original sword god

original sword god


362 Chapters Ongoing Status

Traveling through the chaos is not uncommon for Pangu to worship him, so what about beheading Luohu, fighting Hongjun, and breaking the way of heaven?The beheaded corpse turns into a demon ancestor, the luck of the demon religion gre


Traveling through the chaos is not uncommon for Pangu to worship him, so what about beheading Luohu, fighting Hongjun, and breaking the way of heaven?The beheaded corpse turns into a demon ancestor, the luck of the demon religion greatly increases, the four religions enshrine the gods, Taoism, Buddha and demons fight against each other, interpreting a different fairy tale novel Journey to the West!Under the notoriety, there is a saying in the prehistoric world: If you offend the primitive Taoist, then you should kill yourself, don't hurt others because of you! !Recommended works by friends: Urban genre: "Rebirth: The Wind and Cloud", "Campus Agent", "School Girl Killer" Fantasy genre: "Half God", "Crazy Young Man in Another World" Xianxia genre: "The Slayer of the Great Desolation" , "Heaven's Punishment God" female frequency book: "Baby Neighborhood", "Power and Beauty" online game category: "Online Game Shadow Legend"

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