Chapter 330

Zhen Yuanzi looked at Hongyun for a while and did not object. He just asked, "Then do you know where the other four strange insects are now?"

Hongyun stared at Zhen Yuanzi, winked at the goblin, and shook his head.

Zhen Yuanzi instantly understood what Hong Yun meant, glared at Hong Yun, and began to calculate helplessly.

After a while, Zhen Yuanzi sighed again and said:

"The other three strange insects are currently only Taiyi Golden Immortal. They can be brought back by just sending any disciple. But the bloodthirsty black mosquito among them has quite a big background, and it has now reached the peak of Daluo. Think about it. To bring him back, unless we take action personally, it will be... difficult!"

Hongyun: "The bloodthirsty black mosquito?" The mosquito Taoist who sucked up the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit?


Zhen Yuanzi: "This bloodthirsty black mosquito is powerful, has thousands of incarnations, and lives on the sea of ​​blood in the netherworld. The ability to escape is first-rate. Even if Kong Xuan was not injured, it would be quite difficult to catch this bloodthirsty black mosquito. .”

The Netherworld Blood Sea is naturally at home to monsters like bloodthirsty black mosquitoes.

But the Netherworld Blood Sea is the territory of Styx. In the Netherworld Blood Sea, there is no monster more powerful than Styx!
They couldn't catch it, so why not let Styx bring it over?

"The River Styx is now in the demon world!" Hongyun raised her chin with a relaxed look on her face.

Zhen Yuanzi couldn't help but be startled, yes, with their current status, in addition to their disciples, there are countless people they can control!

It's just that he has to be involved with the annoying world of mortals again.

'Ding! 10,000 points of bad virtue have been received! ’

Hongyun had almost forgotten that she had a system when she suddenly heard this mechanical sound, which was quite friendly.

'You haven't appeared for a long time! ''Ding! It's because the host ignores the system too much. It clearly owns the system but does nothing. '

"Then I'll send a message to Styx and ask him for help." In order to prevent Hongyun from contacting Hongchen, Zhen Yuanzi spoke first and took the matter into his own hands.

Hongyun originally wanted to chat with the system for a few more words, but was interrupted by Zhen Yuanzi, so she had to put it aside for the time being.

"Go directly to Styx?"

Hongyun looked over in confusion. Since when did they have a relationship with Styx? Shouldn't they be looking for Hongchen?
Zhen Yuanzi avoided Hongyun's eyes: "I will arrange this matter, so you don't have to worry about it."

"Oh~" It's not a big deal, Hongyun didn't even think about it.

"I can also pinch and count. The other three strange insects are in Poison Mountain, Huanghua Temple, and Bibo Pond, right?" Hongyun thought of several goblins that appeared in the plot of Journey to the West, and began to show off to Zhen Yuanzi. .

Zhen Yuanzi had no doubts. Although Hongyun was not as good as him in divination, he was still a saint. Counting a few goblins with Taiyi cultivation level, he could do it. Hongyun should be able to do it too.
However, Zhen Yuanzi still didn't want to see Hongyun acting like this. He turned around and asked a few questions with a smile:

"Then how are you going to arrange it?"

"After catching five kinds of strange insects, how do you refine the formation?"

"After the formation is successfully refined, where will it be used?"

Hongyun was stunned for a moment, what's so difficult about this?
"Hui Yu is the Great Luo Golden Immortal. Although Yu Sheng and Yu Heng are unreliable, their cultivation level is not low. What's the difficulty for them to catch a few insects with Tai Yi cultivation level?"

"Aren't you pretty good at refining formations? You can't refine a Five Poisons formation?"

"As for where to use it... you can put it anywhere, it doesn't matter if you leave it unused, it doesn't matter!"

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