original sword god

093 Calculation Red Cloud

Holding the heavy piece of paper in his hand, Tai Yi just stared blankly at the extremely embarrassed look in front of him. At this moment, he finally understood why Brother Di Jun would value God Fuxi so much, and it would be wrong to give him the highest honor He has nothing to hold back.

The value of this Great God Fuxi is far more than that, he also has a saint sister, if he hangs him in the heavenly court and provokes the saint's wrath, then the whole heavenly court may collapse. Thinking of this, the emperor Taiyi's expression is complicated.

Seeing Tai Yi's eyes, and overstepping Tai Yi's authority to speak, Yuan Tianmo suddenly said: "God Fuxi, you can do what you want, everyone, let's move out of the way, let us send off God Fuxi."

After hearing this, the twelve demon commanders gave way to a passage that could only accommodate one person.

Fuxi's eyes looked very complicated, and he glanced at the primordial demon and Tai Yi. From the eyes of the primordial demon, the great god Fuxi saw the supreme wildness, and the flash of anger from Tai's eyes, although it flashed, was also He was seen clearly from the corner of Fuxi's eyes.

Is there still a little hope, Fuxi thought in his heart, but the voice in his heart told him deeply that there was no hope.

Bowing his head and bending over, Fuxi walked out of the palace slowly with his stooped body.

Outside the Fuxi Palace, countless heavenly elites who fought against the Dragon Clan with Fuxi, under the leadership of Xiaojiao, the military supervisor, bowed down to the ground to send off the Great God Fuxi.Looking at the dark monster shadows in front of him, Fuxi's eyes became moist, and he bowed deeply to the 'comrades in arms', and the figure slowly disappeared outside the palace.

The Fuxi Palace, which was noisy and bustling just now, was filled with astonishment, all the monster clans and commanders looked at each other, but they were all speechless.

Although the primordial demon lowered his head just now, Tai Yi's eyes just now certainly couldn't escape his primordial spirit.Thinking of Tai Yi's eyes just now, Yuan Tianmo felt a little amused, with a contemptuous smile on his lips naturally, he turned to say: "Heavenly Emperor, the Great God Fuxi has left, now we should step up the training of the heavenly elites and prepare for the great war in 5000 years! "

The minds of Taiyi and all the demon commanders were immediately attracted back, and they all lowered their heads. Taiyi and all the demon commanders began to study the blueprints sent by Fuxi.

All the great gods were attracted by the laughter again. They didn't know why the original demon suddenly laughed, but they thought that this person had always been unflattering, so he pretended not to hear it, and lowered his head to study the blueprint again. .

Demon Master Kunpeng stayed in a quiet corner without saying a word, but he seemed to be forgotten by everyone. No one turned his head to look at his eyes, but with the departure of the great god Fuxi, Kunpeng's eyes remained unchanged. He stared at the leaving figure without blinking, but there was a gleam of envy in his eyes.

In the Wuzhuang Temple of Longevity Hill.

Ever since Ancestor Hongyun got the Primordial Purple Qi last time, he has been a little sluggish. Daxian Zhenyuan has repeatedly urged Patriarch Hongyun to cultivate his body and Taoism with peace of mind, in order to refine the Primordial Purple Qi and achieve the Hunyuan Dao Fruit.But none of them have much effect, the ancestor of Hongyun has always been a straightforward person, he didn't seem to care about the matter of obtaining the primordial purple energy, and it has been a long time since he returned to Wuzhuang Temple, except for the few times when Zhenyuan Daxian dissuaded him He also retreated a few times, and he left in less than 20 years at the longest. Ancestor Hongyun didn't make any progress in refining the primordial purple qi, which made Great Immortal Zhenyuan extremely depressed.

On this day, the Great Immortal Zhenyuan sat cross-legged on a futon, comprehending the Taoism explained by Taoist Hongjun in Zixiao Palace.Just now when he preached to Patriarch Hongyun, it didn't seem to have any effect, then he gave up preaching, and focused on comprehension, trying to get enlightenment from Taoism and inspire Patriarch Hongyun to refine the great purple energy.

Beside him, a cultivator in a big red robe was none other than Patriarch Hongyun.At this moment, he was sitting on the futon in a daze, bored, while the two little Taoist boys beside him were adding incense non-stop, and a tantalizing fragrance came from him.

Ancestor Hongyun unconsciously took out a fruit from his bosom, put it in the corner of his mouth and gnawed unconsciously.

From when Patriarch Hongyun took out the life fruit to when he put it in his mouth and gnawed it unconsciously, the pitiful eyes of the two little Taoist boys never left Patriarch Hongyun's hand, and the corners of their mouths kept sucking and were about to fall off. It's pitiful, but Hongyun Patriarch didn't know it at all, or just pretended not to see it.

After eating a fruit that was hailed as a rare treasure by Hong Huang, Patriarch Hongyun took out another fruit that was exactly the same from his bosom, and began to gnaw unconsciously again.Just like this, Patriarch Hongyun gnawed on the fruit, and the two Taoist boys kept looking at him. The three of them didn't notice at all that Immortal Zhenyuan was looking at Patriarch Hongyun angrily with his face ashen at this moment.

Seeing that Patriarch Hongyun had already taken out the third fruit from his bosom, Immortal Zhenyuan twitched again with his trembling eyes. Seeing that the fruit was almost delivered to Hongyun's mouth, suddenly the fruit in his hand Unexpectedly, it was gone, the ancestor Hongyun jumped up, and the great god asked: "Who, who dares to steal my fruit..." Before finishing speaking, Hongyun saw Zhen Yuanzi's playful eyes, and said no more down.

Immortal Zhenyuan seemed to be confused by anger, and turned around to eat the life fruit in his hand. Afterwards, he looked at his hand in a daze, and Hongyun Patriarch laughed loudly, while the two little Taoist boys Then he covered his mouth and let out a burst of laughter slowly, and Immortal Zhenyuan was also made to laugh out loud by the atmosphere.

"Have you laughed enough?" Suddenly, the Great Immortal Zhenyuan stopped laughing, and the Great Immortal Zhenyuan yelled sharply, and was about to teach this old man a lesson when suddenly, he stopped his voice, and his face became ugly .

Ancestor Hongyun's nerves are comparable to that of Emperor Taiyi, just about to receive a training, but he didn't hear the sound for a long time, slowly raised his head, and saw the dazed eyes of the Great Immortal Zhenyuan.

Looking at the eyes of Great Immortal Zhenyuan, Hong Yun was startled.Silently pinching fingers and calculating, but the Dao is unclear, I don't know if the catastrophe is about to happen, or there are great supernatural beings covering up the secrets, and the ascetic who has a cultivation base above the Zhenyuan Great Immortal, who else can he be except a saint!

Ancestor Hongyun muttered to himself for a while: "Is something going to happen again?"

Outside the door, a clear and clear voice came: "Is the Great Immortal Zhenyuan at the residence? My teacher, Yuan Yuan Tianzun, the Great Immortal of Love, went to Miluo Palace in Kunlun Mountain to listen to the sermon." Listening to this voice, it seemed to be the voice of the real Yuding.

"Is it real Yuding? Hurry up and be affectionate." Daxian Zhenyuan had talked with Yuding for a long time in Zixiao Palace before, and he had a good impression of this young man. Hearing Yuding's arrival at this time, he got up Walking out of the door, he answered aloud.

Patriarch Hongyun and the two Taoist boys followed closely behind and also left the room.

A young ascetic dressed up as a young man, with a glowing sword behind his back, looks of extraordinary value, and a young man with handsome eyebrows and handsome eyes, he looks like a handsome guy.

Seeing Immortal Zhenyuan and Patriarch Hongyun leave the room, Yuding hastily bowed down and said: "Senior Zhenyuan, Senior Hongyun is polite, junior Yuding, on the order of my master, specially invites Immortal Zhenyuan to go to Kunlun Mountain Listen to my master's talk about Hunyuan Daoguo."

Immortal Zhenyuan hurriedly bent down to help Yuding up, and said: "Little friend Yuding is also a fellow Taoist of Zixiao Palace, there is no need for this, please come into the room and tell me."

"Thank you Great Immortal for your kindness. This junior came here at the order of my master, so I don't dare to disturb you. Senior, please leave immediately." After Yu Ding finished speaking, she politely declined the invitation of Great Immortal Zhenyuan, and then bowed to the two seniors before turning and leaving .

Before leaving, Yuding looked at Patriarch Hongyun with a strange look, and Patriarch Hongyun was also surprised for a while, he couldn't understand the meaning of Yuding's eyes at all, the four of them entered the room one after another speechless.

"Brother, I faintly feel that something is wrong. What kind of person is the original Daoist, but he invited me to Kunlun Mountain to listen to the sermon at this time. Although there is an element of friendship in the first invitation, but now the machine is chaotic, I am afraid that the current saint will not be able to find out the slightest Heaven's secret."

"Brother, isn't it just to listen to the sermon? Yuan Daozun's opportunity to preach is just like Phoebe. If you have such an opportunity, brother, you should leave quickly, so as not to delay the time of listening to the sermon." The ancestor Hongyun saw that Zhenyuan Daxian was still hesitating. Chi, then hurriedly urged.

Great Immortal Zhenyuan exhaled slowly, turned to look at Patriarch Hongyun, but felt more and more uneasy.

Ancestor Hongyun was very uncomfortable being looked at by Immortal Zhenyuan's weird eyes, but at this time he was Jieyun in charge, but he kept urging Immortal Zhenyuan to go to Kunlun Mountain to listen to the sermon.

"Okay, brother, I went to Kunlun Mountain to listen to the sermon. During this period, you have to promise me that you will not leave Wuzhuang Temple for half a step, and you can only play in the village. It doesn't matter if you eat all the fruits of my life, but , you must bear in mind that the six sages have been classified, but your primordial purple qi still hasn't moved at all, this time you just listen to my advice!" Zhenyuan Daxian said earnestly.

Turning around to look at the two Taoist boys, Zhenyuan Daxian went on to say: "You have to take good care of this grandpa, serve him with delicious food and drink, and don't let him leave Wuzhuang Temple. I will open the defense of the ground book to the maximum. You all have to enter the real yuan in it, don't forget it!"

After hearing this, the two Taoist boys knelt on the ground to receive the book from the ground in the hands of Great Immortal Zhenyuan. After paying respects, they went to arrange it.

Hong Yun looked at what her elder brother had done for her, her eyes were wet with tears, but then she turned around and waved her hand: "Brother, go and come back quickly, my century-old brew is still waiting to be shared with my brother." Woolen cloth!"

Great Immortal Zhenyuan nodded, a cloud appeared under his feet, then rose into the sky, and the dust whisk swayed slightly, then disappeared.

Seeing the disappearing figure of Great Immortal Zhenyuan, Patriarch Hongyun was slightly moved, but then became happy, and ran towards the life fruit tree in the backyard with his waist down.

But Immortal Zhenyuan and Patriarch Hongyun didn't notice it. A few black figures watched Immortal Zhenyuan leave, with black light in their eyes, and then disappeared in the air. There were waves of ripples in the space, and then slowly calmed down.

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