original sword god

087 Man-made is not necessarily fake

After hearing the sermon in Zixiao Palace, Yuan Yuan hastily adjusted the proportion of time in the Xuantian Baojian to the highest level, and placed a large array of time laws in the Qiankun Cauldron, and retreated without saying a word.

The law of time, as the second most heaven-defying law in the universe, contains endless power.At this moment, the original, the comprehension of the law of time has reached a state that he is not clear about.He was able to accurately determine the extreme proportion of time that this Xuantian Baojian could withstand.According to his estimation, if the proportion of the law of time is adjusted to be larger, this space in the Xuantian Treasure Book may cause time to go backwards, or space to reverse.

In the alien space of Xuantian Baojian, the primitive Taoist stood next to the Qiankun Ding and kept watching. 5000 million years have passed. Oh, 50 years have passed in the outside world. The agreement is less than 50 years away, and we must hurry up.

The twelfth-grade chaotic golden lotus can breed lotus seeds. This is what Yuanyuan knew from the novels of later generations. Fine beads of sweat ooze from Yuanyuan's forehead. This is his first experiment. I believe it should be successful, although it is not perfect. Grasp but the original really did.

At this moment, Yuanyuan is going on an adventure. Put the twelfth-grade chaotic golden lotus in the Sanguangshen water, and add the remaining half of the Pangu essence jade liquid, use the law of time to catalyze it, make it grow rapidly and produce lotus seeds, then it will be It is possible to grow another chaotic golden lotus. If this method is successful, everyone will be happy. If it is not successful, there is no other way.

The big deal is to compensate the Western Sect with a spiritual treasure that can suppress luck, Yuan Yuan thought so.

I haven't rested for 5000 million years. After such a long period of concentration, the original hair is scattered, the beard is more than 10 meters long on the ground, the face is haggard, and the spirit is exhausted. It seems that I have aged more than 20 years. , fortunately, the original cultivation technique is against the sky, otherwise, no matter how great the supernatural powers are, they would not be able to withstand such consumption.

Seeing the chaotic golden lotus in the Qiankun cauldron spinning continuously, and turning faster and faster, the mixed liquid formed by Sanguang Shenshui and Pangu's spinal cord jade fluid was also being consumed continuously, Yuan Yuan stared at the lotus platform with staring eyes.

Seeing the time disappearing step by step, the lotus leaves of the chaotic golden lotus became more and more crystal clear, but there was no sign of growing lotus seeds, Yuan Yuan thought to himself, he was about to give up.

Suddenly, Yuanyuan thought that there was something else that might be helpful, and then he dug out some of the Nine Heavens' Breathing Soil left over from Nuwa's creation of man from the chaotic bead, split it into two with a light wave of his palm, and the larger part followed. Throw it into the Chaos Orb, and throw a small part into the Qiankun Cauldron.

As the small piece of Nine Heavens Breathing Soil was thrown into it, the Qiankun Cauldron suddenly moved strangely, and the Qiankun Cauldron suddenly became larger as if it was inflated, and it also rotated without any restraint, Yuanyuan hastily focused on control.

Suddenly, a muffled sound came from the Qiankun cauldron, and the Qiankun cauldron stopped rotating immediately, and fell straight down from the air.Yuan Yuan had some expectations in his heart, but also some fears.But he immediately thought that even if he didn't succeed, he could go to the chaos to find the Black Lotus, and he let go of the burden in his heart.

Squatting down, Yuan Yuan gently flipped open the Qiankun Cauldron, only to see that the color of the twelfth-grade chaotic golden lotus in the cauldron was a little darker, and the golden light was a little darker. The ground turned, and the golden lotus was in full bloom, with a faint fragrance that refreshed the heart and mind. A crystal clear golden lotus seed the size of a soybean was located in the middle of this dark yellow twelve-grade lotus platform. up and down.

Yuan Yuan looked overjoyed, as if he had forgotten his supernatural powers, he hurriedly caught it with his hands.

Years of calculation finally succeeded!Yuan Yuan was ecstatic, laughing and jumping and shouting wildly.

After 900 million years, the chaotic golden lotus finally gave birth to a lotus seed. After hearing the news, Er Qing and Nu Wa hurried to the Xuantian Baojian, and saw Yuan Yuan squatting on the ground, staring at the lotus seed at that moment, as if The appearance of being more than 30 years old made Erqing and Nuwa feel sore. Nuwa just wanted to rush over and hug Yuanyuan and cry, but was rushed out by Tongtian and hugged Yuanyuan's body. Although she didn't shed tears, she Tong Tian's body kept shaking, obviously too excited.

This second elder brother has spent all his time thinking about his affairs, and all these are in his eyes and in his heart.

"Hey, why are you here, third brother, come here and see how second brother conceived this lotus seed into a lotus platform." After a long time, Shi finally came to his senses. Seeing Tongtian's excited expression, he seemed to understand the situation in his heart. , slowly lifted Tongtian up, then took the Qiankun cauldron that was thrown aside, poured the remaining Pangu essence jade liquid and the remaining half pool of water into the Qiankun cauldron, thought for a while, and breathed from the nine heavens again. Tear off some of the above and put the lotus seeds directly into it.

The lotus seeds swirled happily in the Qiankun cauldron like a child swimming, and the hearts of the four were all attracted to the cauldron.

In the blink of an eye, 50 years have passed again. Yuan Yuan took out a lotus stand from the Qiankun Ding with a smile, and saw nine leaves fluttering in the wind. The surface of the leaves was smooth and clear, like a mirror. Yuye and Sanguang Shenshui, the overnight images of nine green lotuses began to overlap into one, and then bloomed like a burst, Yuan Yuan knew that this was already the limit, the so-called nine is perfect, ninety-nine is one The truth is, the so-called innate treasure twelve-grade lotus platform is a thing that surpasses heaven and earth, and it belongs to the innate, and it is the same as the acquired thing.

Watching the gestation process of this ninth-grade lotus platform with their own eyes, several of them have a deeper understanding of the innate good fortune, especially Nuwa. After the end of the epiphany state, Nuwa's cultivation base will make great progress.

Tongtian retreated to kill the three corpses, and Yuan Yuan followed closely.

As soon as he walked out of the stone room, before he sat down to drink tea, he saw Yu Ding rushing into the courtyard, and suddenly saw the original appearance, Yu Ding was stunned, why did Master seem to have become a lot more 'mature', but, Yu Ding still casually said: "Master, you are out of the seclusion. The two seniors in the West have been waiting for Master in the hall for two years. As soon as the master was out of the seclusion, they called the disciples to come and want to sue."

Yuanyuan smiled slightly, wiped off the beard on his face casually, took care of his clothes briefly, and ran the spell silently, feeling a little better in spirit, before going to meet him.

The two future saints in the West are constantly turning around in the hall, and Jieying is also constantly turning around. It has been two full years, Jieying is living in torment, and several disciples of Tongtian are constantly comforting Zhunti with a bit of a temper, this is the teaching of primitive Taoists, one must be in awe of those with great supernatural powers, so the few disciples did not make any mistakes in treating the vicious Zhunti.

Looking at the marble coffee table in the outer hall, a cup of hot tea is emitting a strong tea fragrance. After entering the room, Yuan Yuan sat directly beside the coffee table, and Liberty Yuding sent Yuan special 'goji berry' spiritual fruit tea. Yuan Yuan sipped it After taking a sip, he raised his head and saw that the two Westerners were looking at Yuanyuan expectantly. Yuanyuan smiled slightly and said to Jieyin and Zhunti, "It's rare for you two to come here for the first time. Please have some tea!"

"Okay, okay!" Jieyin and Zhunti said yes, but there was no movement in their hands. Yuanyuan sighed slightly, and then he stopped reluctantly, and then took out the chaotic golden lotus from the chaotic bead, and then Fortunately, Zhunti seemed to be rushing, and then got it in his hand, and began to investigate carefully.

Jieying's gaze shifted from Yuanyuan's hand to Zhunti's, and seeing Zhunti heaved a long sigh of relief, he cupped his hands in salute and said, "Please forgive me, my brothers have lost their composure!"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Yuanyuan replied with a smile, and put away the Chaos Orb casually.

Only then did Zhunti and Jieyin turn away from the chaotic golden lotus. Zhunti suddenly remembered the bead that Yuanyuan had just taken out of his hand, and he was taken aback. The disciples looked amused.

Jieyin sneaked a sideways glance at Zhunti, then handed over his hands and apologized, pulling Zhunti who was still in a daze to get up and leave quickly.

Yuan Yuan returned to the stone room and fell into a deep sleep. The consumption this time was too great, Yuan Yuan fell into the stone room for a full ten years before slowly waking up.

This is the first time he has fallen into such a sweet sleep since the founding of the prehistoric world. In his sleep, he originally dreamed that his brothers had broken through the constraints of heaven, and even dreamed that he and Nuwa would marry and have children in front of their parents, and they would be happy in Penglai Island. ,... The first time after waking up, I saw Nuwa's concerned gaze, Erqing and all the disciples were guarding his side, with a slight smile on Yuanyuan's face.

In the days that followed, laughter kept ringing in Kunlun Mountains, mixed with Nuwa's silver bell-like laughter, and I felt a burst of satisfaction.

It's time to recruit more apprentices, a voice sounded from the bottom of Yuan Yuan's heart, yes, it's time to recruit more apprentices, thinking in his heart, Yuan Yuan suddenly had the idea to go out for a stroll.

"TMD, God, you're plotting against me again!" Yuanyuan couldn't help yelling, Erqing, Nuwa and all the disciples who were holding a bonfire party on Kunlun Mountain were all frightened by Yuanyuan's words, and Yuanyuan's face was livid , with his middle fingers bunched up high, he made a contemptuous gesture toward the void.

Suddenly a huge bolt of lightning mercilessly struck down from the sky, and struck Yuan Yuan's forehead straight. Yuan Yuan was struck so that he rolled more than a dozen times, Yuan Yuan kicked back a few steps.

Yuanyuan was furious, and then he stepped on the blue clouds and went straight to the void. Erqing and Nuwa were stunned for a moment, Yuanyuan had disappeared, and the three hurried to catch up.

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