original sword god

044 The Beginning of the Battle

Yuanyuan once taught Yuding Yuqing wonderful method, let him choose one of them to concentrate on cultivation, but Yuding is extremely intelligent, he sees that Yuanyuan's swordsmanship has reached its peak, and he prefers swordsmanship, so he insists on choosing swordsmanship, Yuanyuan is against I am very satisfied with this choice. The later generations of Yuding hold the immortal sword in their hands and create a lineage of swordsmanship, and they themselves are not inhumane

Early this morning, Yuanyuan left the stone house, thinking that Yuding should be practicing swordsmanship right now, so he chuckled, performed a small spell, picked a willow leaf, and immediately turned into a very agile lark against the wind, Fly towards the inner courtyard.

The transformed bird flew all the way into the inner courtyard, and saw that the jade tripod was practicing kendo, pulling, picking, and chopping, although it was still immature, it already had the demeanor of a master of kendo.I saw that this jade tripod was very handsome, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, a straight nose and a square mouth, a full heavenly court, a round ground pavilion, a body with immortal bones, and strong energy. It is the beautiful jade material for Taoism.He thought to himself: "This jade cauldron will be a beautiful man in later generations, and now he is practicing kendo. From now on, he will walk in the prehistoric wilderness with a sword, and he will be the killer of young women and beautiful women in the prehistoric wilderness. Such a good material and beautiful jade, I want to teach him well." Then he commanded the little bird to sing non-stop towards Yuding.

Yuding heard the birdsong, knew it was the master who summoned him, hurriedly cleaned up, operated the method to remove the dirt from his body, and went to the stone house where Yuan lived.

Seeing that Yuding had arrived, Yuanyuan patted Yuding's shoulder and said with a smile: "I see that you have already started practicing swordsmanship. I have a sword formation called Zhuxian, which contains infinite sword intent, but those who enter the formation are life and death. I can't help myself, I don't know if you are willing to enter this sword array to practice sword intent!"

After finishing speaking, the Zhuxian Sword Formation unfolded towards the sky, and the sky became dark all of a sudden, with murderous aura filling the air, Yuanyuan condensed the murderous aura into the foot of the stone house, and saw that the murderous aura was even more ferocious, and the Jade Cauldron was closer to this, and he felt a sense of intuition. The cold breath hit his face, and he couldn't help shivering.

Yuan Yuan laughed and waved his hands, Yu Ding felt the air-conditioning disappeared, and said: "If you don't want to enter the battle, I won't force you, I also have a set of Tai Chi swordsmanship here, you can cultivate Tai Chi sword intent, this sword intent More peaceful, which one do you choose to practice?"

Yu Ding tilted his head and thought for a while, but he played a clever trick and said with a smile: "Master, can you teach me the Taiji sword will first, and then let me practice in the Zhuxian sword formation!"

The original ninja was endless, Yuding's thought was just like what he thought, and he was more satisfied with Yuding at the moment. He tapped Yuding's forehead lightly, and still smiled and said: "I have taught you the Tai Chi Sword Intent, quickly enter the formation to practice !"

Yu Ding looked at his master, and saw him standing casually outside the Zhuxian formation. Although the murderous aura of the formation was strong, it didn't affect him at all. He felt envious in his heart, strengthened his will to learn, and slowly used the Tai Chi sword he had just learned Intention to slowly enter the battle.

Seeing this, Yuanyuan was quite comforted in his heart. The sword technique that Yu Ding had just mastered was very impressive at this time, and just by using the four words "Tai Chi Sword Technique", he realized that it was a way to eliminate murderous aura. the only way.Such savvy, can't help but let the original heart admire.

The body of the jade cauldron was protected by Taiji Kung Fu, and I saw that two things like yin and yang eyes rotated rapidly, approaching with murderous aura, and they were all absorbed into the side of the black eyes. His sword intent is also rapidly condensing.Seeing that there was no danger, Yuding let out a long breath, and used Taiji Kung Fu to restrain the murderous aura. The murderous aura entered the Taiji diagram and was slowly refined. These murderous auras are different from ordinary murderous auras, with a trace of innate Breath, the breath of sword energy implied by murderous aura, every time you refine a trace of murderous aura, you can feel the sword intent, which is self-evident for Yuding.

Seeing that the cultivation has already started, Yuanyuan was relieved, and just now he let Yuding enter the Zhuxian Sword Formation to practice sword intent, but he broke into a cold sweat. He did not expect the murderous aura in the Zhuxian Sword Formation to become so fierce. Fortunately, now Yuding succeeded, otherwise, he would have to enter the battle and take Yuding out.

After arranging the cultivation of the Jade Cauldron, Yuanyuan should condense the Yuanshen again. Unexpectedly, the step of liquefying the Yuanshen has blocked the Yuanshen for nearly 10 years. Until now, Yuanyuan's state of mind has initially reached the consummation of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal- -The primordial soul is a child of Dacheng.

As said and done, after leaving a message to Erqing and Nuwa, Yuanyuan went to the chaos alone to continue his practice. He didn't want to participate in the first battle of the Lich, so he only asked Erqing and Nuwa to play.

Since Emperor Jun and Taiyi established the Heavenly Court, they have recruited troops and bought horses everywhere, and their strength has been greatly enhanced. Seventy to eighty percent of the demon clans in the prehistoric world have been brought under the command of the Heavenly Court. Come to see and worship.

In the camp of the Wu Clan, when the Yao Clan sent envoys to convey the will of Emperor Jun and Tai Yi, Zhu Rong was furious after hearing this, and burned the envoys to death. Di Jun was also furious and hurriedly called the Wu Clan Temple discussion.

Zhu Rong said angrily: "What are you waiting for, Di Jun and Tai Yi, two young men, are about to ride on our clan's head, kill them directly and chop these two guys up."

"That's right, the Yaozu are relying on Dijun and Taiyi, the two flat-haired beasts, to have the Heaven Opening Spirit Treasure, and don't worry about the rest, just go ahead and kill them. I'll flood the heaven with water." Gong Gong also yelled at the side road.

Consciously ignoring the words of these two battle-mad and nervous Zu Wu, Di Jiang turned his head to She Bi Shi, the think tank of the Wu Clan. Said: "At present, the power of the monster clan is too strong. In addition to the two leaders Di Jun and Taiyi, there are also Fuxi, Nuwa, and Kunpeng. The main reason is that these leaders pose a greater threat to us, and the Twelve Monster Commanders are not enough to worry about. After all, their physical cultivation is not enough, and the best of our family's great witches can handle it."

After hearing this, Zu Wu Di Jiang nodded in agreement, and said with a smile: "Zhu Bi Shi Zu Wu is right, but there is another point that he overlooked. The number of monster races is very large, there are hundreds of billions As for our witch clan, the number is relatively small, and there are not many masters, I mean, what do you think if we disperse them before attacking?"

Zuwu Houtu looked sad, with a look of pity that I saw, and she said politely: "Di Jun has the Xiantian Lingbao River Tuluoshu, and Taiyi has the most precious thing, the Donghuang Bell. However, these two treasures can hurt the body of my ancestor witch, so I have to find a way to restrain it."

She Bishi slapped the table and said loudly: "Don't be worried, little girl Houtu, have you forgotten the great formation of the Twelve Capitals of my Wu Clan? But I am not afraid of the treasures bullied by Di Jun and Tai Yi." The generation of people. In addition, the monsters live scattered, and there are only a million monsters stationed in the heavens, and we can fight quickly!"

After hearing this, the ancestral witches all said: "Good!"

Therefore, a group of ancestral witches decided to go to war, summoned all tribes of witches to integrate and wait for orders.

After a few days of hasty gatherings, the 12 ancestor witches led hundreds of great witches and millions of witch soldiers, gathered at the foot of Buzhou Mountain and attacked the heavenly court.

Dijun and Taiyi are accepting the worship of the hundred clans, it is the moment of the spring breeze, and they heard that the Wu clan is coming to attack, but they think that the hundreds of clans are coming to worship at this time, so let these hundred clans consume the fighting power of the Wu clan first.

It has to be said that both the Lich and the Lich have underestimated each other's fighting power.

The Wu clan is warlike, which is well-known in the prehistoric world.For tens of thousands of years, there have been no less than a million battles between liches, and the witch clan has dominated the prehistoric world since its birth.It's a pity that no demon has ever seen the power of the 12 ancestor witches.Speaking of which, in terms of individual combat capability, one Wu clan can beat ten monster clans, this is a qualitative difference.And although the great witches in the witch clan are not well-known, there are still a few people who are not inferior to the top ten demon gods.Outsiders have always been excluded from contact with the Wu Clan because of their violent and warlike character, which has caused the Wu Clan to be just a group of violent madmen in their eyes. Even if there are powerful witches, there are only a few of them.

At this moment, the Wu Clan also underestimated the strength of the Yao Clan. They did not expect that the convening of the Hundred Clans at this moment would defeat the calculations of the Wu Clan.

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