original sword god

025 Earning 3 demons

Time flies like lightning, and in the blink of an eye, ten thousand years have passed since the last catastrophe.

During this period of time, although there was a prelude to the friction between the witch clan and the monster clan in the prehistoric world, there were no major conflicts between the two clans after all, and the high-level leaders of both sides acquiesced to small frictions.

It is said that after Dijun and Taiyi changed their names, they were very conceited, thinking that the prehistoric place could be visited, and kept provoking struggles among the small clans. The patriarchs and important leaders of the small clans handed over a trace of primordial spirit and threw it into the demon banner to obey their own orders.This made everyone of all ethnic groups in the prehistoric area feel in danger. From then on, all ethnic groups in the prehistoric area restrained their subordinates and forcibly prohibited them from going out.

After several times of reproduction, Honghuang presents a scene of peace and prosperity, and slowly restores the prosperity of the dragon and phoenix catastrophe.

Searching for many places along the way, Dijun and Taiyi recruited a few Honghuang Loose Cultivator little demons.Di Jun thought so arrogantly in his heart, and his mood immediately improved.Tai Yi has an irritable personality, but he is straightforward in nature, and has always obeyed his elder brother. When he sees his elder brother happy, he dances with joy.

From then on, the two of them led the newly recruited younger brother to provoke disputes and rob everywhere, and people in the prehistoric world called them "two big pests!"

In other words, the general trend of the world, the long-term unity must be divided, and the long-term division must be united.In the prehistoric world, there was no oppression from dragons and phoenixes and other major clans. After tens of thousands of years of chaos, a few powerful monsters finally appeared.

After the Phoenix clan fell from the market, there was a little bird named Hongfeng in the Yafeng clan. It looked a bit like a phoenix. It was all red, but it had six legs and four pairs of wings, but it had no brains.

Although Hongfeng has no brains, he is a member of the Yafeng clan after all, and the fire-fighting skills inherited by the Phoenix clan are well-learned. Coupled with his advanced cultivation, he gradually unified the south of the prehistoric region, faintly showing the second appearance of the Phoenix clan. .It is said that this Yafeng secretly obtained the magic weapon in the treasure house of the Feng clan, and also got the support of the descendants of the Feng clan. What's more, the Feng clan has accumulated countless Yao grasses over the years, the treasures in the treasury, Linglang, and the Feng clan's alchemy skills The technique is very wonderful, using these pills to bribe many demon clans, it is only then that they have such power.

There is also an old cow named Kuangtian, with a pair of wings spread out, hair as stiff as a hedgehog, skin with leopard markings, like a leopard's blood, this cow runs very fast.With this skill, the bull is also relatively arrogant, but it is not as brainless as Hongfeng.

This Niuzui is especially able to speak, plus he has extensive knowledge. He heard that he has been baptized by the battle between dragon and phoenix, so he often gathers a group of monsters big and small to tell stories, tell anecdotes from the prehistoric times, and tell stories about killing gods and fighting against Rahu. There are more and more monsters, coupled with his own extremely high cultivation level, he has become the leader of the group of monsters, and gradually unified the scene of the Great Northern Continent.

There is also a water elephant with a huge body named Guangli, with a human face and a tiger body, with the tusks of a wild boar and the trunk of an elephant.This elephant has a violent temperament, but those who disobey its rulers will either be torn to pieces or trampled into flesh. Suddenly, Guangli is everywhere, and all demons avoid it, and those who are not willing to obey their rulers flee elsewhere.As a result, Guangli gradually replaced the White Tiger Clan and became the overlord of the Western Continent.

The Great Desolate East Continent has now become the world of Dijun and Taiyi. Originally, the Quartet was divided and ruled the king, and the other side had no complaints, but recently I heard that Dijun and Taiyi became the demon emperor and the demon emperor. It can be seen that their ambitions are great. Dissatisfied.

The three demon kings had thought of defeating Dijun and Taiyi in a battle, but after several trials, they found that Dijun and Taiyi were not inferior to themselves in cultivation, and they both had treasures in their hands. zero.Therefore, although Di Jun and Tai Yi passed by the base of the three demon kings, all three of them were self-aware. Yan Ming's subordinates avoided them and did not dare to order them to do anything. The three demon kings carefully managed their respective territories.

Just to say that Dijun went to the south several times to inspect, but he didn't see any trace of Hongfeng, let alone saw it, and even his subordinates didn't see it. Every time he spoke, there were only these few words, "Destroy him!", "Fuck you!" With a few rough words, Di Jun saw that Tai Yi was about to speak, and hurriedly turned his face to his counselor, the new recruit His subordinate Hu Shan asked: "Can the military have Miaoji subdue these demon kings?"

Fox Mountain is the patriarch of the Fox Clan on Huqiu Mountain near Shouyang Mountain. He has always been witty. When he saw Di Jun inquiring, he acted like a fool: "Your Majesty, do you know how well these three demon kings have cultivated?"

Without thinking, Di Jun blurted out: "Both are the pinnacle of Daluo Jinxian, comparable to me and my second brother!"

Hu Shan nodded: "Then what if the three demons disperse and face His Majesty or the Second Majesty alone?"

"We lost to us. My second brother and I both have treasures in our hands, and I also have the monster clan's treasure, the demon banner in my hand. Once this banner comes out, as long as it is a monster, it can only use about [-]% of our cultivation to face us!" Di Jun said quite proudly.

"You old fox, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd? Talk if you have something to say, and fart if you have something to say!" Tai Yi couldn't bear it anymore, and swear words came out.

Hu Shan couldn't help being depressed, and then thought about it again: "I don't communicate with you, it's too rude!" Hu Shan wiped the saliva that Tai Yi sprayed on his face, and continued to say to Di Jun: "Your Majesty thinks that if three What is the result of joining forces to deal with the two His Majesties?"

Di Jun was lost in thought, and couldn't help being overjoyed at this moment: "The military adviser means that we use a strategy to gather the three of them, and then the two of us will subdue them together, and the deployment of the three demon kings will also be ours!" Hu Shan nodded. Nodding his head, he looked at Di Jun stroking his beard with a teachable demeanor.Seeing Taiyi, I was so depressed that I just wanted to swing the treasure clock to hit him on the face a few times. I don't know how many times he can block it?Well, this is a problem! Taiyi looked at Hushan's face and thought maliciously.

Hu Shan was complacent, and suddenly felt that his soul was cold, and he screamed in his heart that it was not good, so he subconsciously walked away from Tai Yi for a few steps, and then he got better. How many shoes will I wear in the future?Hu Shan's mind was racing with small thoughts, and he secretly made up his mind.

"The Second Majesty has great powers, these three monsters are definitely not the opponents, this time they resorted to tricks, all in order not to dirty the hands of the Second Majesty!" Hu Shan's flattery hurriedly followed, and Tai Yi's face turned from cloudy to sunny .Di Jun has always known Tai Yi's tricks, seeing such a situation at this time, it is unclear.But that's what he wants under his wing, isn't he?

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