original sword god

079 Breakthrough

Yu Ding was in a dangerous situation and actually made a breakthrough. If Yuan Yuan was not watching over him, even if Yu Ding had great abilities, he would not be able to resist the attack of Tai Yi, who was holding the innate treasure Chaos Clock, even if he was on the verge of breaking through.

In addition, Taiyi had cut off the good and evil corpses earlier, and became the peak existence of the quasi-sage late stage. Even if the Jade Cauldron swordsmanship is superb, the Jade Cauldron, which has just entered the quasi-sage realm, cannot last for such a long time.

Jade Cauldron broke through the early stage of quasi-sage, and had the opportunity to kill the corpse for the first time. It was supposed to be closed to a pure place, to meditate in order to kill the evil corpse, and the process of cutting the corpse was the best time to understand the Taoism. I missed it. This time, the beheaded three corpses don't know when they will be able to complete their cultivation, but seeing Taiyi's Chaos Clock attacking, it is not for Yuding to consider at this moment.

A cold gleam flashed in Yuding's eyes, his heart froze, and the meritorious aura all over his body turned into an endless wall of black and yellow aura, which directly blocked the Chaos Clock's attack.

Yu Ding has helped the human race for thousands of years, and is honored as a "sage master" by the human race. He enjoys a full [-]% of the luck of the human race, and the aura of merit and virtue he has gained is also extremely strong. The suppression of Taiyi.

Taiyi saw the strong black-yellow meritorious aura on Yuding, and he, who was the emperor of heaven in the heavenly court, did not have such abundant meritorious aura, and the jealousy in Taiyi's eyes was even stronger.

Seeing the jade cauldron protecting the whole body with the energy of virtue, Tai Yi sacrificed the seal of Chiji Emperor Yuan, and slammed into the wall of Xuanhuang Qi fiercely. It returned to normal, and the merits were only consumed a little.

"It seems that I have to use my housekeeping skills. When the breakthrough of this jade tripod is completed, I am afraid that I will have the upper hand." Tai Yi thought for a while, stomped the bottom of the bottom fiercely, and his body rose into the air like a dry field. After rising three thousand feet into the void, the void floats in the air.

The eyes scanned the jade cauldron below. At this moment, Yuding, who was controlling the soul to cut off the evil corpse, suddenly felt a chill in his back. He couldn't help but looked up, and saw Tai Yi holding the chaotic clock in his right hand and the Chiji Emperor Yuan seal in his left hand. , is working hard and ready to go.

Yu Ding couldn't help being furious. It was the first time since he was born that he was forced to such a degree. Suddenly, he felt anger rushing to the top of his head. Yu Ding actually felt that the evil corpse became more loose, as if he could cut it off at any time.

But this time was not the best time, Yu Ding was cruel, and the condensed primordial spirit suddenly retracted, because the timing of the retraction was too fast, he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

In the void, seeing this situation, Tongtian couldn't bear it. Normally, Tongtian and Yuding had a very good relationship, and Yuding's temper was quite to his liking, so he treated Yuding differently, as if he were his own disciple .Tong Tian looked at this scene with red and swollen eye circles, rolled his eyes up, looked at the original Taoist and said, "Second brother, look..."

Yuan Yuan shook his hand, lowered his head and began to meditate, just now he suddenly intervened in the battle between Tai Yi and Yu Ding, God felt it, his chest seemed to be hit suddenly, and it was even more desolate to withdraw the suppressed Yuan Yuan. , Yuding actually gave up the chance to cut off the evil corpse this time, and the difficulty of beheading the corpse in the future may be greatly increased.

Lao Tzu shook his head and murmured: "This son of Yu Ding has a very resolute character, like a tendon, very similar to his second brother's character, goodness is like water, you must know that toughness is easy to break, it seems that after this war, How about the second brother entrusting this son to me for a period of time?"

Only then did Yuanyuan come to his senses, and immediately bowed to Lao Tzu.

Since he was born, although Yuanyuan is the second child of the Sanqing, he has always played the role of the eldest brother. At this moment, Lao Tzu's words hit Yuan Yuan's heart. One of the Three Purities, at this moment, the cultivation base of Taoism has far surpassed himself.

Thinking of this, the pressure in Yuan Yuan's heart disappeared along with a little hostility, and his mind calmed down all of a sudden, and then he felt something: "My son Yuding, after this change, the path of cultivation is already different from ours. , the accumulation is even deeper than ours at the beginning, and the future is limitless."

Sanqing and Nuwa both nodded when they heard this, and called it "good".

In other words, when Sanqing and Nuwa were discussing, Yuding was furious at this moment, and his heart was full of endless murderous intentions for the monster Taiyi, and for this chief culprit who hindered his promotion, Yuding's heart was full of strong murderous intentions.

"Five Elements Sword Qi, Xuanhuang Divine Light, kill!!"

The sword intent burst forth in his heart, and the sword intent comprehended in the Zhuxian Sword Formation condensed into a giant sword, and streaks of mysterious yellow divine light were drawn into it, adhering to the will of Yuding's destruction, and slashed towards the sword along a strange trajectory. The Heavenly Emperor Taiyi in the Void.

In the void, it seemed that a huge crack was opened by Yuding's huge sword. The power of Yuding's sword had surpassed what the late Zhunsheng Tai Yi could bear.

"What, it's impossible!" All the great supernatural beings watching the battle in the void all sighed. The bun is messy, or the clothes are disheveled, or the body is slightly injured.

At this moment, Sanqing and Nuwa looked at this scene with their eyes staring straight, and they couldn't help muttering to themselves: "Impossible, this is an illusion, it is definitely an illusion!"

This huge sword went all the way up, breaking through countless spaces, and the space fragments in the void kept flying out. Yuding stared straight at Taiyi above, and Taiyi was stunned by the power of Yuding's sword energy at this moment. Standing in the void, he suddenly placed the Chiji Huangyuan seal on the sole of his feet, and threw the chaotic clock upwards. The chaotic clock quickly became larger, and when it became taller than one person, it fell down, covering the Taiyi tightly within it .

Seeing Tai Yi's actions, the great supernatural beings in the void couldn't help laughing, and then thought of something, some great supernatural beings shut up one after another, stopped making fun of Tai Yi's actions, and looked at Tai Yi differently. Can they take over the sword from Yuding? Although they didn't say anything, they shook their heads secretly.

Seeing the huge sword colliding with the Chaos Clock for a moment, Yuding actually closed his eyes. The power of this sword is comparable to the full blow of a quasi-sage peak master. Yuding also performed extraordinary. The sword qi had consumed all of Yuding's energy, and he couldn't help but feel a burst of collapse.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In just a moment, the dark yellow sword light collided with the Chaos Clock, and the violent roar resounded through the prehistoric land, and the earth couldn't help trembling.

The Chaos Clock and Tai Yi were violently thrown ten miles away, and the huge collision caused waves of spatial turbulence, which tended to expand.

Tai Yi in the Chaos Clock, his primordial spirit was completely scattered, and Tai Yi stood up bleeding from seven orifices, holding the wall of the Chaos Clock with his hands, suddenly his eyes were fixed, and his hands kept stroking the wall of the clock, and he discovered that the Chaos Clock had been crushed by a huge His sword energy drew a deep imprint.

"Junior, court death!"

Suddenly a ball of flames appeared from Taiyi's right hand, the flames continuously gathered, turned into a spiral shape, turned continuously, and quickly condensed into a mass of substance, Taiyi yelled: "Innate Fire God Thunder!"

Tai Yi is desperately trying to use up the essence and sun fire in his body. Those people with great supernatural powers don't think that Tai Yi is going crazy at the moment, but think that Tai Yi's move is very wise. Even Yuan Yuan looks at Tai Yi with admiration.

Seeing the innate god thunder reach his body, Sanqing opened his eyes to look at Yuding, but his heart was still full of hope for Yuding.

Yuding is still talking about his master at this moment, thinking that Yuanyuan will definitely come to rescue him, suddenly, the congenital fire god thunder exploded violently, turning into countless small groups of thick burning flames, killing Yuding's body. The body devours.

There was a hint of madness in Tai Yi's eyes, he laughed loudly and said: "Jade Cauldron Junior, no matter how talented you are, it's time to die now."

At the moment when the flame reached his body, Yu Ding's thoughts kept turning. He thought a lot, and kept revolving around why the master didn't come to him, why, why, Yu Ding suddenly felt a trace of irritability, and was immediately swallowed by the flame.

"Brother, this..." Seeing Yuding's body being engulfed by flames, Nuwa was very puzzled why Yuanyuan was indifferent, but when she turned her head, she saw the smile on the corner of Yuanyuan's mouth. Nuwa knew that nothing would happen, Laozi and Tongtian They were stunned for a moment, and then laughed one after another.

The Jade Cauldron was transformed from Pangu's teeth, and its body was extremely hard. When it was transformed, it was baptized by the Heavenly Tribulation, and it became a glazed real body. The real fire of the sun transformed from Taiyi's true essence is obviously stronger than the fire that descended from the Heavenly Tribulation. Ferocious, but compared to Yuding, it will be safe.

With a sound of 'boom', the flame on Yuding's body rose several thousand feet high, and the whole person turned into a colorless transparent body, and the incomparably powerful real fire of the sun burned Yuding's body , There was a beeping sound, and Yuding's body kept expanding.

High temperature, extremely high temperature, the space around Yuding's body began to distort irregularly, and the body seemed to be burnt, showing a colorless and transparent shape. After waiting for a while, some The variegated viscous liquid flowed out of the pores one by one, and there was an unpleasant stench in the air.

Sanqing is overjoyed, this is the symptom after breaking through the sixth turn of the Nine Turns Mysterious Kungfu. Unexpectedly, Yuding, who has not had time to swallow the innate spiritual fruit Xinghuangli, has broken through by himself.

Tai Yi stared blankly at the Yuding who had used his true energy to break through his cultivation, feeling very frustrated in his heart. He never thought that the real fire of the sun, which he had already consumed [-]% of his essence, had not yet had any effect on the jade cauldron. Taiyi's mind was taken away, and no one watched, the black light flashed in Taiyi's eyes.

Military adviser Bai Ze and the twelve demon commanders had already arrived here. Seeing this situation and Tai Yi's dull eyes, Bai Ze gave the demon commanders a look, and then slowly left surrounded by the dazed Tai Yi.

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