original sword god

066 The Demon Race's Conspiracy

In the Zhurong tribe, all the witches are holding a bonfire party. Thirty or fifty people gather together. The witches are either competing with each other to compete in boxing skills, drinking, eating meat, bragging and farting, or staying in a group. Let's show off our specialties to the tribe together.

The Wu Clan cultivates the physical body, and their bodies are extremely strong. The newly born Wu Clan can lift three thousand catties of heavy iron. All of them claim to be brave and good at fighting, and they have always been confident in themselves, while others are different from each other. Convinced, when the night comes every day, it is the time for them to compete.

On this day, there was a Tulu (the hero of the Wu clan) who was guarding the challenge, while the other Wu tribes were attacking players. This Tulu performed very well today, and almost all the little witches who attacked were defeated. Seeing this, all the witch tribes shouted in unison: "Tulu, Tulu." The Wu tribe of the Zhurong tribe showed a burst of jubilation.

Suddenly, a little witch under the seat was unconvinced, and shouted loudly: "If this is the case, I will become a Tulu, then I am also a Tulu."

The little witches around all felt very strange, this little witch is always timid and afraid of getting into trouble on weekdays, why would he challenge Turu of the Wu clan alone today, and one of the little witches shouted: "Wuba, don't talk nonsense, you will die if you go up. "

It sounds like the accent is quite familiar with Wu Ba, but Wu Ba didn't seem to know him, so he ignored him. I saw him crawling up the three-meter-high arena made of stones. His speed Very slow, but his hands and feet look very strong. Although he crawls very slowly, everyone's expectations for him have been strengthened.

"Wuba, Wuba!" Wuba has always worshiped the strong, and there were several voices from Wuba to support Wuba's Wuba. Seeing this, Tulu, who was guarding the ring, opened his mouth and laughed: " Well done, you are a man, hurry up and fight with me."

Wuba seemed to ignore Tulu above, and slowly climbed up the ring at the speed of his turtle.Just as Tulu was about to make a move, the crow waved his hand, signaling to fight again later. Tulu didn't understand what the crow meant, but he still stopped.

Wu patted his hands on his body slowly, and slapped away some stone chips on his body. Seeing that Wuba had already slapped the stone chips off his body, Tulu ran towards the top of Wuba's head waving his huge fists. The fist had already reached the top of Wuba's head, and Wuba suddenly shouted: "Wait!" Tulu didn't understand, so he hurriedly put away his fist, but before he made any movement, Wuba bowed towards Tulu, With a violent fist, he hit Tulu's eye socket fiercely. Seeing that the blow worked, Wuba hurriedly waved his fist and bombarded Tulu's head and face again and again. Under a series of combined punches and kicks, Tulu was beaten Dazed, his body backed up again and again, and finally he stepped on the ground, and Tulu fell from the ring.

Lost, with a bang, Tulu finally landed on the ground, Tulu finally woke up, saw that he was already under the ring, Tulu was kind by nature, knew that he had lost at this time, Tulu was very proud and didn't care , turned to Wu Ba on the ring and said: "Brother Wu Ba is really good at skills, Tulu admires him, but Tulu lost this battle."

Wuba hurriedly replied with a smile: "Brother Tulu was too careless, and my younger brother barely won this round. In this way, my younger brother will not make a fool of himself, so let's go on. After winning this round, my younger brother is already very satisfied."

Tulu was depressed for a while. What Wuba meant was that he was not Wuba's opponent, but Wuba suddenly cheated just now, and the people in the audience didn't hear clearly, so it was hard for him to say it out. Why doesn't my face feel any pain at all, I feel that Wu Ba's strength is far behind my own.

"This kid is not bad, call me later, I have something to ask." Zhu Rong, the patriarch of the Zhu Rong tribe in the distance, and a group of elder witch elders are in the distance, watching the whole process from Wu Ba's rise to power to the defeat of Tulu. Clearly, I saw Zhu Rong saying this to the elders with a smile all over his face, but the faces of the elders showed strong anger. The elder Zhu Tiantian's face turned green, and he said fiercely: "This What kind of Tulu, the face of the Wu clan has been completely humiliated by him, our fighters have always been known for their bravery, and they don't bother to resort to intrigue, what is the origin of this kid, and he won the victory with such low-handed means."

Zhu Rong still had a smile on his face, and his eyes shone amazingly. The elders who always thought that Zhu Rong was also a neurotic looked at the patriarch's appearance, and they were all surprised. Have been hiding it for now.

Zhu Rong looked at the elders and said, "Everyone, just now I found the aura of a cultivator in this little witch. The skills and tricks are like the methods of our enemy monster clan. Everyone, take strict precautions during this time. Make no mistakes."

When all the elders heard this, they were shocked. Could it be that the Yaozu's plan came again, and they quickly got up and bowed down: "Obey, patriarch!"

Wuba, the little Wu, was taken directly to the center of the Zhurong tribe by a group of vicious big witches - the place where the ancestors and witches discussed their affairs. Wuba saw that the person sitting in the main hall was the old ancestor of his family, the one who was raised at home, Wuba hurriedly Kneeling down, kowtowing his head, he kept saying, "Wuba, the No. 70 second-generation boy of the Xinhao Tribe of the Zhurong Clan, has seen the old ancestor, the old ancestor, and the boy finally saw you."

Zhu Rong thought it was so funny, this little witch was obviously bred by his own blood and blood, and he didn't expect it to have been bred for 72 generations.In front of future generations, Zhu Rong wanted to make a good impression on the clansmen. Just as he was about to ask, there was a sudden report outside the clan leader Zhu Rong's tribe: "Speak to the clan leader, Wu Wu, a member of the Xinhao tribe, begged the clan leader to forgive his little brother." Children are ignorant."

Zhu Rong couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard that, a thought moved in his heart, and he said with a smile, "Take this little witch out and give it to his father, let him take it back."

When Zhu Ren heard this, he didn't know Zhu Rong's intentions, so he couldn't help but interjected: "Brother, don't you still have something to ask this little witch? Why don't you ask?"

Zhu Rong gestured to his third younger brother Zhu Ren, and continued to signal to take Wuba out of the big tent. After Wuba went out and was taken away by his father, Zhu Rong put up a sound-proof enchantment and said, "Everyone, do you think it's strange that I took Wuba out of the big tent?" He called him over without asking any questions, and let his father take him away."

All the elders were discussing now, they didn't understand the reasons for the patriarch's several abnormal actions today, so they all knelt down and asked: "I'm waiting for Yulu, I hope the patriarch will explain it."

Zhu Rong said: "Everyone, have you noticed that this little witch's body actually contains the spiritual energy cultivated by a Taoist?"

The elders turned pale when they heard this. No member of the Wu Clan has ever cultivated spiritual energy by themselves. The Wu Clan usually cultivates the physical body. If the body is strengthened to a certain extent, they can be called great witches. This has never happened since the Wu Clan was born. Things.

Zhu Tian looked at Zhu Rong carefully, and said cautiously: "Brother, is this little witch a spy of our clan, who even secretly learned the exercises of a monk?"

Zhu Rong said solemnly: "Everyone, this little witch is not a spy of our clan. I just discovered that there is a trace of my blood in this witch's body. Although it is very faint, I can still detect it. The witch clan has no traitors, but It's not that you can't practice the skills of a practitioner."

After the elders heard about it, there was a lot of discussion, and there was a commotion in the venue for a while. After Zhu Rong signaled to stop the public opinion, he said: "I just realized that this little witch is not what I am looking for, so I let him go back, so as not to startle the snake."

All the elders knew the patriarch's plan, and they praised the patriarch's high wisdom in unison. Zhu Rong couldn't help but feel complacent, but he didn't lose his sense of control, and ordered: "Zhu Ren, arrange it, and let the shrewd big witch lead a team. The team, follow Wuba to the Xinhao tribe, closely monitor Wuba's family, and if necessary, monitor the every move of the entire tribe, and report to me in time if you find anything."

When Zhu Ren heard this, he quickly said yes, and then ordered to go on.

After being disturbed by this incident, all the witches in the venue were silent, Zhu Rong immediately ordered the meeting to end, and all the witches left with different moods.

It is doubtful that the same thing happened in the Gonggong tribe.

A few days later, Zhu Rong and Gonggong received news almost at the same time, saying that the practice of Taoism was taught by a great witch, but this great witch was not recognized by the Wu clan. Zhu Rong and Gonggong were even more puzzled. After some discussion, I decided to follow up and find out in person.

In the void, the demon emperor Dijun was floating around boredly, thinking about the matters of the demon clan's heaven in his heart.

With double happiness coming, Di Jun not only welcomed his favorite Xi He, but also Xi He gave birth to ten little golden crows for him. Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Di Jun's gloomy face. It was a big change, and he remembered his brother Taiyi again.

This time the big wedding made him lose face, and the brothers almost turned against each other. When he left the customs this time, Di Jun found out that the monsters under his command had disobeyed his orders. This made Di Jun very annoyed. It happened to me.

Seeing that he stayed with Xihe for a long time, all the demon clansmen were annoyed and refused to listen to their orders when they saw him staying around Xihe for a long time, thinking that Di Jun felt indebted, but what Di Jun didn't expect, all of this was The purpose of Tai Yi's performance is unknown.

This time the senior's strategy was brilliant, Di Jun volunteered to take on this task, and the distance between Tai Yi and him and other monster races was once again narrowed.

The two idiots Zhu Rong and Gonggong are coming soon. Di Jun deliberately left a trace, and the purpose of letting Zhu Rong and Gonggong chase here is to wipe out one or two of the twelve ancestor witches, so that they can't gather Pan Gu's real body .

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