original sword god

030 Conspiracy in Kunpeng

But after all, Kunpeng is a giant in the prehistoric world, so he quickly let go of his fear.I saw Kunpeng's long and narrow eyes shooting out a terrifying red light, "Jie Jie!" He said with a ferocious smile, "Di Jun, Tai Yi, you forced me, I didn't want to entangle you, but since you are looking for death, Don't blame me!"

Kunpeng let out a loud roar: "Faxiang Tiandi!", pinched the Fa Jue with his fingers very quickly, and the body of the huge bird head and fish body nine thousand feet was displayed, and Kunpeng who showed the body laughed.

"Swallow the sky!"

Hearing a wild sound coming from the small mouth of the bird's head, Kunpeng used his newly learned magic power.After the sound, the whole space stopped, stagnant and obscure, and even the energy emitted by the Chaos Clock stopped as if it was afraid.

I saw the bird's beak opened rapidly, and in an instant, it was already a lot bigger.A black vortex appeared in the mouth, spinning extremely fast like a black hole in the universe.

"Hey! Hiss!"

A huge suction came instantly, and the space formed by Hetu Luoshu began to shake, as if it was about to collapse.After a while, the huge suction force swallowed up all the energy in the entire space. Only a click sound was heard, and the entire space collapsed. Countless space fragments scattered in all directions. Before flying out, they were swallowed up by the bird's beak.

"Oh!" There seemed to be a belching sound from the bird's beak.

After devouring the energy of the entire space, the black vortex truly formed a black hole, and the bird's beak continued to devour the entire prehistoric world.

In an instant, the sea water poured back, the wind and clouds rolled back, the entire sea surface was pulled up alive, huge mountains under the sea were uprooted by the strong suction, the clouds in the sky broke, and the space of the entire prehistoric world seemed to collapse.

As it devours more, the energy seems to be more and more abundant, the black vortex is also getting bigger and bigger, and the suction becomes stronger and stronger.

Kunpeng is also anxious at the moment, the supernatural power that he didn't fully grasp originally was forcibly used by himself, but the situation at this time is no longer under his control.

Damn it, it's all the fault of these two damn monsters, whoever I provoked!Kunpeng is worse than dying at this moment, and now he has indigestion. Could it be that he died under his own supernatural power?Since then, it has been widely rumored that a great supernatural power user died under his own supernatural power when facing the enemy.When Kunpeng thought about it, he felt that he couldn't afford to lose that man.

"Do you want this black hole to stop?" Kunpeng seemed to hear such a voice vaguely.

"Yeah! Think, think, definitely want to!" Kunpeng nodded hastily, "If senior can help me stop this damn thing, senior can ask for any conditions!"

"My condition is very simple, as long as you promise me one thing in the future! If you can promise, I will stop this black hole!"

The voice continued. "Don't worry! This matter is only good for you, and there is no harm. How about it, have you considered it?"

"Okay, senior, quickly stop this black hole, I promise senior!" Seeing that the suction force of the black hole is getting stronger and stronger, the energy he swallowed is almost reaching the limit.

Such heaven-defying supernatural powers, if Kunpeng uses too much at this moment and absorbs too much energy, once the limit of the body is exceeded, Kunpeng will have to explode and die. At this moment, Kunpeng realizes that death is so close to him. desire to survive.

"Break!" A voice exploded in Kunpeng's ear, and Kunpeng's soul was exhausted at the moment, and he was finally blown into a coma.

A quaint sword stretched towards the center of the black hole. The suction around the black hole was stronger, but there seemed to be no movement at the center. The sword stopped firmly in the black hole. You can't even make it move.

After a long time, the sword finally moved, very slowly, very slowly!The black hole kept spinning clockwise, but at this time the sword was spinning counterclockwise instead, and Kunpeng seemed to hear a voice in the mist: "Tai Chi sword technique!" What kind of sword technique is this?Kunpeng thought to himself.

The sword was spinning faster and faster, but the raging of the black hole slowly stopped. Slowly, the sea water and mountains that were sucked up fell down indiscriminately, and the geological environment in the direction of Beiming changed completely. .

Finally, everything returned to calm, but Kunpeng was still in a coma at this time, and Dijun and Taiyi were gone.

The original figure appeared, yes, it was the original, but it was just a clone of Kunlun Mountain. The original body is still in the chaos, and is it competing with the chaos?

How can Kunpeng remember this agreement?Yuan thought to himself.

Seeing Kunpeng's embarrassing appearance that has transformed into an adult, with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, Yuan Yuan felt displeased.Have!Yuan Yuan stretched out his right foot and kicked Kunpeng's ugly face fiercely, Kunpeng's face was swollen violently, Yuan Yuan was satisfied.

Things are done, flash!The original figure disappeared.

Kunpeng in the mist, his face seemed to be hit hard by a train moving at full speed, Kunpeng jumped up in pain, who plotted against me!

"Hiss!" Touching his painfully swollen face, Kunpeng's teeth ached.I looked around, but I didn't find anyone there, it seems that this senior doesn't like me very much!Kunpeng thought to himself.

Looking at the changes in his nest in front of him, he was shocked from ear to ear.Although I knew that the supernatural power was very powerful, I never thought it would be so powerful.

Almost hanging in my hands!Kunpeng's face blushed secretly, and he regretted secretly, trying not to use this kind of supernatural power in the future, unless his life was in danger.

The mountain on the left hand side suddenly burst open, and two embarrassed figures in yellow robes appeared, they were Dijun and Taiyi. At this moment, they were not as calm as before, with disheveled hair, disheveled clothes, and scars on their faces. , looking at Kunpeng with a dazed expression.

Should we continue to attack?This is a problem!Dijun and Taiyi looked at Kunpeng with four eyes, feeling a little timid in their hearts.

"Haha! Dijun, Taiyi, look at you, you still want to be the overlord of the demon clan with this appearance, you should go back!" Kunpeng looked at the two arrogant figures before, but now they looked very embarrassed, and felt very happy !

Di Jun and Tai Yi's expressions changed quickly, the hesitant faces disappeared, and turned into murderous looks, if they let their subordinates know how embarrassed they are, then they don't have to mess around anymore.

"Brother, it seems that this matter cannot be resolved, we have been underestimated by this little monster who is not a bird or a fish!" Tai Yi said, looking at Di Jun with a ferocious face.

"Chirp!" Di Jun's gloomy face did not speak, and he directly showed his own prototype, which was a three-legged golden crow with a height of nine thousand feet. , a pair of huge wings unexpectedly appeared on its back, slowly fanned, forming a series of storms.

"Kunpeng, I didn't expect that you were not only very fast, but also very courageous. You successfully angered me! Next, let's get serious!" Di Jun's sinister voice came from Jinwu's mouth.

"Okay! I'm going to see if you, the three-legged monster bird, are stronger, or I, Kunpeng, are stronger!" Kunpeng said without showing any weakness.

In the sky, the huge Hetu Luoshu suddenly shrunk to the size of a palm, and turned into two golden rainbows, which were thrown into Dijun's bird's beak.

"Boom!" Di Jun moved, as if his body was ignited, the flames shot out hundreds of feet, and in the blink of an eye, Di Jun had already reached Kunpeng's eyes, and Di Jun's speed was not slow.

"Kunpeng! Die for me!" Two golden rainbows went straight to Kunpeng from the bird's beak.

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