original sword god

070 Absolutely Accepting Apprentices

Yuanyuan took a step forward, Zuwu and Tianting Taiyixi all took a step back, the demon emperor Taiyi worshiped Yuanyuan very much, his eyes gleamed brightly, and said to Zuwu: "The Daoist Primordial is the famous Seniors, let's just listen to Daozun's teaching."

The ancestral witches were shocked by the original power, and naturally they were unwilling to fight against this great supernatural being. Therefore, the liches reached a consensus for the first time.

Seeing this, Yuan Yuan felt that he was too persecuted. He took a deep breath, his eyes turned cold and said: "I don't want to care about the Lich. I can fight anywhere I want, but it's not good here. Who wants to fight?" Violated this principle, hum!"

How is this going?The ancestral witches and Taiyi Xihe were puzzled, and then they suddenly thought that Sanqing was the incarnation of Pan Gu's primordial spirit, and all doubts disappeared.They never imagined that Yuanyuan and Pangu are best friends in the chaos, and protecting his brother's last little memory is the greatest comfort in Yuanyuan's heart, and he will never allow Pangu's imprint to be taken away or destroyed.

Glancing at Gonggong who was still bumping into Buzhou Mountain, this man would not look back if he didn't bump into the south wall. Yuanyuan sighed, and then turned his gaze to a corner of the void. Daozu Hongjun felt extremely embarrassed, but had to show up.

Hongjun pretended once again, the body skills he showed were still unmatched by the original, and Daozu's comprehension of the law of space had reached an unknown level, and the original could only vaguely feel a little bit of space tremor, The rest of the people know nothing about it.

Looking at the surprised eyes of everyone, Daozu consciously ignored the original gaze, cleared his throat, coughed twice, and then said: "The battle between Di Jun and Zhu Rong is for private matters, and the two clans must not argue again. Gong Gong , Hey, don't waste any more energy, stop!"

Seeing that Yuan Yuan's gaze was still on his side, Hongjun felt very uncomfortable for a while, and then said: "Gong Gong, you made a private move, thinking of breaking Zhou with your body. This move is against the will of heaven. I will punish you to suppress the Eye of the East China Sea. Ten thousand years, please do it yourself. According to my previous decision, the two clans of liches will not have any further disputes for 4 years, and those who violate it will be punished." After speaking, Gonggong Zuwu was sent away with a wave of his hand, and Hongjun turned his head to look at it. The same as Yuan Yuan, then disappeared, Yuan Yuan actually saw a trace of envy in Hongjun's eyes, and he didn't know what he meant.

Seeing that the matter was over, Tai Yi supported Xi He with one hand, and picked up the body of his brother Di Jun with the other, and drove away on the cloud. The ancestor witches also returned with a strange mood under the leadership of Di Jiang.


According to the legend, cultivating the Tao means cultivating the mind. If Yuanyuan cultivated Taoism with peace of mind, with his outstanding aptitude and background, he would have pulled down Hongjun Daozu long ago, but Yuanyuan cared too much.

The time for the third sermon has not yet come, so I will let it go for now, as the head of the Sanqing, my own corpse has been cut off, and it is also the realm of the peak of the Hunyuan True Immortal.But Tongtian's two corpses have already cultivated to the peak of Hunyuan Jinxian, and the self-corpse also has some brows, and now the original is a little numb.The twelfth-grade chaotic golden lotus is at Hongjun Daozu's place. The next time he preaches, he will be awarded the holy throne and will be passed on to the Taoist priests of the Western religion, which will become the foundation of the Western religion.Just stick to the original plan!Thinking of this, Yuan Yuan felt very unhappy.

On the way back to Kunlun, the four members of Yuan Yuan and his party were silent, and Er Qing looked at Yuan Yuan blankly, also speechless.Nuwa felt very bad about the death of the demon emperor Dijun in her heart. Dijun treated herself and her elder brother Fuxi well, and what Dijun did to the demon clan was selfish, but in the end it was for the prosperity of the demon clan. She had a kind heart, Zhu Rong and Di Jun died together, not to mention that they were already dead at this time, seeing Gonggong's miserable appearance, Nuwa found that she couldn't hate her at all.

On the way back, I found some weird things. I found many monster corpses, and the remains of various monster corpses were everywhere.The four of them are all people with great supernatural powers. After calculating, they all looked at Tongtian with strange eyes. It turned out that they all counted, but this time Tongtian's opportunity has arrived.

However, since the patriarch of the Feng clan ordered to retreat to the south of Honghuang, the Feng clan has also gained some luck and has not been extinct. However, Feng Tian, ​​the patriarch of the Feng clan, voluntarily resigned from the position of the patriarch of the Feng clan because of his lack of morality, and the elder of the Feng clan took over as the patriarch. post.

Fengtian is a charming phoenix. He usually behaves very dissolutely and often flirts with each other. Unexpectedly, he is pregnant this time. After examination, Fengtian is not pregnant with the Phoenix family, but the sub-phoenix family. One is a peacock and the other is a phoenix. One turned out to be Dapeng.The news that the patriarch of the Feng clan lost his virginity quickly spread throughout the Feng clan, and Fengtian disappeared forever.

After 50 years of pregnancy, the child was finally born. Because Fengtian lost too much vitality, he was dying at the same time after giving birth to two eggs.According to the inheritance of the Feng Clan, if Feng Tian went to the underground where the Feng Clan resided in Honghuangzhi to receive the Earth Fire, he could be reborn from the ashes, but Feng Tian had no face to go back and lost the time to reincarnate.

Fenghuang placed the two children in a valley full of aura not far from Libuzhou Mountain, and they died.

The two sons were born with great fortune and were born with great supernatural powers.The peacock contains the innate qi of the five elements, but the body of the roc actually contains yin and yang, which are extremely rare in the wild.As a result of the two talents, they actually possess the domain space that only quasi-sacred ascetics have. Not to mention the great power, they can even leapfrog challenges.

The peacock transformed into a form earlier, and after six or nine days of calamity, it has the realm of Taiyi Zhenxian.The peacock has a cruel personality and likes to eat people. When he was born, he was even tainted with a trace of innate evil spirit.Zhan Shan is the queen, and she is even more vicious in ordinary times. Every day, she instructs her younger brothers to catch some monsters and eat them raw. Their mouths are full of blood, and even these little monsters can't bear to look at them. .

One day, the younger brothers suddenly found a monster with supernatural powers practicing cross-legged. Seeing that he could not see through his cultivation, he immediately reported it to Peacock. Peacock was overjoyed when he heard that there was a man with supernatural powers.The benefits of eating monsters with great supernatural powers are far greater than these little monsters without cultivation, so Peacock decided to do it himself.

When he rushed to the valley, he found a monster sitting cross-legged on the ground and was practicing. Peacock inspected it intently and found that the monster was a huge rat spirit whose cultivation had reached the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal. Surprised but happy.

Originally, the peacock could leapfrog the challenge, and took advantage of this opportunity of the monster's cultivation to sneak attack.

Entering the village quietly, without shooting, the peacock carefully approached the monster, opened its mouth and swallowed it violently, the peacock couldn't help laughing.

Two days passed, and Peacock never expected that instead of digesting the monster swallowed in his belly, he made a breakthrough in cultivation with the help of the Qi of the Five Elements in Peacock's belly.

This mouse essence is the No. 1 mouse in the wilderness—the Treasure Hunting Mouse, which was born with the congenital treasure-cornucopia, and it was easy to refine the cornucopia. It was swallowed by the peacock, and it was broken through with the help of the peacock. This is the great fortune of heaven and earth.

Under the law of heaven, one thing descends one thing, and the treasure hunter is the nemesis of this peacock.

After the treasure hunting mouse spirit broke through, it wanted to break through the peacock's belly, but the peacock kept begging for mercy.It happened to be bumped into by Sanqing and Nuwa, and the four of them calculated that Tongtian and these two monsters had a relationship between master and apprentice.

Yuanyuan cast a spell lightly, and the treasure mouse flew out from the peacock's mouth and turned into a young man on the ground. The man saw Sanqing and searched intently, but found that he couldn't even touch the sides of the four of them. There was a sudden realization in my heart.

I saw him knelt down and kowtowed: "Duobao kowtowed to the four seniors, thank you for your help, and Duobao would like to worship one of the four as his teacher."

Peacock didn't wait until the swords were facing each other, but found four great supernatural beings coming, and just wanted to vent his anger on these four, using the five elements supernatural power in his body, he wanted to brush the nearest Tongtian into the space in his abdomen . ,

With a flash of cyan light, Peacock found that he hadn't found anything, but he found that the monster with supernatural powers that he had swallowed earlier was kowtowing to the later one. After checking, Peacock couldn't detect anything. , I just faintly felt that all of them had golden halos on their heads, obviously they were all people with great merit.

Kneeling down, Peacock kowtowed again and again: "The junior Peacock kowtowed to the four seniors. I didn't know the arrival of the great supernatural powers. Please don't blame the seniors for offending them. The juniors also want to worship the seniors as teachers. I hope the seniors will agree."

Tongtian admired the characters of these two apprentices very much. Although Peacock was disrespectful to him just now, Tongtian admired such gentlemen.Just as he was about to say yes, he suddenly remembered what the two elder brothers had told him. He couldn't help turning his head to look at the two elder brothers. I was still in a state of mind and didn't want to pay attention to this matter. Seeing that Tongtian was willing to ask my opinion, I was already satisfied. At this moment, he nodded with satisfaction, looking at his second brother Yuanyuan, he knew that Yuanyuan had great powers, and he only knew that Yuanyuan was in charge of everything.

These two are the famous traitors of Jiejiao. When Yuan Yuan opened and closed his eyes, a bright light suddenly appeared. Thinking: This is the evil spirit that can only be condensed by killing many people.

Turning around and looking at Tong Tian, ​​Yuan Yuan sighed, as if he didn't want to care about this matter, and said: "Third brother, these two disciples are very talented, you can figure it out yourself!" Tong Tian looked at Yuan Yuan in surprise. , he clearly saw a trace of loneliness from Yuan Yuan's eyes, why did this happen, Tong Tian couldn't figure it out, so he simply didn't want to.

Turning around, he looked at the two monsters and looked at Tongtian with a look of anticipation. Tongtian also cultivated slowly from this level of cultivation. What does the look of anticipation in the way of nature mean? It represents the practitioner's desire for the Tao.

Thinking of this, Tong Tian nodded: "You two can join my sect, but first you will be registered disciples. When the time is right, I will naturally accept you as formal disciples." Yuan Yuan's complexion was wrong, so he didn't dare to provoke him any more, he just said that he was accepted as a registered disciple.

Yuan Yuan opened his eyes, and when he heard Tongtian's words, he sighed secretly. At this time, Tongtian's respectful attitude towards him was not what he wanted. What he needed was Tongtian's real growth, not living under his own blessing. Only mature eagles can soar high.

Therefore, Yuanyuan said: "You two, I will give you a chance. After returning to Kunlun, I will also accept apprentices. The three clean-ups are one. Is it an ordinary person to accept apprentices? According to the school rules, I will let Junior Brother Tong Tian accept you as disciples."

After a pause, Yuanyuan said again: "Stand up, from now on, you will be Duobao, and you, Peacock, is just a group code name, so I will give you a name, let's call it Kong Xuan!"

Mouse, oh no, Duobao and Kong Xuan knelt on the ground and saluted: "Disciple Duobao (Kong Xuan), I pay my respects to my master, my master, my second master."

Laozi stroked his gray beard and nodded slightly. On the way, Tongtian taught the two named disciples the Shangqing exercises he had comprehended, and Yuanyuan also taught some simple swordsmanship from his disciples. do not mention.

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