original sword god

014 Tricky Demon Race

The patriarch of the Feng clan originally looked down on Sanqing very much, and with the fact that Tongtian stole the treasure house of the Feng clan, Feng Tian, ​​the patriarch of the Feng clan, despised him very much.But for the luck of the Feng clan, he didn't make it difficult for Tongtian, he just locked him up and didn't make it difficult.In addition, Tongtian only has the high-level cultivation of the Da Luo Jinxian, which is nothing to the Phoenix Clan. There are only three masters of the quasi-sage, the Dragon Clan has three, the Phoenix Clan and the Qilin Clan also have two, and the Feng Clan is the top master of the Da Luo Jinxian. There are more than ten people.So this time they summoned experts to join forces to deal with the demons, and they didn't want to contact Sanqing in the first place.

But Luo Hu's roar was known to all Honghuang.It was rumored in the past that Luo Hu could escape under Luo Hu, at least he was a master of the same level as Luo Hu, even if he was low, he couldn't fall there.It was difficult to ask for it.

After Lao Tzu and Tong Tian got the invitation from the Feng Clan, they wanted to leave earlier and urged Yuan Yuan to leave overnight.When I arrived at the stone room where Yuan Yuan lived, I saw Yuan Yuan holding a cup of tea and drinking it vigorously.

"Big brother, the third brother is here, sit down!" After finishing speaking, two futons appeared out of thin air around the coffee table in the stone room. Tong Tian was not polite when he saw this, sat down cross-legged, picked up the teapot and poured it into his mouth, gurgling a pot The tea bottomed out quickly.On the contrary, Yuan Yuan and Lao Tzu were stunned.

"The cow chews the peony, Xiantian tea has been ruined by this reckless man just like that!" Yuan Yuan looked regretful. "Looks like I can't invite Tong Tian to drink tea in the future!"

"The elder brother and the third younger brother are here for the invitation of the Feng clan?" Yuan Yuan asked while sitting.

"Yes, brother, what do you mean, when will you leave?" Tong Tian asked eagerly.Lao Tzu is God.But anyone can see the light in the eyes.Yuan Yuan has sharp eyes and has seen it a long time ago, "It's still not enough heart!"

Didn't say anything, Yuan was still sipping tea, Lao Tzu took a look at Yuan, his eyes slowly closed, Yuan was also out of his mind.At this time, Tong Tian was a little confused, wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask, Yuan Yuan just wanted to laugh.

"This matter is not urgent, the time has not yet come, third brother, don't worry, I have my own measure!" Yuan Yuan finally spoke.

"Oh, everything is up to my brother's orders!" Tong Tian lowered his eyebrows for a while, as if he was completely listening to Yuan Yuan's orders, Yuan Yuan looked at him and nodded.

"Going at this time will make others look down upon you!" Yuan Yuan explained.

Both Lao Tzu and Tong Tian are relieved!

After a few months, the Feng Clan sent someone to invite them again!Only then did Yuan Yuan nod in agreement, and discussed with the elders of the Feng clan to go together.

Along the way, Yuanyuan walked slowly, only walking for half a day in a day, resting for the rest of the time, Er Qing knew that Yuanyuan must have a reason for doing this, and followed him halfway.

The two elders of the Feng clan urged many times, but Yuanyuan used various reasons to shirk.Seeing no results, but the patriarch of the Feng clan ordered Sanqing to go there.So along the way, the elders of the Feng clan were tossed a lot.I hate the original so much.

A one-month journey, it took two and a half months for Yuanyuan to arrive.

When they arrived at the residence of the Feng Clan, the two elders met with each other.After sneaking a hard look at the original trio, they went down to rest.

At this time, all the big names in the wild have been present for a long time.This time at the base of the Feng Clan, all the famous people in the prehistoric are invited, they are the Chaos Demon God Ancestor Hongjun, the Ancestor Qiankun, the Ancestor Cangqiong, the Ancestor Yinyang, the elders of the other three clans, and the innate God Nuwa Niangniang, God Fuxi, Immortal Zhenyuan and his friends Hongyun Patriarch, Minghe, Kunpeng and more than a dozen others are all of Daluo Jinxian's cultivation level or above.

After the Yuan trio bowed to the Chaos Demon Gods, they sat down on the lower seat of the Yin-Yang Patriarch and did not speak.This position had been arranged long ago, but after Yuan took his seat, people from the three tribes below were discussing a lot, and they all refused to accept this arrangement.It turns out that the cultivation level that Yuanyuan showed at this time is exactly that of Da Luo Jinxian's peak.Among the three clans, there are many people with quasi-sage and above cultivation levels, and it is a shame to sit at the head of the Sanqing.They shouted in a mess.

The patriarch of the Feng clan was also quite regretful at this time. He had known that only the cultivation base of the peak of Daluo Jinxian was originally, so he rearranged his position.But this is not the time to preach.

The only ancestor Hongjun who knew the original cultivation base looked at the original cultivation base and frowned.

"The meeting has officially started. This time, the great gods are invited to come here to jointly deal with the demons. Everyone knows that the demons are ambitious and want to dominate the prehistoric world. The previous few things were all instigated by the demon ancestor Luohu Humans did it, the facts are undeniable." The Feng Clan patriarch began to say.

There was a burst of noise from below, Fengtian waved his hand, the noise disappeared, and Fengtian felt satisfied for a while.

"This time, everyone is invited to brainstorm. If you have any ideas, please tell us and we can discuss them together!" After finishing speaking, Feng Tian sat down.

There was a moment of silence, and there was no sound.

It's cold!The patriarch of the Feng clan was annoyed for a while, but he saw that the patriarch of the Feng clan had a look at the patriarch of the Qilin clan who had always been in close contact with him. His eyes were extremely dark, but Yuan Yuan, who had been staring at Fengtian all the time, looked straight at him.

"It's weird!" Yuan Yuan was alerted, and hurriedly lowered his head and followed his eyes.However, he was seen by Hongjun who had been staring at the original for a while, and the ancestor Hongjun frowned.

Mo Yun said at this time, "The demons are very ambitious. My three tribes have confronted them many times before, and all of them suffered heavy casualties. Moreover, the demons have a special ability, that is, they can turn people into demons and use them for themselves."

"Hiss!" After hearing these words, the congenital masters below took a deep breath, feeling cold on the soles of their feet!

"But you don't have to worry, only people below the peak of Daluo Jinxian who are mentally ill can be demonized!"

The innate god below was relieved this time.

Seeing this group of congenital gods being fooled by these two bastards for a while, Yuan Yuan felt angry, "You bastards are all cannon fodder in the catastrophe, but you dare to act like this, I will not forgive you! "

Yuanyuan spoke at this time, "Dare to ask Patriarch Mo Yun, how many demons are there?"

At first, they were fooled when they saw it, and their plan was disrupted by Yuanyuan. Feng Tian and Mo Yun were furious at this moment, and hesitated to answer.

"Patriarch Mo Yun, please answer the question from Primordial Fellow Daoist just now!" It was the outspoken Ancestor Hong Yun who spoke.There was another echo from below.

Feng Tian and Mo Yun were secretly thinking, when the demons are removed, all of you innate gods will die!

"The number of Demon Clan is about tens of billions, comparable to that of Feng Clan." Feng Tian said.

"How about the cultivation of the demons?" Yuan Yuan asked again.

"At this time, the number of quasi-sage cultivators in the demon clan is about [-], and there are hundreds of thousands of Da Luo Jinxian masters!" Feng Tian also gave up at this time.

"Dare to ask the original Taoist friend, do you have a clever plan?" Mo Yun hated the original at this time, and deliberately made it difficult.

Yuanyuan had already made up his mind, but he said: "The cultivation level of the seniors here is much higher than the three brothers like me, it's better for you to make up your mind."

"Since Yuanyuan has a plan, then you can tell it and listen to it." Hongjun opened his eyes at this time and said something.

"Since the senior has spoken, I will not hide my secrets. I actually have a plan in my heart." Yuan Yuan took a sip of water and continued: "The number of demons is large, and there are many masters with low cultivation bases, and I wait for the innate The number of gods is too small. I would like to divide it into three groups first. Please ask the patriarch of the Feng clan to lead the subordinates of the Feng clan to lead the way. Use away the power of the demons."

Zhulong and the other tribes were furious, "No, you great gods haven't been assigned yet!"

snort!You bastards are also waiting for you, Yuan Yuan sneered in his heart. "Our innate masters are very few in number, only a few dozen. How about we deal with the masters of the quasi-sage and above of the demon race?"

"It's reasonable, let's do it like this!" Hongjun and other Chaos Demon Gods and Innate Gods were very satisfied, and they all agreed with each other.

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