original sword god

028 Fuxi Enters the Palace

Dijun and Taiyi suffered a setback in Kunlun Mountain, and they were extremely depressed. When they returned to Sunstar, Dijun was furious.So he summoned all the demon clans to discuss matters in the Sun Palace.Seeing Dijun's gloomy face, all the Yaoshuai present felt uneasy.

After a while, Di Jun's anger subsided a little, and he turned his head to ask the deputy military commander Bai Ze: "The deputy military commander knows about the catastrophe of the dragon and the phoenix." Zhong itself is a sub-kylin, covered in snow white, able to understand the emotions of all things.When he was young, he once advised the Qilin clan and united with the dragon clan to fight against demons, which won the joy of Mo Yun, the patriarch of the Qilin clan.When the army went out, Bai Ze was in charge of the Qilin clan, but he was spared from death.

After his father and brothers were killed, Bai Ze took refuge in Di Jun, who was popular among the demon clan at that time, and after being appreciated by Di Jun, he became the deputy military advisor.Bai Ze is the only Qilin clan survivor who did not win the war. Although Bai Ze knew the situation during the war, he never mentioned it to others.At this time Dijun asked, he had always admired Dijun's talent, and Dijun had the kindness to know him. Bai Ze was grateful, but he had to tell the secret of Honghuang.

After listening to Bai Ze's explanation of how Yuanyuan fought against Luohu and killed Luohu in one fell swoop, Dijun wanted to slap himself in the face, thinking how unwise it would be to offend Yuanyuan, so Dijun turned his head to Taiyi." Two Brother! You must not be so careless in doing things in the future!" Di Jun looked at Tai Yi meaningfully and said.

At this time, Tai Yi was shocked by the original deeds and his head was numb. Although Tai Yi did things carelessly, he knew that he had hit the south wall.There was a hint of guilt in Tai's eyes: "This matter is my fault, and I have caused my brother!" Di Jun nodded.I had nothing to say all night, and the next day I hurriedly ordered my subordinates to send Lingbao to Kunlun without mentioning it...

In Buzhou Mountain, clouds and mists shrouded in clouds, cranes danced in the air, a gust of breeze blew by, and waves surged among the swaying leaves.

"Haha, a guest is here, why don't you come out and see how you feel, Fuxi is here to welcome you." "Ding Dong!" A leisurely sound of the piano rose slowly from the mountain, as if possessing infinite magic power, making people feel good for no reason. Peace of mind.

"Fellow Taoist Fuxi is really intriguing, but our brothers have enjoyed a lot of glory. Brothers and sisters who have lived in Buzhou Mountain for a long time are the spirits of heaven and earth, but they are quite elegant." Di Jun's unusually soft voice appeared around, and there was a ripple in the space. A figure instantly appeared in front of Fuxi.

"It turns out that the two Heavenly Emperors have come here, and it is really disappointing to welcome them. I don't know what the two of you are doing here?"

"Fellow Taoist Fuxi won't invite the two of us in. I often hear that the two of you are noble and elegant people, and Dijun also wants to see your sister's demeanor!" Dijun looked at Fuxi with a kind face.

Fu Xi knew exactly what Di Jun was doing here, and at this moment he bowed down for Di Jun's demeanor. "It's my fault! Please move forward, both of you, the cold room is shabby, please don't be offended by the negligence!" Fuxi stepped aside and invited Emperor Juntai into the stone room.

The stone room is huge, but it is extremely simple, with only a futon, a stone table, and a Guqin on it.Seeing Di Jun's awe, Ji Shou said: "I didn't expect Fu Xi's Taoism to be so profound, and he didn't stick to foreign things at all, but Di Jun has been taught!"

Fuxi nodded with a smile, waved his hand, two futons appeared silently, and Emperor Juntai sat on them rudely. "I haven't seen your sister yet, could it be that we will miss it!" Di Jun asked.

Fuxi smiled wryly, but said: "My sister is naughty, but she is not in the mountain at this time, and I haven't seen her for a long time." Di Jun felt relieved and said, "Friend Daoist, I won't beat around the bush when I come here today. Daoist friends have also heard that I want to form the Heavenly Court of the Yaozu, but my two brothers want to create a beautiful world for the Yaozu and protect the entire prehistoric Yaozu. This is a major event for the entire Yaozu. Now there is a lack of masters Thanks for your support, today I am here to invite fellow daoists to join the Heavenly Court, I would like to give up the position of the emperor of heaven to fellow daoists, I don’t know what will happen to the friendship!"

learn from mistakes!Di Jun's statement at this time was extremely euphemistic, and his attitude was extremely sincere.Fuxi was once again overwhelmed by Dijun's demeanor, and said: "I admire the high righteousness of the emperor of heaven! You must not mention the idea of ​​giving up the throne. I would like to join the heavenly court, but..." Dijun understood Fuxi's hesitant look. Di Jun said: "In that case, I wish Fengxian brothers and sisters to be Emperor Xi and Emperor Wa, and not be bound by anyone. For the matter of Emperor Wa, you can also order all the monsters to find it for you!" Fuxi was overjoyed, but his face still looked a little bit Ashamed, after all, this is a major event that benefits the Yaozu, but I troubled the Yaozu because of personal matters, and the shame in my heart grew even stronger.

"Haha! You don't have to be like this, fellow daoists. You don't have to worry about the general affairs of the heavens. There are people below to deal with them. You only need to take action when the monster race encounters a strong enemy. It's fine if you are willing to stay in the Sun Palace. But you have plenty of spiritual energy, and fellow daoists can practice faster, what do fellow daoists think?"

"Fuxi paid homage to the Heavenly Emperor and the Eastern Emperor!" Having said this, Fuxi had no reason to refuse.

"Haha! Emperor Xi doesn't have to be like this, I'll just wait for my peers to discuss friendship, and it's not allowed to be like this from now on!" Di Jun smiled and helped Fuxi up, gave Tai Yi a look, and after a short time together, they drove back to the Sun Palace. …………

After Fu Xi successfully agreed to Di Jun to join the Heavenly Court, the demon clan was blessed and their luck greatly increased.

Since then, Dijun has become more powerful, but there is still a thorn in Dijun's heart, which is Kunpeng.

Kunpeng has been ruthlessly swept away by Yuanyuan since the Dragon and Phoenix Tribulation, and has been huddled in the cold place of Beiming.Kunpeng is well aware of the gap between himself and the original, and knows that no matter how hard he tries, he is no match for him, but he is brave after knowing his shame, so he will work harder in cultivation.

But Kunpeng's chance has arrived. After the ancestor of the sky blew himself up, Kunpeng got the two supernatural powers of the ancestor of the sky, namely "swallowing the sky and devouring the earth" and "so close to the end of the world".With these two kinds of magical powers, Kunpeng has the ability to protect himself, and can be among the ranks of great gods.

Kunpeng is a man of noble qualities, he is happy to be a teacher, and he often preaches to the little demons in Beiming when he has nothing to do.But this person has a strange habit, that is, when he preaches, he does not speak thoroughly, and he speaks when he is interested, and stops when he is not interested.There are too few ways to teach in the prehistoric world, so the people of Beiming also respect Kunpeng, and respect him as a demon master.

Slowly, Kunpeng's fame also began to grow, and both Dijun and Taiyi also knew that there was such a character in Honghuang.Di Jun sent people twice to ask Kunpeng to come out to help him, but Kunpeng declined.I also went to invite him once, but Kunpeng knew what Dijun was thinking, and these two supernatural powers had not yet been practiced, so he avoided seeing him.

Beiming is so big and boundless that Di Jun couldn't find Kunpeng's residence in a daze.Ever since Fuxi surrendered, Di Jun had lost his mind again.

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