In Daozu Hongjun's eyes, the sudden flash of light shocked all the listeners in Zixiao Palace. Immediately, when Daozu Hongjun closed his eyes and opened them again, his eyes had already disappeared again. It returned to its original misty appearance.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet for a moment! Earlier I picked up some magic weapons in the prehistoric, and they are useless to me. Now I will distribute these magic weapons." Hongjun Daozu said rubbing his hands, a huge The Tai Chi diagram appears in the hand.

Looking at the aura of the magic weapon, it is an innate treasure!Greedy looks shot out from the eyes of all the listeners, Yuanyuan smiled faintly, he knew the ownership of the magic weapon long ago, so he turned his eyes to Lao Tzu.

Sure enough, Hongjun Daozu took a look at Yuanyuan and said lightly: "The Sanqing was transformed by Pangu, so there should be a treasure! Lao Tzu, as the head of the Sanqing, you should be in charge of this Taiji diagram. It is the integration of innate defense and attack, and it has the effect of suppressing the luck of the great teaching, so you can make good use of it."

Lao Tzu stepped forward, took the Taiji diagram from Hongjun's hand respectfully, and stepped aside after paying homage.

Hongjun nodded, turned his head and looked at Yuanyuan, and couldn't help but think in his heart, what magic weapon should he give this fellow Taoist?

When Yuan Yuan saw this, he was quite contemptuous in his heart, but on the surface he pretended to be indifferent, stepped forward and said: "Teacher, I got a few magic weapons earlier, you should leave Pangu Banner to the third brother."

He really knew!Hongjun felt a burst of emotion, and then a huge banner appeared in his hand, and there was a faint trace of chaos on the banner, which made the hearts of all the great supernatural beings itch.Hongjun still had the unshakable expression, nodded to Tongtian and said: "Tongtian, you are honest and honest, but you are a bit straightforward in character, and you will inevitably fight and enmity with others. Now I will give you the Pangu Banner for self-defense. This treasure is also the ultimate treasure for killing and cutting. The effect of suppressing luck, you take care of it."

Hearing this, Tongtian happily took the treasure in Hongjun's hand, thanked him and took it aside to play with.

Yuanyuan suddenly felt powerless, and as if thinking of something, he suddenly said, "Teacher, if we want to establish a religion, do we need something to suppress luck?"

"Yes, if there is no thing to suppress luck, the establishment of the religion will be unstable, it may be scattered, or it may collapse!" Daozu Hongjun said lightly, but he still looked at the original with great interest. Jun Daozu's eyes clearly saw a hint of mischief.

Yuanyuan was speechless for a while, but at this moment, the twelve chaotic golden lotus was destined to lead the Taoist priest. Yuanyuan thought, and sure enough, he took out a golden lotus stand with golden light from Daozu Hongjun's hand. In a trance, Yuanyuan seemed to hear Daoist Hongjun say: "Fellow Daoist, the two of you will set up a separate sect. These twelve chaotic golden lotuses are destined for you. This golden lotus is a magic weapon for defense and has the effect of suppressing the luck of the Great Teaching." Yuan Yuan sighed in his heart, and sure enough It is still destined by the way of heaven, but there is still a chance, I may give up here, or I will fail!

Hongjun didn't care about his personal thoughts, and just continued to divide the treasure. "Nuwa, I'll give you the red hydrangea and the map of mountains, rivers and land. If you don't establish a great religion, you will have these two treasures for self-defense, which will protect you well in the future!" I was a little worried, and now I heard that Hongjun had given me the treasure, so I came back to my senses, and after thanking him, I took the treasure into the space.

In the first row of seats, regardless of the original demon, Zhunti saw that he was the only one who did not get the magic weapon. Seeing that Hongjun had finished dividing the treasure, but did not see him take out the magic weapon that was allocated to him, he fell to the ground and cried: "Teacher, please be merciful. Give the disciple a magic weapon so that the disciple can defend himself in the future!"

This is all right, when all the great supernatural beings heard this, they all knelt down and cried loudly: "Teacher, please have mercy on us, and give us some magic weapons!"

Hongjun Daozu just wanted to agree to Zhunti's request, but when he saw so many people kneeling down, he suddenly felt a bit of resentment towards Zhunti. Tiandao had already paid back some of the karma of the West with the original hand, and now he has agreed Hongmeng Ziqi, and also admitted that the West can set up a sect religion, at this time Zhunti needs a magic weapon, isn't it too greedy.

Daoist Hongjun was unhappy, so he changed hands and retracted the blessing pestle that he had already obtained.

"All the predestined treasures have their destinations. For the rest, I will put them all on the Fenbao Rock in the southeast of the palace. You can all go and get them." Daozu Hongjun said lightly, his body seemed to become more ethereal.

"Original stay!"

Yuan Yuan was about to kill Fen Baoyan to get the treasure, but Daozu Hongjun stopped him with a yell. Seeing the "wolves" headed by Taoist Tongtian and Lao Tzu break out of Zixiao Palace and go straight for Fen Baoyan, Yuan Yuan's face was full of surprises. For displeasure.

"Friend Yuanyuan, do you have any other opinions about my treasure distribution? Why do you look uneasy?" After what happened last time, Hongjun Daozu is still polite to Yuanyuan.

"Ancestor Dao, I wonder if the Black Lotus of the Pure World is in your hands?" Yuan Yuan asked suddenly as if remembering something.

Daozu Hongjun's face softened a little, and while pinching his fingers, he said to Yuanyuan: "It's not in my hands, I can count it for you." After a while of counting with fingers hurriedly, Daozu Hongjun shook his head and said: "The magic weapon of the Pure World Black Lotus is not an innate treasure, but a chaotic spiritual treasure. Although the functions are not much different, this magic weapon is far away somewhere in the depths of chaos, and I can't use my soul to detect it!"

Originally, the original eager eyes also faded.

Seeing that Tongtian and Laozi came out happily holding a few magic weapons, slowly putting them in the Qiankun bag, Yuanyuan felt a little comforted in his heart.Seeing that everyone else has come out, everyone more or less has some treasures in their hands, even Zhunti holds a few second-rate innate magic weapons, Zhunti and Jieying stare at the top-grade innate spirit treasures in the hands of Tongtian and Laozi , the greed in the eyes can be seen even by a blind person, it can be seen that in the process of robbing the treasure just now, Zhunti suffered a big loss.

Yuanyuan stared at the chaotic golden lotus in Jieyin's hand, seeing that Jieying and Zhunti were about to leave, Yuanyuan suddenly said in his heart: "Daoist Jieyin, can you remember our agreement?"

Hearing the answer, his mind was agitated for a while, then he stopped, faced Yuan Jishou and said: "If you like these few magic weapons, Dao Zun, please take them as you like." After finishing speaking, he spread his palms , I saw four or five first-class innate spiritual treasures spinning continuously in the palm of the Buddha Kingdom.

Yuanyuan shook his head, glanced at Tongtian involuntarily, and then gritted his teeth and said, "If Fellow Daoist is willing to lend me a hundred years to understand the twelfth-grade chaotic golden lotus, then how about the cause and effect between us being settled here?"

Jieyin Taoist had a strong defensive mentality, and he was extremely reluctant in his heart. Zhunti was not afraid of Yuanyuan at this time. He must have Hongjun Daozu in Zixiao Palace, so he jumped out and said, "Friend Yuanyuan, could it be you?" Want Yiqiang to hide my Daoist brother's treasure, and don't even look at where you are now?"

Yuanyuan's face was gloomy, and he didn't even understand the yelling, his eyes were fixed on Jieyin Taoist all the time, Jieyin turned his eyes to Hongjun Daozu, Hongjun Daozu had an expression on his face that you are in charge.

Suddenly, Taoist Jieyin took out the chaotic golden lotus from his bosom, and handed it to Taoist Yuan, he still looked at the golden lotus platform reluctantly and said, "Taoist Yuan, please don't make things difficult for me in the future, thank you Daoist for your great kindness." ! After all, with Dao Zun’s Sanguang Shenshui, the West’s current improvement is possible.”

Hongjun Daozu was very puzzled, why did Yuanyuan keep biting the lotus platform and not relax?Hearing the words of Jieyin, Daoist Hongjun couldn't help giving a thumbs up to Yuanyuan: he used a little bit of the unimportant Sanguang Shenshui to easily resolve part of the cause and effect of the Dao of Heaven on the prehistoric west, and he also got a promise from the Taoist Jieying, so that It took a hundred years to get this treasure, and Daozu Hongjun couldn't help admiring it.

In terms of meticulous thought and careful planning, he can be said to be the leading figure in the prehistoric world, and his innate aptitude is so high, which is rare for Daozu Hongjun in his life in such a prehistoric world full of talents.

The only regret is that his way has nothing to do with his own way.

But Taoist Hongjun never imagined that the aptitude of the original Taoist is considered superior, but it is not countless times superior to others. After the explosive knowledge transfer of later generations and various sources of information, the original summary of various theoretical knowledge at this time In addition, in addition to this, the degree of desperation in primitive cultivation is also rare in the world.

Seeing the treasure in hand, Yuanyuan was overjoyed for a while, finally got it, um, baby, there is another treasure, Yuanyuan suddenly remembered: Fen Baoyan has not got this treasure yet, and then hurried out.

Seeing that after the baptism of wolves, Fenbaoyan was empty, of course, including those magic weapons scattered all over the prehistoric place waiting for destined people, Yuan Yuan casually threw Fenbaoyan into the Chaos Orb and returned to Zixiao Palace.

Together with Erqing and Nuwa, they stepped through the void, but stopped in another space. After seeing all the listeners in Zixiao Palace leave, Yuanyuan slowly returned to Zixiao Palace with Erqing, Nuwa and several disciples.

Along the way, Jieyin and Zhunti's hearts were filled with joy: In Zixiao Palace this time, the two have gained a lot, the holy throne, and all kinds of treasures, compared to the sum of the magic weapons collected by the two of them in so many years. Both are doubled.

However, just after riding the colorful auspicious clouds safely through the land of chaos, the leading Taoist suddenly changed his face, and hurried back with Zhunti.

Although Zhunti didn't know what happened, but always followed the requirements of the guide, he hurried back obediently, rushed through the land of chaos and rushed to Zixiao Palace. Daozu Hongjun had already explained to the four senior brothers After a hundred years of Hunyuan Avenue, Jieyin and Zhunti hurriedly wanted to concentrate on listening to the sermon, but it was too late for them to regret it.

It turned out that halfway through the guide, I discovered that Hongjun Daozu said that each sermon lasted 3000 years, but now the last sermon has only passed 700 years. As a result, due to the delay on the road, I missed the opportunity to listen to the sermon.

It is precisely because of the loss of the opportunity to listen to the sermon this time that the strength of the Second Saint of the West and the Sanqing are getting bigger and bigger.

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