words were true.

This Wanshou Mountain is rich in aura, and there are no turf wars among goblins. There is no need to hide from disciples of saints like Ao Bing, and there is no need to bow down when they meet. It is not a holy place for goblins like them to practice.

In Wuzhuang Temple, Ao Bing reported everything. When they heard that he had brought back all the seven monsters of Meishan, Hongyun and Zhen Yuanzi looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Hongyun’s plan is to let the monster worship the Chan Cult and work as an undercover agent!

This is great, all the powerful people have been brought back, and the plan has completely failed.

However, Ao Bing cannot be blamed for this matter. No one expected to meet Yang Jian.

Hongyun sighed: "Just let them practice in Longevity Mountain. Remember to warn them that private fights are not allowed in Longevity Mountain."

"Yes!" Ao Bing got the order and was about to go out.
But after taking a few steps, he stopped and said, "Master, I wonder if the person I'm looking for is right?"

"The disciple also saw a six-winged golden cicada, which was extremely ferocious and had the cultivation level of the Taiyi Golden Immortal at its peak. However, the disciple didn't know where it was and couldn't bring it back."

Zhen Yuanzi almost laughed out loud at this stupid disciple. He did such a ridiculous thing and actually wanted to take credit.

Hongyun: "You go down first!"

Ao Bing was speechless now and left the main hall to find the Seven Monsters of Meishan. Hongyun: "Hahahaha~"

"You, my disciple, are not stupid. Why do you always have unexpected surprises when you do things?"

Zhen Yuanzi had a dark look on his face, gave Hongyun a white look and didn't respond.

After a moment, Hongyun remembered the origin of the six-winged golden cicada: "This six-winged golden cicada has a great origin. It and the other four strange insects are the lord of all poisons in the world."

"If we can gather the other four strange insects, we can form a Ten Thousand Poison Formation. The power of this formation will be second only to the Immortal Killing Sword Formation."

If they don't do anything, this six-winged golden cicada will soon become a Buddhist and be favored. Many years later, he became Tang Sanzang and traveled to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures, spreading Western Buddhism throughout the East.

But if you can gather all the mosquito Taoist, six-winged golden cicada, multi-eyed golden centipede, nine-tailed scorpion and nine-headed worm at the same time. And if they are all cultivated into Da Luo Jinxian, then they will be able to form a Ten Thousand Poison Formation.

Hongyun had heard Luo Hou talk about this formation before. The power of this Ten Thousand Poison Formation was even more powerful than the Nine-Meandering Yellow River Formation. The power will be second only to the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

It's just that Hongyun didn't like such poisons, so she forgot about it after hearing about it. She only remembered it now when she learned that the six-winged golden cicada appeared.

Zhen Yuanzi frowned slightly: "What's the use of practicing such a sinister formation?"

"You and I have no rivals among saints in our cultivation, so why bother using that disgusting thing to refine the formation?"

Zhen Yuanzi has always been aboveboard in his methods and has always hated poisons like these. And he didn't want Hongyun to be contaminated with that kind of filth.

Hongyun hesitated for a moment. It was indeed of little use, but it was better than asking him to join Buddhism!

Even if it’s just to get a disciple, it’s worth it!
"I have a vague feeling that the six-winged golden cicada should be used by me!" This is the simplest excuse, the intuition of a saint.

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