original sword god

072 Birth of Asura Demon Race

The visitor disregarded the guards and came in safe and sound. It was indeed the Heavenly Emperor Taiyi.

Ye Jiu and Xi reconciled until Tai Yi came in casually, ignoring the big formation. They were shocked at first, and then burst out laughing. dressed up.

The middle-aged Donghuang Taiyi wore a golden crown on his head. It turned out to be a high-up cloud bun dressed as a monk, which was completely covered by the golden crown. These huge night pearls were inlaid on the golden crown. He was wearing a golden crown. Rhubarb robes, black cloud shoes on the feet, such an appearance, the original looks like the emperor in the movie in the later generations, and I have seen this in the prehistoric period, the more Ye Jiu and Xihe looked at it, the more funny it was The one who couldn't stop laughing leaned forward and backward, only smiling too red-faced.Taiyi couldn't help complaining in his heart: "Why does the boss want me to dress up like this, but this dress is very ugly."

But then he thought: "But it is indeed majestic, with the air of the ninety-nine supreme being that the boss said."

Carefully sizing up the beauty in front of him, Tai Yi couldn't help but look straight again. It's just that he hasn't seen her for a hundred years. Xi He has become more clear, but her charming look has become more intense.

Xi He smiled slightly, seeing Tai Yi's face like Brother Pig, couldn't help turning red, Tai Yi was even more unbearable, two drops of saliva fell from the corners of his mouth.Seeing this, Xi He spat, and hastily asked with a serious face, "What is the purpose of the Heavenly Emperor here?"

It was only at the beginning that Tai remembered the original intention of coming to Taiyin Xing, which was to pick Xihe back and get married.Looking at Ye Jiu who was staring at him in a daze not far away, Tai Yi gestured for him to avoid him.

Yejiu had heard about Tai's disturbance in Master's wedding, and heard that Emperor Tai had plans for Master and his wife, so naturally he refused to agree and just pretended not to understand.Tai Yi repeatedly tilted his head to signal, Ye Jiu pretended to be more and more incomprehensible.Seeing this, Xihe said to Yejiu: "Yejiu, wait in the outer room first. I want to discuss something with the Emperor of Heaven. You should avoid it first. Without my permission, no one is allowed to enter."

Ye Jiu was stunned for a moment, with an expression of extreme reluctance, and said nonchalantly, "Master, this..."

"Follow my orders and do not disobey them!" Xi He said solemnly.

Ye Jiu had no choice but to bow his head and lead the order to go out, but no one saw the murderous intent that flashed in Tai's eyes, and this murderous intent naturally went towards Ye Jiu.

After waiting outside for only 10 minutes, Ye Jiu felt as if his days were like years and he had experienced countless tortures.Finally, the door opened, and Tai Yi with a satisfied face and Xi He, who was neatly dressed, came out of the room. Although the two monsters seemed to be fine, the shyness on Xi He's face could be hidden from Ye Jiu all these years In the old world, Ye Jiu couldn't help complaining for Master, and sighed in his heart, it's over!

Suddenly, Ye Jiu thought about it, and this kind of thing is common in the prehistoric world. Thinking of this, his mind calmed down, but when he suddenly thought that Tai Yi had only entered for 10 minutes, he couldn't help showing a burst of contempt on his face.Seeing this, Tai Yi couldn't help blushing, with a serious threat in his eyes, Ye Jiu hurriedly retracted his mind, Xi He's face was rosy, and he naturally saw the eye contact between the two, with a shy look in his eyes.

At this time, saving one's life is the priority, Ye Jiu hurriedly took a step back and knelt down on the ground, shouting: "Disciple Ye Jiu, please refer to the master and uncle, congratulations to the master and master, and the heavenly emperor's master's birthday!"

He had already noticed that Ye Jiu also practiced the same technique, but Tai Yi didn't think that Ye Jiu would threaten him at all, and Ye Jiu only had the high-level cultivation of Taiyi Golden Immortal, so Tai Yi didn't care too much , but as everyone knows, a hundred years ago, Ye Jiu had just entered the cultivation base of Taiyi True Immortal.Taiyi snorted slightly, and then asked lazily: "You, the apprentice that brother accepted before he died, why is your cultivation base so low?"

Ye Jiu was speechless for a while: "What are you talking about? As an uncle, at least you have to let me get up and tell you about your brother Di Jun. This is what an uncle should do!" Himself, Ye Jiu must accept the punishment of Tai Yi, but the punishment is not too heavy, Ye Jiu bowed his head and said, "I tell my uncle, yes, after Master accepted me as an apprentice on Mount Buzhou, Zhu Rong forced me, and Master took me Send it off, and then, and then..."

As she said that, Ye Jiu's tone was choked up, and she couldn't continue. Tai Yi heard that, her eyes were slightly red, while Xi He's tears were streaming down her face.Taiyi took a deep breath, stretched out his hand to help, and Yejiu stood up quickly and wisely.

Speechless, at night nine, Xihe and the ten children followed Taiyi back to the heavenly court.

Not long after, a red light appeared in the sky. It was Tiandi Taiyi who returned with Xihe and his party as a rainbow. Outside the Nantianmen, Kunpeng, Primordial Heavenly Demon, Styx and Fuxi were waiting to welcome them.

Inside and outside the heavenly court, there were lanterns and festoons everywhere. The emperor of heaven invited distinguished guests from all over the prehistoric place for his grand wedding. Originally, Tai Yi planned to have a grand wedding, but Xi He, who was married for the second time, kept blocking it.It's just an announcement to the world, and it's just a feast for everyone in the heaven.

The wedding was held in the heavenly court, and it was simply organized under the auspices of the elder Primordial Heavenly Demon.The ten golden crows were still young and didn't understand the meaning of this matter. At the wedding ceremony, they smiled and happily toasted all the uncles. These uncles looked at the ten princes and stood up to return the salute, but they all thought in their hearts: "What will happen if they know the truth of the matter when they are old!"

In today's prehistoric times, the inside and outside are chaotic, and there is no manner at all. It is common for an uncle to marry a sister-in-law. Besides, Taiyi promised Xihe to avenge his brother Di Jun, and made a series of big plans for Xihe. Only then did she agree to Taiyi's request and marry Taiyi with a broken body.But Tai Yi didn't know that the main reason was the ten little Golden Crows. After leaving her husband Di Jun, the ten little Golden Crows were the most precious things in Xi He's heart. Although apprentice Ye Jiu said that there was a place for her to live in seclusion, In the prehistoric world, is there any place that heaven can't find!

As an apprentice, Ye Jiu joined the Red Sleeve Hall, which was originally the residence of Xi He, but now the residence of the ten little Golden Crows.Now that the Golden Crow is still young, it can't even maintain its human form for a long time before it runs out of mana.Of course, Tai Yi didn't want to give Ye Jiu a high status, and Ye Jiu also wanted to fulfill his master's last wish, so he naturally took good care of his master's widow, but he didn't show any interest in the affairs of the heavenly court, which won Tai Yi's approval. In this way, a hundred years passed slowly.


The Wu Clan, Di Jiang above the main hall frowned for a long time and could not relax. The death of the sixth brother caused these brothers and sisters to suffer a lot. With the order of the Taoist ancestor, the Wu Clan did not dare to act without authorization. Di Jiang sighed .

A few ancestral witches who were distracted turned their heads, and Di Jiang took a quick look and asked, "Why didn't the younger sister Houtu come? Could it be that she went to the Eye of the East China Sea again?"

The low-ranking ancestor witches nodded silently, and their hearts were full of pity for Gonggong ancestor witches.

Ever since Gonggong Zuwu was trapped by Hongjun's magic power and suppressed in the Eye of the East China Sea, he has been dumbfounded. Apart from sitting in a daze every day, he hit the wall of the East China Sea Eye fiercely. It was useless to persuade him. Only the young girl Houtu can get close.Houtu would stay in the Eye of the East China Sea every day, watching the fifth brother slam into the Eye of the East China Sea fiercely, Houtu did not stop it, it was useless, when Gonggong stopped, Houtu went to Gonggong to defend Gonggong wiped the dirty things on his face, but Gonggong also remained motionless and let the back soil do what he did.

On this day, Houtu was also in a frenzy of heart and mind, and just came out of the East China Sea, Houtu followed his feelings all the way to the north. Along the way, he saw many monsters eating the scene called Human Race. There were human and demon corpses everywhere. Seeing countless monster races surrounding a few human races and attacking them, Houtu has a kind heart and wants to ask for help.But then I thought about it, and suddenly remembered something, but after seeing the death of the human race, the souls of the tragic death of the human race and the monster race kept looking north, howling.

On the sea of ​​blood, Houtu witnessed what he thought was the cruelest thing.

The Nether Blood Sea was originally formed by Pangu's navel, with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles. Blood waves billowed in it, fish and shrimps were not happy, birds and insects did not come, and all the hostile energy of the world gathered here. , in order to alleviate the formation of explosive murderous aura and ghostly death aura that are increasingly accumulated in the world, the sea of ​​blood circulates day and night, absorbing the most turbid and most insidious things in the world.No matter people, immortals, ghosts, witches, or demons fall into it, they will be polluted by them, their souls will be damaged, their bodies will be damaged, and they will be extremely vicious.

Styx is the lord of the sea of ​​blood. Styx was conceived from the sea of ​​blood. After listening to Daozu Hongjun, he wanted to practice Taoism in meditation and ignore the prehistoric things. He acted very low-key. , although they are respectful in front of them, they always want to get rid of their control behind their backs. Ghosts have nowhere to hide.Styx was not surprised but pleased when he saw this.

It is said that after every great war in Honghuang, there are many lonely souls and wild ghosts with nowhere to hide. Only a small number of souls have the opportunity to cultivate ghosts and immortals. , There are also some resentful souls who can turn into resentful spirits after death, and their supernatural powers are comparable to heaven.

Looking at the human race that Empress Nuwa had long ago, Styx suddenly had an idea to lead these souls into the sea of ​​blood. Under the attraction of sea water, they kept rushing into the sea of ​​blood, eroded by the evil spirit of the sea of ​​blood, lost After reincarnation, Styx poured his body's essence and blood, which made Styx produce a new species of Asura demons that had never appeared in the prehistoric. What is beautiful.It is flirtatious, but there is still a disadvantage, that is, the Asuras cannot reproduce on their own.Fortunately, there is chaos in the prehistoric world. Every day, there are monsters and humans, monsters and witches fighting, and countless souls are killed. It took a hundred years for the ancestor of Styx to create hundreds of thousands of Asuras. The ancestor of the demon clan, Styx He, gained merits and virtues, and because of this, his cultivation level increased greatly, and he chopped off the second corpse with the Lingbao Abi sword.Seeing the hope of beheading the third corpse again, Patriarch Styx began to lose his mind and desperately gathered his soul.

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