original sword god

097 Battle Bodhi Formation

Seeing that the Buddhist mentality and the Taoist mentality did not want to conflict, Wutian seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and slowly slapped his chest. This action seemed to Zhunti to be ironic by Chi Guoguo.

Wutian hides the demon clan's skills tightly, but the magic energy emitted by the chaotic black lotus and the bursts of Buddha's light emanating from the Bodhi array want to touch, sparking bursts of sparks, Wutian is not very good care.Anyway, the chaotic black lotus is the innate supreme treasure, and the power of the Bodhi formation only cancels each other out, and does not hinder one's own actions.

In fact, when Wutian entered the formation, he was immediately stunned by the situation inside the formation. He saw a dense forest of bodhi trees, like a dense virgin forest. Each tree was arranged according to the direction of the Book of Changes. Sticking to the Bodhi scriptures, there are all kinds of phantom formations and killing formations hidden between the Bodhi trees. Under each Bodhi tree sits a Buddha.

Zhunti saw Wutian entering the formation, and hurriedly blocked the gap in the formation. As the chaotic black lotus slowly entered the center of the formation, Zhunti gave an order, and every Buddha mouthed lotus flowers and chanted mantras one after another. Come on, the Bodhi scriptures on the Bodhi Treasure Tree suddenly emitted bursts of sluggish sounds, and the trunk seemed to be moving with the scriptures, and everything in front of me suddenly seemed unreal, it seemed that Wutian had entered the big formation at the phantom array.

Wutian is the incarnation of the ancestor of the demon clan, and he can come and go freely with the phantom formations of the demon clan. Seeing that Zhunti did this trick, he couldn't help laughing: "It's just a trail!" In the place, countless miniature versions of the chaotic black lotus float in it, and once the scriptures are touched, they can be turned into nothingness.Seeing that the scriptures had completely disappeared, and the phantoms in the formation had also disappeared, Wutian laughed and put away his magical powers, and slowly drifted towards the center of the formation.

Zhunti was not surprised when he saw that Wutian easily broke the illusion. After all, this person is also a great supernatural power, and his supernatural powers are so great that even he and his senior brother can't see the depth. It is not surprising that they can break the illusion .The big formation was broken, and Zhunti recited the mantra silently, and the five hundred Buddhas stood up suddenly, blocking Wutian's path far away.

Through Wutian's actions just now, Zhunti knew that Wutian knew the formations well. Maybe the phantom formations and killing formations in the formations could never pose any threat to him, so he immediately gave up the phantom formations in the big formation. Not long after the arrangement was successful, the phantom formations in the grand formation were not perfect. Rather than being ugly, it is better to retreat and form a net. These five hundred Buddhas are actually the second test prepared for them by Zhunti and Yingying.

Wutian had seen Zhunti's movements a long time ago, and he couldn't help laughing secretly: "These five hundred Buddhas are originally transformed from your own body, and you dare to use them to deal with me. It's really reckless. I will destroy these five hundred Buddhas first. Buddha, consume your original power and see if you dare to be rude to me in the future!"

Thinking of this, Wutian couldn't help the magic light, and tried his best to run the magic skills in his body.


The sound kept ringing. This was the sound of the collision between the magic light of the chaotic black lotus and the bodhi tree, and the sound of the bodhi tree bursting wherever it passed.

"Pfft!" Following Wutian's exercise, Zhunti's original source was severely damaged, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

What's going on, I was awakened suddenly when I closed my eyes and meditated in the formation, and the primordial spirit swept towards the formation, and couldn't help being furious.

Blossoming white lotus flowers flew out from Jieyin's body, and the petals of the lotus flowers carried drops of water. In response to the scriptures of the remaining Bodhi tree, the power of the formation increased a hundred times.

Jie Yin secretly called out: "Amitabha! Om Mani Padme Niu!"

Immediately, a series of "卍"-shaped characters flew out of the lotus, spinning and flying towards Wutian. The previous word "卍" has already caused a lot of pressure on myself, so many words in front of me must be more than a hundred times more powerful.

The eyes kept watching these words rushing towards the main body, Wutian had nothing to do, and suddenly waved his palm, and the killing gun appeared in the palm of his hand, seeing the killing gun kept beating, as if ready to move, Wutian was overjoyed .

Usually, I know that Phoebe is unusual, and I have been with him for a long time, and I know that the mind in this gun is very clever, and everything I am sure of is this performance.

Wutian then let go of his heart and threw the God-killing Spear into the air. The God-killing Spear rose into the sky like a child leaving the arms of its parents. The "卍" characters were stopped in the shadow of the gun, and there was a crackling sound, and the "卍" characters dissipated in the impact.

Wutian then cast a disdainful glance at Jieyin in the distance, Jieyin's face was a little pale at the moment, and he kept panting, as if he had gone through countless battles.

Wutian rolled his eyes, thought about it, then gestured his middle finger to Jieyin, laughed and said contemptuously: "Baldy, are you out of skills? Come again, grandpa hasn't played enough yet?"

With the sound of Wutian's voice, Jieyin and Zhunti couldn't help twitching in their bodies, and then the two saints spat out a mouthful of blood, and the faces of the two saints suddenly looked very ugly.

I knew that Wutian had an extremely bad personality. As a supernatural being, his tongue was extremely vicious. I didn't expect that it would be my turn to suffer today. Zhunti and Jieying looked at each other with a wry smile, and then continued to communicate with each other with their spiritual sense.

During the battle just now, although they didn't fight face to face, the two saints knew in their hearts that this Wutian's Taoism far surpassed their own, but the two saints could not be sure to what extent.

If he has reached the level of Daozu Hongjun, can he gain any benefit from fighting against him? Should he be grudges against such a great supernatural being?The two saints thought of it one after another.

Seeing that Jieyin and Zhunti both closed their eyes, Wutian knew in his heart that these two must be communicating with each other. Not far ahead, five hundred Buddhas were all ready to fight. Wutian thought: "This is so good Opportunity, such a big advantage, don't take it for nothing!".

Immediately, Wutian killed the five hundred Buddhas with a killing gun, oh no!Now it is in the big formation of five hundred arhats.

More than 500 Buddhas, although there is no Zhunti and Guidance to secretly control them, their cultivation bases have all fallen to the realm of Arhats.But after getting along for a long time, the tacit understanding that has been formed between each other cannot be ignored. A long stick formed by a bodhi tree branch appeared in the hands of all the arhats, and they held it in their hands. , and the long stick rotated in a circle, showing the posture of hitting downwards.

Wutian suddenly became happy, and smiled secretly: "Could it be that this is the rudiment of the Great Formation of Shaolin Temple? I didn't expect that I was lucky enough to see it. Such a good opportunity, just to practice my skills!"

Immediately falling from the lotus platform, the chaotic black lotus as dark as ink fell in Wutian, and then turned into a black light and disappeared above Wutian's head.

Armed with a sharp gun, they resolutely entered the center of the formation, and the five hundred arhats moved one after another, moving their feet, forming a large encirclement circle around Wutian, shouting, and waving the stick in their hands according to the direction, and falling towards the top of Wutian's head .

Wutian rolled his eyes, and thought to himself: "Why are you so untechnical, how can you enjoy yourself like this, let me kill you for your teacher." Then his body swayed and turned into phantoms. The body was like a straw, swaying without effort, the sticks in the hands of the arhats fell into the air one after another, and then sank suddenly, and found that countless long sticks overlapped, but the tips of the sticks were stepped on under the feet.

"Drink!" There was an explosion on the ground, and the five hundred arhats made such a sound together. It was so loud that it could even make a great supernatural being like Wutian pause for a while.

When the opportunity came, the arhats started to run their kung fu together, and their kung fu broke out, and they actually lifted Wu Tian high into the void. After that, the sticks from different directions turned into dense shadows, moving towards Wu Tian's body. call from where.

"It's so satisfying, I didn't expect these two guys to have such a trick!" After all, these arhats are not strong enough, they just shake their minds a little, Wutian then calmed down, and couldn't help sighing secretly.

"Let you have a taste of the master's marksmanship!"

Speaking of Wutian, he swung the long spear, once blocked, once pulled, once withdrawn, five hundred Arhats suddenly felt that the long stick seemed to be hitting the empty place uncontrollably, and the blow without force made them quite uncomfortable .But being able to enter the Bodhi Formation shows that their xinxing must have been tested many times, and they are indeed people with a firm mind. Then they retracted their sticks and attacked Wutian again.

At this time, the debate between Zhunti and Jieyin had come to a conclusion, but the opinions of the two saints diverged. Zhunti advocated a war on the grounds that the majestic purple air is the most important to Western Buddhism, and if Falling into the hands of the enemy is capitalizing on the enemy.But Jieying is another way of thinking, Jieyin does not advocate fighting, because Bodhi's formation seems to be unable to control such a great supernatural being, and seeing him rushing into the formation like a child's play, it can be seen that he is very skilled and daring, not at all Fear of their two saints.Jieyin has an idea that even he can't believe, that is, to get a promise from Wutian, and to explain clearly what the previous monk and others said.

Now that the two saints had finished communicating, they both turned their eyes towards the formation in unison. When they saw the scene in the formation, their eyes were almost straightened.

Wutian's mysterious body technique, along with the casual and easy spear momentum, casually attacking, even with the mystery of the law, and then the sticks of the Arhats fell to the ground, Zhunti and Jieying were secretly shocked, and they couldn't help secretly gesticulating: : Even the two of them can't resist such an exquisite gun movement.

Afterwards, Zhunti made up his mind, uttered a mantra, and five hundred arhats disappeared into the formation one after another.

"Hey! Why don't you fight anymore? I haven't enjoyed it yet!" A mocking voice appeared, and beads of sweat broke out from Jieyin and Zhunti's heads.

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