original sword god

090 The first appearance of the magic trace

Standing in a corner of the Great Desolate Continent, the palm of the Primordial Heavenly Demon turned outward. In the palm of his hand, a black lotus the size of a fingernail was spinning rapidly like a turbine. Under such a small black lotus, a vortex formed a passage. Wisps of devilish energy, like a cat smelling fish, are sucked into the black lotus.

The figure of the original demon suddenly disappeared without a trace, and when he reappeared, he had already reached another corner of the prehistoric world.

During the dragon and phoenix war, the demon ancestor Luohu was extremely powerful and dominated the prehistoric continent. He was the ancestor of all demons in the prehistoric. The devil in the middle.This kind of supernatural power was inherited by the primitive demon. At this time, the primitive demon just used one of the tiny supernatural powers to absorb the remaining demonic energy in the prehistoric world.But seeing his cautious appearance, it seemed as if he had been noticed by a great supernatural being.

That's right, the original demon did this because he was worried about being noticed by the great supernatural beings, and the most worried thing was that the spokesperson of the Dao of Heaven-Hongjun Daozu noticed it.

When Hongjun Daozu preached the last time, countless incarnations of heavenly demons were definitely not a test for him. Surprised by the aura of the demon ancestor on Yuan Tianmo's body, he didn't get entangled and entangled. Yuan Tianmo thought to himself that Hongjun Taoist ancestor might have become suspicious, but he hasn't shown it yet.

Time is extremely tight.

After Lao Tzu became a saint, the Primordial Heavenly Demon notified the Heavenly Court that Tai Yi had left the Heavenly Court, and no one knew where he was going. In the past hundred years, the Primal Heavenly Demon has done one thing, that is, to speed up the gathering of the Demon Race and Demon Qi.

The Lich War is imminent, and the sky is filled with countless demonic auras. Many liches who have failed to transform themselves, failed to fight, many demonic auras possessed by demons, and the primordial demons have all restrained themselves.

Over the years, the original demon has been preparing for these things. He borrowed Hetu Luoshu and a large amount of star essence from the heavenly emperor Taiyi. Li Po, Taoist Styx created the Asura demon clan before, the original demon has always been acquiescing, and he is doing the same thing, a series of actions, so that the original demon also has some original troops.

The original memory of the later generations gave him a lot of inspiration. In the original memory, ascetics are taboo to the heart demons and demons, so according to his strategy, use the supernatural powers that are as thorough as the sky, use these souls and The demon energy evolved into the demon clan.

During this period of time, the original demon has been practicing the cultivation method of the demon in the demon, the ancestor of the demon, who is known as the demon of the heavens and the world, and he has gained power. With the help of the chaotic black lotus in his body, he has formed an independent In the Zhongqian World, the Twelve Heavenly Demons were born in the Zhongqian World, which is why there are no Heavenly Demons in the outside world.

Since Luohu founded the Demon Cult, the Demon Race has always pursued "Tao eliminates the demon leader!" At this time, Jieyin and Zhunti separated from the Taoist gate, and about [-]% of the Taoist luck was lost. This is an excellent opportunity.

The plan has been decided, the original demon returned to heaven, and together with Tai Yi came to the world of Zhongqian, the original demon roared: "There is no way, since ancient times, the way has eliminated demons, and the luck of the Taoist sect is not perfect, so today I set up the demon sect. The black lotus is the thing that suppresses the luck of the Heavenly Demon, the Heavenly Demon Cult, stand up!"

Immediately, the Twelve Heavenly Demons roared sharply: "Heavenly Demons! Heavenly Demons!"

The original demon pressed down his hands, and the voices of the twelve demons immediately disappeared without a trace. At this time, the primitive demon did not see the cynical appearance of that day at all, and was looking solemnly at the purple light not far ahead. In the middle of the place, a purple demon group was shining continuously, and you, a strange-shaped object appeared in the distance.

All the demons were stunned by this strange-shaped object, and a strange voice faltered and recalled that the group of demons led by the original demon did not understand what it meant, and then something like a tentacle stretched out, and the eyes of the original demon He stared at this tentacle approaching his head, but couldn't think of any room to resist.

"Aha, that's how you guys talk." A voice came to the ear of the primitive demon, and even the mind of the primitive demon was shaken. Immediately, he saw the monster waving a tentacle to greet him. .

The primordial celestial demon is turning upside down in his heart. What kind of monster is this? How can he be so strong that he can read other people's memory language without being guarded by others. If such a monster stays by his side, then he still has What kind of privacy is there, he is really speechless.

"Aha, why don't you speak? Are you speaking ill of me?" The monster seemed headless, but its intelligence was extremely high, and it immediately guessed what the primordial demon was thinking.

A burst of coercion came over, and the twelve demons fell backwards involuntarily. The primitive demons tried their best to support their bodies and fell backwards, and the shock in their hearts was even greater: "Even Daoist Hongjun can't do this to himself." With such great coercion, what is the origin of this monster to have such a strong cultivation base?"

Seeing the monster's other tentacle probing over again, the primordial demon felt sweaty all over his body, and immediately said: "Senior has such a strong cultivation base, and he can probe so far. The junior is very impressed, but can the senior change?" It's more convenient to speak like this."

The monster tilted its head, as if thinking about something. After a little effort, the strange-looking thing suddenly turned into a person who was [-]% similar to the original demon. The original demon was even more shocked when he saw it. , this monster has mastered such a powerful supernatural power in such a short period of time, and when the tentacles came over just now, he didn't know how many secrets he knew about himself.

As if knowing what the original demon was thinking, the monster squinted at him and said, "Aha, don't worry, I don't want to know the things in your heart."

"Aha, this time you have achieved the Heavenly Demon Sect, and the patriarch sent me here with great magic power. Fortunately, Tiandao here is injured at this time, otherwise I would not be able to escape his detection so easily. My surname is Mo , you can just call me Mo!" Mo said, shrugged his shoulders, then stepped forward, pulled the sleeve of the original demon, put his head into the ear of the original demon, and said: "This demon sect you established It's fun, you can give me an official position."

Yuan Tianmo rolled his eyes, then gave him a blank stare and said, "You want to be an official, you want to join us?"

"Yes, being an official, being an official is really interesting." Mo nodded quickly, and the frequency of nodding was so fast that ripples appeared in the air. The Primordial Heavenly Demon watched this scene, and a few black lines appeared on his forehead involuntarily.

Turning his eyes, Yuan Tianmo took a plan into his heart, then nodded and said: "Okay, I will be your official, and you will protect the safety of these twelve heavenly demons, this is a very big official, directly Manage the safety of these twelve demons."

"Okay, okay, I'm finally an official, it's good to be an official."

Dazizai Tianmo rushed to Yuan Tianmo and heard Yuan Tianmo's arrangements for the demon clan to revive the demon clan. It fell from the sky."

"I just fell from the sky, what can you do to me?" A voice came, and the primordial demon trembled, and he couldn't help but secretly said in his heart: "This person who looks like a demon but not a demon has extremely high skills, and he can almost compare to Daozu Hongjun." Now, with a person like this arranged around, how come there is no privacy, that’s all, let’s tie him up.” I had a certain idea in my heart, and I couldn’t help but heaved a sigh of relief. I have primitive memories of later generations, and it’s not easy to deal with this kind of person The thing that tied him firmly to the boat of the demons was not afraid that he would not return.

"By the way, it seems that the prehistoric world is not peaceful now, so you can rest assured that these weak little brothers go out. If you want me to say, it's better to put them in another space." Another voice came from Mo's body, the original The demon wondered why this person was so fickle. According to the memory of later generations, the primitive demon vaguely guessed that Mo was a twin body, that is, there were two completely different souls in his body, so his personality showed dual characteristics. Do you know which feature dominates?

I thought it was the same thing in my heart, but the original demon kept answering: "What the senior said is very true, I also mean to put them in another space, or open up a space by myself, but in this case, How will my family grow stronger?"

"Stupid, put monsters or witches who don't like you, or low-handed ones, into these spaces, and after being transformed into demons, won't they grow stronger?" The indifferent voice continued.

Yes, the Primordial Heavenly Demon couldn't help being very interested in this Mo, but this is just the side of Mo's calm personality. After seeing Mo finished speaking, his eyes suddenly changed, and he was immediately talking about Da Zizai Heavenly Demon and Da Fen Mo who chats all day, this kind of character is not very pleasing.

Mo, the monster, is pulling Da Zizai Tianmo to speak. Da Zizai Tianma is in charge of the mind demon Dafa, and can transform into countless beautiful pink and pink demons. Like a child begging for candy, Da Zizai Tianmo didn't dare to offend this monster, so he quickly bowed his head and agreed, but he still followed Da Zizai Tianmo's footsteps. Breaking into cold sweat, he muttered to himself: "The boss is in trouble, the younger brother resists, the younger brother resists!"

Suddenly, he had an idea. It would be a big loss not to use this old monster. The Primordial Heavenly Demon turned his eyes and said, "Senior Mo, I want to open up a world as a temporary shelter for the demons. Seniors can help I can help."

Mo immediately ran away from Dazizai Tianmo, and then came to Yuanyuan Tianmo, happily clapping and jumping and said: "Okay, it's fun to open up the world. When your ancestor Pangu opened the sky, I It's fun to watch them all from the sidelines. But this kid's life is bad, hey!"

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