original sword god

052 Send the bell

Suddenly, a large amount of merit energy descended from heaven and earth, and the merit was divided into three parts. The largest part fell into the bodies of Emperor Jun and Xihe, the middle part fell into the body of the matchmaker Nuwa, and the small part fell into the bodies of Fuxi, Kunpeng, Bai Ze and other monsters. Among the clansmen.But Taiyi didn't get any merit, at this time Taiyi didn't seem to care at all.

Dijun never expected that the way of heaven would confer merits, and he was overjoyed at this time, even the bad luck of Taiyi from before was dissipated, and he felt very comfortable.Although some of the guests present were jealous and envious, they all congratulated.

Everyone thought the matter was over, but they didn't expect that at this moment, they suddenly heard a burst of shouting: "The ancestor Wu Zhurong of the Wu clan came to congratulate!"

Di Jun's anger that had just subsided was suddenly ignited, and he shouted angrily: "Zhu Rong, your witch clan and my monster clan are incompatible. Are you here to make trouble at this moment because you want to provoke a war between the liches? Don't you dare to disrespect the ancestor of Dao?" words!"

Zhu Rong's figure swayed, appeared in the middle of the hall, and shouted: "Otherwise, Zhu Rong would not dare to disobey the words of the Taoist ancestor! The monster clan is very happy today, all the gods of the wild are here, and the witch clan is also here for Daoxi!"

Di Jun knew that this ancestor witch was a barbaric character. Although he was angry, he didn't want to get angry at this moment. After all, today was his day of great joy, so Di Jun said, "It's all right if you wish Rong Rong a congratulations today. If you dare to disturb the wedding banquet, Even if my Emperor Jun disobeyed the Taoist ancestor's words, I will take you down."

Zhu Rong waved his hand and said, "Of course it's congratulations. The Wu Clan ordered me to send a congratulatory gift. Please accept it."

After all, he took out an exquisite little clock from his bosom, and it was astonishingly a tattered little clock.

"Send the bell!" Everyone was in an uproar, and Zhu Rong threw the bell at Di Jun.

Di Jun stretched out his hand to pick it up before he could react. Inspired by the real fire of the sun, the bell turned into molten iron as soon as it reached Di Jun's hands, and turned into nothingness in an instant. Di Jun stared blankly at his hand, his heart blank.

Zhu Rong walked out with a big smile, and only drank in his mouth: "I didn't expect the Yaozu to be so powerful that they don't even want a wedding gift, no matter! Now that the ceremony has come, it seems that the master didn't want to invite me to the wedding banquet, so I'm leaving now .” Turn around and disappear without a trace.

The wedding banquet turned into a farce, and Di Jun was not in the mood at this time, he lightly asked all the great gods to use some spirit fruit fairy wine, and then got up to see off the guests, all the great gods laughed and said goodbye.

Yuanyuan did not expect to see such a big show, and thought that this trip was worth the ticket price.

With the help of meritorious deeds, Nuwa also had some clues about the three corpses becoming one, and was eager to go back to retreat, but Di Jun didn't have the intention to keep Nuwa away.

Time is like a stream flowing quietly, slipping away from under your eyelids without you noticing it, but it is gone forever.No, it has been ten thousand years since Yuan Yuan and others returned to Kunlun Mountain.

During these ten thousand years, Nuwa of the Erqing Dynasty had been in seclusion, and Yuan Yuan was very bored, so she spent a lot of time guiding Yuding.Yuding has already cultivated to the perfect state of Daluo Jinxian, but he has never made a breakthrough and formed his own way by practicing kendo and condensing the sword intent.But it has reached a bottleneck, and it takes a lot of time to comprehend.But now there is no time, and the time has come for Hongjun Daozu of Zixiao Palace to give another lecture.

"The time of 10 years has come, I will start the second sermon, so hurry up!"

Hongjun Daozu was also quite depressed, because he was robbed of the merits of the dragon and phoenix catastrophe by Yuanyuan, and the time of enlightenment was greatly delayed.Seeing that Nuwa is about to become enlightened, Daozu Hongjun is so impatient.Finally, when it was time for the second sermon, Daozu breathed a sigh of relief.

This sermon was different from the last one, and there were many questions in Yuan Yuan's mind that Taoist Hongjun needed to answer face to face, so without hesitation, the group set off together.

When he reached the edge of chaos, Yuan Yuan calmly looked at the irritable and unusually chaotic vitality, but it was difficult for this little vitality riot to affect him, so he took a few people into his sleeves and passed through without any surprises.

Arriving near Zixiao Palace, Zixiao Palace was opened up by Daoist Hongjun with great magic power, a place where the primordial energy of chaos could not reach at all, and several people were released in Yuanyuan.

I saw Yaochi and Haotian still standing on both sides of the gate of Zixiao Palace, but at this time, two people had already arrived at the gate of Zixiao Palace, it was Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun.It turned out that the two of them saw that the time for the sermon was approaching, and they set off early for fear of delaying the trip.

"Hey, Fellow Daoist Sanqing, here..." Yuan Yuan glanced, and saw Hong Yun standing beside Zhen Yuanzi, waving his long hand at everyone.Yuanyuan couldn't help wondering: "Are we familiar with you?"

But it's not easy to refute his face at this time, so he had to say hello.

A few more people came out of the chaos, they were Di Jun, Xi He and Tai Yi.I saw Dijun and Taiyi walking a long distance apart, Xihe walked in the middle and kept calming the relationship between the two, but Dijun and Taiyi looked at each other for a while, and immediately turned their heads away in embarrassment.

Seeing that the Sanqing people had arrived, Dijun and Taiyi were upset, and when they saw Zhenyuanzi and Hongyun greeting each other, they just snorted and stopped talking.Seeing this, Sanqing and Nuwa didn't make fun of themselves, they were noble and wouldn't make a fool of themselves to provoke them, only Xihe smiled at Sanqing and the others, beckoning not to be offended.

At this time, a stream of black air burst out of the chaos and gradually dissipated. Three men in black appeared, but it was the original demon, Styx and Kunpeng who had arrived. Black, Kunpeng looked depressed.I saw Yuantian Demon dancing and saying to Kunpeng: "Look! You are still hesitant with such a flamboyant style and 100% return rate!" Kunpeng was obedient and dared not speak.

"Why are you here too! Are you afraid that the world will not be chaotic?" Yuan Yuan passed by voice transmission.

Yuan Tianmo turned his eyes and said, "Go, go, go! I'm afraid of him, I wasn't afraid of him back then, and I'm not afraid of him now!"

Yuan Yuan was stunned, the secret path was broken, this fellow has gradually recovered Luo Hu's sanity, but fortunately he has not yet escaped the control of the main body, Yuan Yuan felt at ease, secretly thought, he must think of a comprehensive method.

At this time, the door of Zixiao Palace gradually opened, "Master is about to start speaking, please come in!" Haotian and Yaochi greeted everyone.

The crowd scattered and found their own seats. The six futons in the front row were still sitting: Sanqing, Nuwa, and the Second Saint of the West.I saw Yuantian Demon standing next to the Second Saint of the West and shouting at Hongjun: "Hey, Taoist Hongjun, won't you arrange a seat for me?"

Hongjun opened his eyes, shot a frightening light at the Primordial Heavenly Demon, and said, "Fellow Daoist shouldn't be born now, but since you're here, let's invite you to sit next to Zhunti!"

After all, a futon appeared next to Zhunti without anyone noticing, and Yuan Tianmo was shocked: he is not Hongjun's opponent yet, so it is better not to provoke him, so he quickly sat down obediently.

After everyone was seated, the song sounded again in Zixiao Palace: Lying high on the nine clouds, the futon is Daozhen.Outside the heaven and earth, I will be the head teacher.Pan Gu gave birth to Tai Chi, and the two rituals and the four images followed.One pass on to three friends, and the second teachs to explain and divide.Taoists are all leading the show, turning Hongjun into one breath.

Hong Jun glanced at everyone, and when he saw Lao Tzu and Tong Tian, ​​Hong Jun smiled gratifiedly, obviously very satisfied.But when he looked at Yuanyuan, his face twitched again and again, and he rolled his eyes, and he was not in the mood to look any further at the moment.

Hongjun calmed down a bit, and began to talk about Taoism: "Taoist, there is no form, but there is no emotion, change is unpredictable, and the gods are born. In the human body, it is a god, the so-called heart. Therefore, it teaches people to practice Taoism. It is to cultivate the mind, and to teach people to cultivate the mind is to cultivate the Tao. The Tao cannot be seen, but it is clear because of life; Immortal, feathered immortal."

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent, they regard all things as straw dogs; sages are not benevolent, and regard the people as straw dogs. Between heaven and earth, is it still a slack? It is empty and unyielding, and it moves and heals. It is better to stay in the center than to talk too much. God is not dead, It is called Xuan Min. The gate of Xuan Min is called the root of heaven and earth. If it exists continuously, if it is not used diligently, it will last forever. The reason why heaven and earth can last and last is because it does not grow on its own, so it can live forever. Put the body first; keep the body out of the body. It is not because of selflessness that it can become selfish."

"Heavyness is the lightest root, and tranquility is the king of impetuosity. It is a gentleman who walks all day long without leaving his luggage. Although he has a view of glory, he is superior to Yan (yan). How can the master of ten thousand vehicles make his body lighter than the world? If he is light, he will lose If you are rooted, you will lose your ruler if you become restless."

"If you want to take the world and do it, I don't think you can do it. The master of the world is a divine tool, and it cannot be done. Those who do it will lose it, and those who persist will lose it. Things may move or follow, or blow or blow, or Strong or frustrating, or cultivated or degraded. It is the sage to go to extremes, to go too far, to go to extravagance.”

The sage's preaching is really extraordinary. I saw the lotus flowers transformed by mana appearing with Hongjun's preaching, but these lotus flowers are also extraordinary, and can be absorbed without any refinement.

Hongjun was not good at giving lectures, so he just read the text, but Yuanyuan felt drowsy after listening to it, but it was not the time to sleep at this moment, Yuanyuan secretly cheered up, and began to scan the listeners without anything to do.

Lao Tzu, Tong Tian and Nu Wa have profound Taoism, so they listened with great interest, Yuan Yuan turned their eyes to Jie Yin and Zhun Ti.I saw that the two of them still had the same sad faces, as if someone owed them money.He received and cut off a corpse, but he still understood.Zhun mentioned that the corpse has not yet been cut, but his eyes turned anxiously.Yuan Tianmo sat next to him, his body was wrapped in countless black thick fog, gloomily, aware of Zhunti's strangeness, Yuanyuan Tianmo was happy, and moved the black thick fog towards Zhunti, but Daozu Hongjun noticed , a humming sound appeared around the two of them, and he must have raised his vigilance. He hurriedly pulled himself together, and the primordial celestial demon slightly retracted and retracted the dense fog, his mouth was only flattened.

Di Jun and Tai Yi in the second row were sitting separately by Xi He, and they listened attentively with Kunpeng and other innate gods, lest they miss something.

This time, the way Hongjun taught is the way of quasi-sage, but if he is not a quasi-sage, he can't understand it. Even if he has reached a quasi-sage, without great opportunity, great wisdom, and great perseverance, he can only understand a little bit.Yuanyuan had already told him, but Yuding didn't listen to it at all. After setting up the phonograph, he directly absorbed the lotus flower transformed by Hongjun's mana when he preached, so as to increase his skill.Yuan Yuan looked and nodded.

Looking back, I found Houtu at the door. I saw that Houtu didn't understand anything, but he was still trying to listen, and he still looked like a studious baby.

Yuan Yuan was not in the mood to look at it, so fortunately he gathered the lotus flowers around him and threw them all at Yuding.

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