original sword god

089 3 San Qi Out

Although nearly 100 years have passed, Tongtian has finally cultivated himself to perfection, which is attributed to Tongtian's understanding of the Tao and the accumulation of the original Tao.Tong Tian laughed out loud, Lao Tzu and Yuan Yuan were overjoyed when they heard this.

On this day, Sanqing Xufu floated on the Kunlun Mountains. After smiling at each other, Yuanyuan first said: "I am one of the primitive Taoists transformed by Pangu Yuanshen. Today I set up a religion called 'Chan'. I am the first generation The leader, based on the Zhuxian Sword Formation, uses the Xuanhuang Baorui to suppress luck, and those who explain it should belong to the way of heaven, and should follow the way of heaven and people, explain the way and enlighten the meaning of all living beings. Explain and teach, stand!"

Nine heavens vibrated, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, and golden clouds with the size of ten thousand acres rose from the top of Kunlun Mountain. Thousands of golden flowers and golden lamps dripped from the heart of fire, forming a wreath, protecting the whole body, like water dripping from the eaves. Absolutely!

As soon as the words fell, the long river of fate began to rise again. The mysterious and yellow aura engulfed the Hunyuan merit and virtue, and the sage's Dao fruit landed, protected by a nine-clawed dragon, entrusted by a colorful phoenix, and auspicious mist scattered and colorful, and the auspicious light protected the dharma body.Once Daoguo enters Qingyun, it is like a stone falling into a calm lake, stirring up waves. The meritorious energy contained in the Xuanhuang immortal body will combine with the meritorious deeds from the sky, and condense into a majestic and dignified reflection on the whole body.

The original complexion was overjoyed, the golden wheel of black and yellow merit slowly penetrated into the body, and was absorbed by the body in an instant, the original black and yellow indestructible body was completed, and the formed sword soul suddenly expanded to a size of one meter.

Staring at the body, Yuanyuan discovered that every cell in Yuanyuan actually released a supreme and mysterious sound, as if celebrating the establishment of the cell kingdom.Listening to the sound, the original heart couldn't help being intoxicated.

"I am the disciple of the sage Hongjun, who is clear to the heavens. Today, I set up a religion to open the door of convenience for all living beings in the prehistoric and famine. I will perform the meritorious work of enlightenment. I take the meaning of intercepting a ray of heaven, and the teaching name is 'Jie'. I am Hierarch, use the Pangu flag as the luck to suppress the sect, stop the sect, stand!" Tong Tian hurriedly said after Yuan Yuan finished speaking.

Yigeng Jinbaihu holds Hunyuan merit and virtue in the mouth of the sage, and the Taoist fruit flies from the sky, and flies into the sea of ​​knowledge. In an instant, the blue Qingyun rises layers of black and yellow sea currents, which are the heaven-opening merits hidden in the Niwan Palace, and the long river of fate is scattered. The falling pillars of black and yellow light converged to form a golden wheel, occupying the back of the head, turning slowly!It is also the ray of merit that descended from the sky, leading to the merit of Pangu opening the sky, and the three corpses united into one.Tongtian also followed Lao Tzu's example and ventured into the gate of eternity. His cultivation base only achieved the peak of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but did not break through the Hunyuan Taiji Luojinxian. Tongtian was not discouraged at this time, and the three Qings looked at each other and smiled.

The remaining merits were injected into the Qingping Sword by him to achieve the 41-fold prohibition of the holy weapon of intercepting teaching merits.

There was a sudden thunder in the sky, Daoist Hongjun appeared in the air, his eyes were looking at the situation where Erqing beheaded the three corpses and sanctified, his heart was filled with endless resentment, Hongjun who didn't know much about Yuanyuan's chasing chaotic golden lotus, At this moment, he finally understood what Yuanyuan meant. Yuanyuan looked at Hongjun Daozu in the sky with a contemptuous smile on his face, and Hongjun Daozu saw this smile.

The secrets of heaven are extremely scattered, and it seems that they will not be able to sort them out for a while. Hongjun, who was about to join the Dao, has been waiting for the will of Tiandao, but in this case, Tiandao cannot convey the will to Hongjun.

At this moment, Yuanyuan has achieved the cultivation base of the great god. The cultivation base of the divine way includes the positions of gods, gods, emperors, and gods. It's just that he can suppress Yuan's side, he can't even punish Yuan's actions, Hongjun can't help feeling extremely envious, jealous and hate Yuan Yuan.

In an extremely distant space, two clouds of gray gas are communicating.There was an inexplicable sound wave in the gas surrounded by golden light, and an unusually unpleasant voice said: "Hehe, God, this time you admit it, even your substitute didn't notice the strangeness of Lao Tzu and Tong Tian, This time, beheading the three corpses became the Hunyuan Great Luo Jinxian, and the other escaped from your hands and became the Hunyuan Taiji Luo Jinxian, so your plan has failed."

"No way, don't be discouraged. Our plan may not have failed. We are doing everything just to prevent Pangu from being reborn. Under the current circumstances, do you think Pangu will be reborn again? According to our calculations, the original has completely given up. The cultivation of the immortal way, and the specialization of the divine way that even our boss can't control, the divine way and the immortal way can't be integrated, preventing Pangu's rebirth, our plan will be considered a success."

But Yuan Yuan, the instigator who accomplished all this, remained indifferent. What he never imagined was that even the achievement of the divine way was planned by the heavenly way.

The rain is scattered all over, the smallpox falls wonderfully, the purple mist is transpiring, and the sun is everywhere!The stars in the sky are shining brightly, full of spiritual energy, visible to the naked eye, the vegetation sprouts and leaves, and in a blink of an eye, it turns into a giant tree supporting the sky, lush and lush.Countless monster races have activated their intelligence and come out of form!

On the Mount Sumeru in the western world, the leading Taoist is looking at the few apprentices who are practicing hard in the distance with a frown, and he can't help but feel resentful for the behavior of Hongjun Taoist. There are spiritual treasures and even congenital treasures, but the western places are just a little barren. Thinking of the scene when Taoist Hongjun divided the treasures, the Taoists were completely disappointed in Taoism.

Zhunti rushed back from the outside in a hurry, with a few skinny young people like dried radish behind him, and said to the lead Taoist in a hasty tone: "Senior brother, Sanqing is sanctified, what should we do, I will come The second corpse has just been beheaded now, is it still hopeless to behead the third corpse?"

When Jieyin heard this, his face immediately turned ashen. Under the oppression of the majestic aura, several apprentices who had just received were trembling with fright. It was only after receiving Yinshi that he realized it, and then he said to Zhunti with red and swollen eyes: "Junior Brother, I understand that Taoist Hongjun was not kind to us. It’s fine to end up as a registered disciple, and when the treasure is divided, it is also biased toward Sanqing and Nuwa,...Since he is not benevolent, don’t blame us for being unrighteous, I have an idea, I don’t know if the younger brother agrees.”

When Zhunti heard the news, he hurriedly set up an enchantment to separate the voice, Zhunti and Jieyin got together, bit their ears and made a plan, Zhunti heard and listened to Jieyin's proposal, at first he couldn't believe it, but seeing Jieyin Nodding heavily, Zhunti thought for a long time, and then nodded heavily.

In the west, twelve colors of glazed and pure precious light suddenly bloomed, leading the Taoist with a look of resentment on his face, sitting cross-legged on top of the twelve chaotic golden lotuses, and three milky white relics that stood out in the clouds, like pearls on the sea The same infinite light blooms, and the western Sumeru world is shrouded in this colorless brilliance, and the infinite Buddha's voice resounds throughout the western world.

Seeing this, Zhunti also sighed, and three thousand threads of troubles in the world of mortals fell off. He held a branch that was not green and not white, and the light of the seven treasures flowed and radiated. Dusty white lotus, three golden relics on the top of Yuanshen suddenly appear, a golden treasure tree stands in the sea of ​​clouds, the air of white Gengjin flows over it, like a roaring white tiger, the chilling aura gradually fades, and a peaceful color emerges in the sky On the face, catering to the overwhelming Buddha's voice from the reception, the golden Dharma figure with eighteen arms sat on the crown of the precious tree. The originally evil and evil Dharma figure Baozhuang resolutely showed a benevolent color on his face .As the voice from the reception echoed, slowly, the Buddha's voice spread throughout the entire Great Desolate Continent.

An inconceivable expression appeared on Jieyin's face. Originally, his idea was only spread across the Western Continent. He did not expect that Zhunti would do it so decisively. Immediately, Jieyin sighed. The matter has reached this point. It's irreversible, maybe Zhunti did the right thing.

The two looked at each other, and said at the same time: "Today, I, Jieyin (Zhunti) and Zhunti (Jianyin) jointly created Buddhism, not for Western religion. To the door!"

As soon as the words fell, five extremely powerful divine senses passed through the entire prehistoric continent and rushed towards the western Sumeru Dojo. The original Zhuxian Sword Qi was the first to rush. Collapsed to the ground.Seeing this situation and seeing the decline of the West, the other four spirits retreated after deliberating.

The two venerables in the West were furious, but this was also helpless. The two set up another sect today, and they had to pass this hurdle before they could accept the test of the Dao of Heaven. Qili rebuilt the house.

Tong Tian said to Yuan Yuan: "Second Brother, it seems that you are right. These two Westerners are really unfamiliar white-eyed wolves." After God, but I didn't expect that so early, the Western religion judged that the luck of the Xuanjiao dropped by [-]%, and all the saints felt that their luck kept dropping.

The energy of immeasurable merit descended from the sky, and most of it landed on the top of Jieyin's head. There was a sudden confusion in Jieyin's eyes, while the primordial purple energy in the primordial spirit kept circling, and the primordial purple energy kept emitting mysterious The weather led Jieyin's primordial spirit to rush towards the direction of the Tao. From a distance, Jieyin seemed to see a huge door appearing far away, but under the guidance of the primordial purple energy, Jieyin's Yuanshen flew towards another place, and the suppressed breath of countless powerful people came. Jieyin only felt that Yuanshen seemed to be out of his control, and flew directly into the void. There seems to be no connection between the primordial spirits, a mysterious aura came from Jieyin, and the coercion in it made Zhunti beside him tremble, and Zhunti couldn't help asking: "Senior brother, are you successful?" Holy?"

Jieyin nodded, with no joy or sorrow on his face, Zhunti was overjoyed, but he saw the loneliness in Jieyin's eyes.

After a small part of the virtuous energy hovered around Zhunti for a few weeks, it finally landed on the top of Zhunti's head. Zhunti was overjoyed, and hurriedly controlled the Primordial Purple Qi in the Primordial Spirit to wrap around it. The Primordial Purple Qi kept shaking, emitting With a little bit of moral mystery, Zhunti's cultivation has also increased step by step. From the middle stage of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal to the late stage of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, the energy of merit has also been consumed in twos and threes. Zhunti's disciples didn't have enough breakthrough cultivation, Zhunti stopped comprehending the Tao, and anger could not help but appear on his face.

Seeing the miserable state of Western Buddhism, Zhun lifted his hands together, suddenly uttered a wonderful voice and made 48 wishes, and then put his hands together and said: "If you can fulfill the 48 great wishes, you will become a Buddha, and my western world will become a world of bliss. !"

As soon as this wish was fulfilled, auspicious light descended from the sky, and the aura of merit, which was greater than the merits and virtues promised by the establishment of the teaching just now, fell on Zhunti's head.The golden trees and silver blossoms are sprinkled in the Western Paradise, and the floor is paved with gold bricks. It is the same as the vision when he was led and sanctified, and Zhunti was finally sanctified.

The coercion of sanctification fell, and all the Western beings bowed their heads in worship, and everyone looked peaceful and satisfied.Sit cross-legged on the ground, recite the merits of the saints, and sing in unison, wishing the birth of the saints of the West.

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