original sword god

060 Fuxi's First Battle

Since it was ordered to guard the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, it is the ultimate weapon under Zhulong's order, so it rarely participates in battles.Although, the two elders have been tempered in the battle between the dragon and the phoenix, and their personalities are much more mature.However, most of the Dragon Clan are veterans who have experienced many battles and brave fighters. The personalities that have been cultivated for many years have not wiped out the fighting spirit of the two dragons. The elders all gritted their fists and rubbed their palms, ready to give it a go.

During the battle between dragon and phoenix, the two elders were ordered by Zhulong to protect the life of Ao Guang, the seventh son of Zhulong, who is now the Lord of the East China Sea. The two elders were quite satisfied.

Aotian even thought secretly, if it wasn't for Ao Guang's excessive licentiousness after being poisoned, and the loss of his body's essence was too serious, with his aptitude and talent, he might have cultivated to the realm of Daluo Jinxian long ago!

In the Heavenly Court's Eastern Expedition Army, there is only Fuxi, the quasi-sage master, and the elders of the Dragon Clan are the only ones to deal with Fuxi. The meaning of Ao Guang is also the same. The two elders strongly agree with this decision, and rush out to fight.

Ao Guang naturally refused to stop him, he didn't mind his parents and elders not asking for instructions on his disrespectful behavior, and let him rush out of the tent to meet the enemy.

Fuxi rode a cloud to stay above the East China Sea, staring at the million miles of the East China Sea, looking at the sea surface covered with corpses, Fuxi couldn't help feeling sad, and felt a sense of disgust for the war for no reason.

The moment the elders of the Dragon Clan rushed out of the Crystal Palace, Ao Di stretched out his hand and held a sky-blue flag in his hand. With a light shake, countless four-sea anemones rushed up from the sea surface, turning into a giant with two heads. The water dragon seemed to be roaring, and two colorless water spheres with a diameter of two feet quickly condensed out of its mouth, and the water spheres flew towards Fuxi continuously spinning.During the rotation, the water polo quickly condensed into countless ice blades, spread out in a mighty way, and rushed towards the monsters in the heaven below, but the water polo kept shrinking and shrinking, and smashed towards Fuxi's body.

The strength of the quasi-sage is extraordinary. Although he has just become a quasi-sage, it cannot be resisted by the monster soldiers below the Da Luo Jinxian around him. Countless monster clans, as the ice blade rotates, gushes out bursts of cold air. As the cold air spreads, the monster soldiers Immediately frozen in place, being sliced ​​open by countless ice blades, the scene of deep blood and flesh spattering appeared, Hu Shan and Xiao Jiaolong tightly huddled in the center of the monster clan team, seeing the sudden change, they were frightened for a long time Living.

A shout came: "Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens" a legendary zither sound came, and the zither sound quickly transformed into beasts, rushed to the front of the team, blocked the ice blade's attack, and it was Fuxi who made the move.

Fuxi is also a great sage of the demon clan who has experienced the battle between dragon and phoenix. He has been around for a long time. He quickly sobered up from the sudden change of the situation and cursed secretly: "Despicable!"

Seeing that the two elders unexpectedly launched a surprise attack, a good old man like Fuxi was furious.Sitting cross-legged in the void, Fuxi tightly clasped the strings with both fingers, and kept plucking them, bursts of sharp piano sounds came out, and the giant beasts transformed from the piano sounds could withstand the attack of the water polo.

In an instant, the monster soldiers in the Heavenly Court will suffer heavy losses. Fuxi's face turned cold, and his subordinates showed no mercy. He plucked the strings with his index finger and middle finger. At the same time, it turned into a large number of prehistoric beasts, and rushed towards the dragon garrison. When the sound of the zither came out, the dragon soldiers would be attracted by the sound, and they all froze, and were instantly passed by the giant beast. The body turned into ashes and dissipated.

The monsters and dragon soldiers of the Heavenly Court were in an uproar. Fuxi was so powerful that he slammed two strings with his fingers again, and released his fingers with a flick of his hand. There was a rumbling sound, and the sound of the piano was more powerful than before, deafening. Headed towards the Dragon Clan to kill all the subordinates.

"It's so powerful!" Ao Di whispered. During the battle between the dragon and the phoenix, many monster sages in the prehistoric world, including Fuxi, did not make a move. The two elders knew nothing about Fuxi's aggressiveness. Now they finally see Fuxi. The lethality of the sound channel, I can't help but click my tongue.

Each of the quasi-sage's masters has at least one unique skill, that is, he has mastered his own way. The four-sea anemone water that Aodi uses with a banner is his housekeeping skill.Seeing Qin Yin continuously attacking his clansmen, Ao Di was furious, but at the moment he still put the safety of his clansman first, and he hastened to run the spell, and the banner instantly became larger, covering the attacking area of ​​these Qin Yin, and the giant beasts transformed by Qin Yin came one after another When it hit the banner, Ao Di's soul in the banner received a comprehensive blow, and Ao Di spat out a mouthful of blood. If it wasn't for the softness to overcome the rigidity, Ao Di would have been seriously injured. Although Ao Di vomited blood at this moment, But it was only the primordial spirit that was shaken.

Aotian couldn't take it anymore when his sworn brother was injured, so he also took action.Normally, Aotian seldom makes shots, so no one knows, Aotian's attribute is not purely water attribute, 70.00% of Aotian's aptitude is thunder attribute.

Regardless of so much, Aotian stretched out his five fingers, the palm of his palm gleamed with lightning, he waved his hand, rumbled, lifted up the thunder mark, broke through the sea of ​​clouds, and struck deafeningly towards a group of heavenly monsters.

Just now, Fuxi pulled the string twice, but at this moment Fuxi was unable to pull it for the third time, but seeing the thunderball rushing, Fuxi was not surprised but happy, and rushed to the front line of the monster clan, ready to block the thunderball with his body.

Hushan and Xiaojiao, who were surrounded by the guards, were stunned. They didn't expect Fuxi Yaohuang to be so desperate and willing to make such sacrifices for the Yaozu. Clan, Hu Shan and Xiaojiao looked at each other, and the two monsters could see the expression of disbelief in each other's eyes.

The thunder ball flew all the way, constantly absorbing the spiritual energy of the surrounding world, and countless spiritual energy vortexes formed and merged into the thunder ball. The thunder ball continued to grow in size, instantly increasing to the size of an acre, and it was about to bury Fuxi in it.

I heard Fuxi yell loudly: "Suck!"

All of a sudden, Fuxi's body quickly turned into a towering one, and he opened his big mouth to suck the thunder ball into his mouth. All the dragon clans, including the elders of the dragon clan, and the generals of the heavenly court all turned into stone men. They forgot to fight and stood there dumbfounded. Do not move.

Everyone knows that Fuxi is said to be the reincarnation of the Great God Lei Ze.That's right!Fuxi is the body of thunder attribute, absorbing the lightning attribute of lightning ball is a great supplement to Fuxi, so he can swallow the thunder ball with such great confidence.

When the thunder ball entered the stomach, there was only a muffled sound, a muffled sound came from Fuxi's stomach, as if being digested by Fuxi, Fuxi's body shrunk rapidly, and within a short while, it was only about a hundred feet high.The energy in the thunderball was completely absorbed by Fuxi.

Seeing that his innate supernatural powers were actually suppressed by Fuxi, Aotian was shocked.Could this be the so-called nemesis? Brothers Aotian and Aodi couldn't help feeling a burst of sadness in their hearts.

The problem facing the Dragon Clan now is whether to join the Heavenly Court and become the Heavenly Court's gunmen plus cannon fodder.

Seeing that Fuxi was standing in front of the monster army and was digesting the energy in the thunder ball, the two elders made a decision together after communicating with each other in secret. They decided to take this opportunity to deal with Fuxi together.

In one day, the two elders actually resorted to dirty tricks twice in a row. At this moment, they wanted to kill Fuxi while Fuxi was still recovering, seeing that Fuxi was about to die.

There are many variables, and these variables are the little demons in the heaven that the two elders have always thought were ants. At this time, the supervisor of the heavens and the military commander Hu Shan made a decision to build a "demon wall" for Fuxi to guard, and waved his hands. However, a group of monster commanders surrounded Fuxi and put on a defensive posture.

The two elders glanced contemptuously in their hearts. With the power of ants, they wanted to shake the big tree. Aotian took the lead, and the thunder ball appeared in the palm of his hand again.

Seeing the danger approaching, Hu Shan shouted calmly: "36 Tiangang Big Dipper Formation."

A group of monster commanders quickly took orders and stood in their positions according to their directions.A dense column of smoke appeared, covering the entire encirclement.

The thunder ball rushed into the dense fog, but there was no sound at all, as if it disappeared out of thin air. The two elders were surprised, and then wanted to go to investigate, but they saw a demon walking out of the dense fog, it was Fuxi. After this period of buffering, Fuxi had completely absorbed the energy of the thunder ball, and his cultivation base had been completely restored, and then he walked out of the formation.

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