original sword god

067 Zhurong Gonggong and Emperor Jun

It turned out that all of this was written by Di Jun. Thinking of Zhu Rong's ramming goods, Di Jun gritted his teeth with hatred and made a big fuss at the wedding scene, making him unable to hold his head up in front of the prehistoric gods.After the wedding, Xi He just sat there in the wedding room crying, while he slept on the cold bench all night,...

Thinking of this, Di Jun showed a ferocious look on his face. He who was originally gentle and refined could show such a look, which shows how much Zhu Rong's actions this time have caused Di Jun.

Zhu Rong and Gonggong followed the traitors in the tribe all the way, but met together halfway.Speaking of which, the two ancestral witches did not fight or make a deal. If you want to say that the two with the best relationship among the ancestral witches must be Zhu Rong and Gonggong.

When the two ancestral witches met here, they were both stunned. When they mentioned the matter in the tribe, Zhu Rong and Gong Gong believed that it was a trick of the leader of the monster clan, but they didn't expect these two reckless ancestral witches to hit the nail on the head.

Di Jun held the Chihetu Luoshu tightly in his hand. Although he knew in his heart that the strength of the two ancestor witches was no match for him, he was still a little timid to face such a master for the first time.

"It really is you, Dijun Yaodi, if you dare to go against Daozu Hongjun's words and act without authorization, you will not be afraid of being blamed by Daozu Hongjun." Zhu Rong looked at Dijun and knew that today's battle was inevitable, but if the two armies fought, if they could Disrupting the enemy's morale is the best.

"Zhu Rong, you disturbed my heavenly marriage. It is a great crime. Even if Daozu Hongjun came forward, I would be justified. How can I forgive you today." Before leaving the station, Di Jun had already prepared his speech, and it made sense advantage, and can dispel his timidity of disobeying Daozu Hongjun's order. After finishing speaking, Dijun shot a terrifying cold light in his eyes, and looked at Zhu Rong sharply.

"Zhu Rong, today is our personal grievance, and has nothing to do with the Liches and Demons. Whether you two will challenge me together, or challenge me alone, it doesn't matter." Di Jun had a confident look in his eyes.

The pupils of Zhu Rong and Gong Gong's eyes shrank slightly. Di Jun was so confident that he probably had a plan. A ancestral witch was unable to gain an advantage against Taiyi. At this time, the two ancestral witches had the mentality of fighting together.

One in front and one in the back, the two patriarchal witches outflanked and forced Di Jun.Seeing this, Di Jun was not afraid, he used the Luoshu River map to defend himself, and used the art of turning the rainbow to avoid Gonggong's feint attack in one step, and turned to Zhu Rong's back, pressing Zhu Rong's back with his palm, and the power of the palm As soon as he spit out, Zhu Rong was crazily hit and flew out like a cannon.

"Fifth brother!" Gonggong watched Zhu Rong being knocked into the air, his eyes glowed with blood, Gonggong screamed into the sky, with a python head and a snake body, two black dragons on his feet, a blue python wrapped around his hands, and quickly turned into black scales all over his body The body of the ancestral witch rushed to Di Jun.

After turning into the ancestral witch, Gonggong's speed skyrocketed. Seeing Gonggong rushing towards him, Di Jun casually used Hetu to block him. He thought that Gonggong's power would not be able to break through Hetu's defense.

With a loud "boom", the body of Gong Gong's ancestral witch took two steps back and continued to entangle himself.

"What, how is this possible." Dijun's right hand holding Hetu was so bloody that the tiger's mouth was shaking, and Hetu's defensive power could not stop Gonggong's fist, and he was thrown aside.

Seeing the opportunity coming, Gonggong attacked with punch after punch. Zhu Rong also turned into the body of the ancestor witch and stood opposite Gonggong. Nanming Lihuo in his palm quickly left his palm and turned into a fire phoenix. The main body pounced.

Di Jun hurriedly used Luo Shu to block with his left hand. The fire phoenix was blocked by Luo Shu. It only stirred up a burst of sparks and then disappeared. It couldn't break through the defense. Di Jun saw that Zhu Rong's attack was not threatening at all, so he concentrated on dealing with Gong Gong fists come.

Di Jun was able to resist Nanming Lihuo's attack not only because of Luo Shu's defense, but most importantly, Di Jun was the body of the real sun fire, and his firepower was far more domineering than Nanming Lihuo, so he could easily resist it .

Gong Gong's fist quickly broke through Luo Shu's defense, and punched Di Jun's body. Di Jun staggered and almost fell to the ground. Chi.

Turning his head and using body skills, he quickly escaped from Gonggong's boxing position, "Fa Xiangtiandi!" Di Jun shouted violently, his body suddenly rose to ten thousand feet, wrapped Luo Shu on his body, and attacked with Gonggong punch by punch .

Zhu Rong was furious for being ignored, but he also clearly saw that the physical attack of Gong Gong's fist could break the defense. Zhu Rong gathered the energy in his body, imitating Gong Gong's appearance, and violently attacked Di Jun with his fist. go.

Di Jun's eyes turned, his expression turned colder, and there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth. Zhu Rong and Gong Gong naturally noticed this sneer, but they still have the upper hand at the moment, but they don't want to lose such an opportunity.

"Field-Stars" Di Jun shouted violently, and the three of them were soon surrounded by starlight, a space similar to the enchantment of ancestral witches appeared, and a burst of star essence sprinkled, Zhu Rong and Gonggong felt their bodies froze for a while, as if they were not as flexible as before up.

"Haha, you and the ancestor witches don't cultivate the primordial spirit, don't know how to pass the law, don't you know that all the cultivators above the quasi-sage have secrets in similar fields." Di Jun appeared with a smile, waved his fists and attacked Zhu Rong, Zhu Rong hurriedly used Unexpectedly, before Zhu Rong's fist touched, Di Jun's fist had already hit Zhu Rong's shoulder, a stream of blood spurted out, and Zhu Rong's shoulder was slightly injured.

"Why was I the one who got hurt? Gong Gong hasn't been attacked yet." Zhu Rong couldn't help but feel depressed, maybe he didn't read the almanac when he went out today.

Seeing that Zhu Rongfei went out and was injured, Di Jun didn't chase after him. He dodged Gong Gong's fist. Di Jun also punched Gong Gong's eyes suddenly. Blood flowed immediately.

"Haha, Zhu Rong, Gonggong, you are doomed to escape bad luck today, let's see how I deal with you."

Di Jun laughed wildly, and punched the two ancestor witches with fists. The two ancestor witches were in the domain and their movements were restricted, but they were beaten miserably by Di Jun.

"Sixth brother!" Seeing Gong Gong being punched in the abdomen by Di Jun, with blood spraying out of his mouth, Zhu Rong felt great pain in his heart. It turned out that the brotherhood between him and Gong Gong was so deep, and the previous fight was just the two It's just a way of communication, Zhu Rong remembered the scene of fighting with Gonggong, and a gentle smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Is he stupid, why is he so happy after being beaten?" Di Jun wondered in his heart.

Gonggong also got up, seeing Zhu Rong's appearance, he seemed to have a heart-to-heart connection, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At the same time, the two ancestor witches spun quickly, and their bodies were attached to the void at a height of ten thousand feet. Di Jun saw this situation, and his heart was full of warning signs.

Sihai Kui Shui and Nanming Lihuo were released from the bodies of Gong Gong and Zhu Rong respectively. When water and fire met, they seemed to complement each other, as if there were two threads of different colors intertwined with each other. Gradually, the threads became thicker , like DNA, suddenly rushed towards Di Jun, and Di Jun was horrified. Seeing that this strange-shaped object contained extremely strong energy, there was a sizzling sound amidst the entanglement of water and fire.

This object seemed to be sane, and flew straight towards Di Jun. Di Jun saw that there was no way to avoid it, so he had no choice but to resist. Di Jun's heart swayed, and he opened Hetu and Luoshu's defenses to the maximum. The power was fully used for defense, and the real sun fire burst out from Dijun's body. It was too late and then soon, the real sun fire came into contact with this object as soon as it was released, and the real sun fire seemed to be melted , separated a road from the middle, and in an instant, the water and fire-like object hit Di Jun's iron fist fiercely, and Di Jun's body was thrown flying thousands of feet away, and his life and death were unknown.

Zhu Rong and Gong Gong glanced at each other, and decided to chase after them. The two ancestor witches were exhausted at this time. This water and fire-like object had exhausted the source of water and fire in their bodies, which meant that the two ancestor witches could no longer release the innate water and fire In the future, even though he is still an ancestor witch, he has lost his origin and is the bottom existence among the ancestor witches. However, the two ancestor witches do not regret it. At this time, they are determined to destroy the great enemy Di Jun.

In the Sun Palace, Xi He was lazily lying on the couch covered with unknown fur, with a graceful and luxurious appearance, a man would still be moved if he saw it, but at this moment, Xi He's eyes radiated a maternal light, and his eyes were always Staring at his ten children, the Golden Crow was still waiting for his chest.Suddenly, Xi He's body trembled violently, as if something precious had gone away from him, and the ten golden crows also burst into tears, at the same time, Tai Yi in the Sun Palace also felt it.Hastily pinched his fingers and calculated.

And the ancestral shamans of the various tribes of the ancestral shamans also trembled in their hearts. They did not cultivate the primordial spirit, did not pass the law, and could not calculate. All the ancestral shamans ordered their subordinates to inquire, and soon got the news.

Xi He and Tai Yi went through calculations, and suddenly felt great pain in their hearts. Xi He didn't care about the child's cries, and rushed into the main hall of the Sun Palace without putting on makeup.He yelled at Tai Yi who was sitting in the main hall of the Sun Palace, "Tai Yi, what happened, how could I think your elder brother is in danger." In a hurry, Xi He yelled directly, regardless of the rules.

The monsters around retreated one after another, and Tai Yi knew that his elder brother was in danger. He glanced at the Primordial Heavenly Demon who had kept his eyes closed, and Tai Yi said in a hurry: "Sister-in-law, don't be irritable, I will go and save elder brother."

At this time, the primordial demon's eyes opened slightly, revealing a gleam of light, and then closed them instantly.

When Xihe heard this, he felt a little comforted, and ran out while holding Taiyi's hand. Taiyi was held by a weak and boneless hand. As if it had exploded, a burst of warmth emanated from his hands. Xi He suddenly felt something strange, and as if remembering something, he quickly retracted his hands, his face was full of shame. Apart from her husband Di Jun, this was the first time for him to be raped. The other man was holding her hand, and suddenly the thought of betraying her husband appeared in her heart.

A trace of tenderness in his hand went away for a while, Tai Yi slowly came back to his senses, and both of them turned their heads in embarrassment. In an instant, Xi He still remembered the purpose of his trip, and hurriedly said to Tai Yi: "Uncle, your brother is still here." We are in danger, let's go quickly." The anxious look in his eyes could almost melt Tai Yi, and Tai Yi suddenly felt deep jealousy towards Di Jun.

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