original sword god

057 Grandfather King

On the way to the hall, the shrimp soldiers and crab generals with knives and forks quickly performed the ceremony. Ao Guang didn't bother to pay attention, and went straight to the hall. A general patrolling the sea had already stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, the man in black has arrived at the hall. Gao Ming, he didn't hurt anyone, he just threw out all the soldiers who invaded, and only asked to see you."

Seeing the confidant general with blue nose and swollen face, Ao Guang was furious in his heart, stomped his foot hard, a deep pit appeared on the ground, the general shrank his head back in fright.Ao Guang quickly entered the hall, but the scene in the hall made Ao Guang's anger blazing.

I saw that my youngest daughter, Ao Feng, who I had always regarded as my darling, was being molested in the arms of the man in black, while my wife was serving the man in black, pouring wine for him for fun.

Ao Guang stepped forward quickly, the expression of the man in black moved slightly, he let go of the little beauty in his arms with a smile on his face, Ao Feng only had the intellect of a child in his teens, he was always cute and well-behaved, and he was always favored by his father and king. The favorite of the general of the dragon clan had never been so frightened before, and after being put down, he lay on the ground trembling.

Ao Guang was furious, and rushed to the man in black angrily, ready to get angry. Suddenly, Ao Guang caught a glimpse of a part of the man's left face from the man in black's collar, and he couldn't help but hissing.

The incomparably ferocious face was covered with scars.As if there were countless bugs wriggling, with such a strange appearance, Ao Guang immediately knew that the visitor was very difficult to provoke, at least not something that Dragon Palace could handle at present, so Ao Guang calmed down and stopped his anger.

Ao Guang hastily helped Ao Feng, the little girl in his palm, and Long Hou, his married wife, up to their feet, and signaled them to stay away.Seeing his wife reluctantly supporting the little girl into the inner room, Ao Guang suppressed the anger in his heart, stepped forward and said: "Shangxian, why are you here, Xiaolong has failed to welcome you!"

Now that the rightful lord has arrived, the man in black stopped pretending, rolled his dead eyelids, and said grimly, "Then Xiaolong, do you know what this is?"

After all, he took out a small jade dragon from his bosom. The whole body of this small jade dragon was ruddy, crystal clear, beautiful and beautiful as if swallowing clouds and fog. .

Ao Guang received it in his hand, and after careful inspection, he respectfully held it in the palm of his hand, knelt down in the tunnel and said, "Ao Guang joins my father, my father is blessed!"

A divine thought came from Xue Linglong: "My son Ao Guang, this is the ancestor of Pan Wang, the great god of the wilderness, and my good friend. You must treat him with the etiquette of the patriarch of the Dragon Clan and follow his orders!"

It was Zhulong's voice that came from the divine sense, and it disappeared after speaking.

After hearing this, Ao Guang respectfully handed it back to Patriarch Panwang, and respectfully said, "I don't know if senior is here, what important matter needs Xiaolong to deal with, senior, it's okay to speak, Xiaolong will do his best. "

Satisfied with Ao Guang's respect for him, the man in black stretched out his hand out of thin air, and an image of a cultivator emerged in the void, which was clearly the vividness of a primitive Taoist.The man in black didn't hesitate, turned his head and asked, "Have you ever seen a person of this way after living in the prehistoric world for a long time?"

Seeing this familiar figure, Ao Guang's expression changed slightly, and he bowed his head and said, "Senior, when I sneaked into Penglai Island in the East China Sea recently, I saw a monk who was [-]% similar to the image in the jade slip."

Patriarch Panwang was overjoyed when he heard this, but he was worried that he could not find anyone, so he hurriedly asked, "Where is Penglai Island? I have never heard of it. Take me there quickly."

Ao Guang hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Senior, Penglai Island is a mysterious fairy island, a god island floating in the south of the East China Sea, its location is often erratic, and it is a famous island in the wild. The innate formation is shrouded, so the ground is foggy. Even if someone travels ten miles here, they may not be able to find the island. Now this island is occupied by this great supernatural power. Think twice!"

At first, Patriarch Pan Wang was interested in the island that Ao Guang said, but what kind of temperament is he? Hearing that Ao Guang said that this person has a high level of cultivation, he was furious and said: "Presumptuous! Are you afraid that I can't deal with him!"

Ao Guang hastily lowered his head, kept making salutes, and said, "Senior, please calm down your anger for now, Xiaolong will take you to Penglai. The friendship of the landlord, we will start again tomorrow. What do you think of the seniors?"

The Patriarch Pan Wang set off as soon as he wanted to. Judging from the attitudes of Zhulong and his son, it was clear that this person might be a person with great powers, and he also wanted to learn more about his opponent.Then he nodded, and Ao Guang urgently ordered his subordinates, the Dragon Clan, to arrange rare game treats.

Back in the inner room, Ao Guang looked at his wife who was still trembling, and his precious daughter who was stunned and looked strange, and hurriedly comforted him in a low voice, but secretly cursed in his heart: "It's too much to bully, I won't kill you!" It’s hard to get rid of the hatred in my heart, I can’t deal with it with my low cultivation, and the one from Penglai Island is not easy to deal with.” Thinking of this, Ao Guang calmed down a little, and he kept thinking about his trip tomorrow.

That night, under Ao Guang's hospitality, Patriarch Pan Wang got drunk and didn't mention it.

The next day, after Ao Guang arranged for the Dragon Clan to enter combat readiness, he led Patriarch Panlong to leave the East China Sea Dragon Palace and quietly headed for Penglai.

The original body of Pan Wang Patriarch was Chaos God Demon, and after the death of Kaitian, a soul was reincarnated in the prehistoric world, and his cultivation base was extremely high after millions of years.At this moment, he is very skilled and bold, according to his understanding and analysis, this action will definitely not go wrong, so he has nothing to fear in his heart.But Ao Guang was different, seeing the vicinity of Penglai Island, no matter how forced by King Pan, he refused to go any further.

In desperation, King Pan let him go back to the East China Sea, looked at Ao Guangyuan's figure with disdain, and kept cursing: "Cowardly guy, Zhulong is also considered a master in the wild, how could he give birth to such a useless child?" son!"

Since he put the little dragon king back to the Dragon Palace, Yuanyuan spent the whole day discussing with Nuwa, enjoying himself very much.It's just that I still remember the uneasiness in the primordial spirit in my heart, and for several days, I have no clue.In this case, the original then left it behind.

On this day, a strange noise came from the outskirts of Penglai Island. It was the original bad luck, and Nu Wa went to investigate alone without notifying Nuwa.

Yuanyuan finally found out the source of the sound in a dark cave on the outskirts of Penglai Island.Standing outside the cave, Yuanyuan heard the weird sound more clearly. Outside the stone cave, black blood continued to flow out along the cave entrance, emitting a stench.

The primitive mind is elegant, and his favorite thing in life is to admire flowers and talk about Taoism. Seeing such an ugly scene in Penglai Xiandao, he couldn't help frowning secretly. He hurriedly turned his magic trick to close his sense of smell, frowning, and stepped into the cave like walking in the void.

After walking for nearly a hundred meters, I finally found the source of the abnormal sound at a corner of the cave. It was the sound of an old man transformed into a thousand-year-old poplar tree.I saw a small crimson snake coiled above the old man's head and neck. The small red snake moved very fast, with its long tongue sticking out continuously, and there was a hissing sound. "Kiss" the old man's neck.

For no reason, Yuan Yuan felt a little displeased with the old man in his heart. He waved his sleeves to put away the spiritual little snake, and sent the old man hundreds of millions of miles away.After getting out of the cave, Yuan Yuan stamped his backhand on the wall of the cave, and only heard a bang, the cave collapsed, and the smell of smell also disappeared.

At this time, thousands of meters away, thousands of human-faced spiders as tall as a person crawled quickly, followed by tens of thousands of colorful poisonous snakes. The leading poison quickly lined up in an array, enveloping the original.

Such a poison, how can it do nothing to me!Yuanyuan smiled contemptuously, closed his eyes and practiced the profound arts silently, and the destructive pressure around him reappeared. Yuanyuan waved his hand, and the irritable vitality under his palm quickly concentrated into a ball, and the playful Yuanyuan shouted: "Spiral Pill!", suddenly pressing the ball towards the white spider in the center of the array.Suddenly, a burst of fragrance came into the nose, Yuan Yuan's mind shook for a while, and Yuan Yuan cried out badly.

Then, a sharp, thorn-like thing pierced the tiger's mouth in the palm of his left hand.Raising his hand under the original pain, he saw a small red dot bitten on the tiger's mouth on his left hand. Rao, the Xuanhuang Immortal Physique was almost ready to grow. After being stabbed by this poisonous spider, the original palm quickly became red and swollen, with severe pain Came swiftly, primordial remorse.

"Careless! I didn't expect to hunt geese all day long, but I was pecked by geese!"

No more mercy in his heart, a sword transformed from spiritual energy quickly appeared on his right hand, it was the original condensed sword-like sword spirit.With a single swing of the sword, the tens of thousands of poisonous substances were all reduced to powder.

Suddenly, a pink light broke through the original defense layer, and quickly cast it into the depths of the chaos.

I have long felt that something is strange: Penglai Island has always been a supreme fairy island, how can there be so many poisonous insects living in it, it must be arranged by someone.Now that the enemy is coming, Yuanyuan has always believed that being kind to the enemy is cruelty to the enemy, so naturally he will not let go of the opportunity.

It seems that they haven't made a move for a long time, and many monsters have forgotten their fierce power. They have no fun for a long time, and there are still people who dare to provoke Yuan Yuan, Yuan Yuan couldn't help showing that familiar smile again.

Realizing that he has eliminated some abnormalities in his body, looking at the pink figure going away, a smile appeared on Yuan Yuan's face that scared even the gods and demons. After this smile appeared, Yuan Yuan unconsciously licked his upper lip with his tongue , the body swayed, and immediately appeared on top of the pink figure.

"Mother!" Patriarch Pan Wang swears, he didn't expect to be caught up so soon, Patriarch Pan Wang sadly thought that he was forced to be like this by a junior.

Patriarch Pan Wang was shocked when he saw Yuan Yuan slashing away the breath of poisonous insects he had summoned with his sword just now. He thought that his cultivation was comparable to that of a saint, but he couldn't see Yuan Yuan's cultivation clearly. Isn't that better than his own cultivation? It's too high, it's impossible!Patriarch Pan Wang couldn't help thinking secretly.Seeing the sword's astonishing power, he, who has always spared his life, quickly slipped away, waiting for another attempt.But he was caught up before he ran very far.

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