original sword god

084 The Identity of the Mysterious Man

Seeing that the pierced space crack was about to appear, a light flashed between the horns of the female supernatural being, and the newly formed space crack disappeared in an instant, and the space also collapsed.The original eyes looked at Daozu Hongjun and Yuan Tianmo, and these two also had depressed expressions on their faces.

The chaotic space in which he was in finally couldn't resist the power between the two golden horns of the female supernatural being. Countless space cracks appeared, and then, they exploded with a bang, and countless space fragments flew out. The great supernatural powers dodged one after another, and when all the space debris dispersed, three energy shields appeared above their heads in an instant, barely resisting the impact of the original energy.

swish. .

Two ice-like original energy crystals that could threaten the saint in an instant formed in an instant and rushed towards the original Taoist and Daoist Hongjun.

In the chaotic space, the fire, wind and earth exploded continuously, and the four elements were instantly frozen to stop the explosion, as if the entire chaotic space was condensed by this frozen law, and there was no longer any law.

The ice-like energy crystals approached, and an unprecedented sense of crisis instantly appeared in the hearts of Daozu Hongjun and Yuanyuan Taoist, which was more powerful than the power of heaven.

Yuan Yuan concentrated and held his breath, but still slightly felt a trace of icy air seeping into the cells of the body through the pores on the surface of the body, and the originally active cell crystals seemed to be frozen instantly.

Yuan Yuan's complexion changed drastically, and then he turned his head to look. Daozu Hongjun's performance was even worse. His face was pale at the moment, obviously trying to compete with the energy crystal, and a mist of hot air appeared above his head.

The crystal was about to touch the body, Yuanyuan stared at the face of the female supernatural power, and shot out a ruthless look, like a real poisonous fire, which made the female great supernatural power a little scared, and then the ice-like crystal reached her body, The original body was frozen instantly, and even his thinking seemed to be frozen, but he clearly felt that he was still alive.

"Senior, what happened this time has nothing to do with me, it was caused by Daoist Hongjun. Since you saved me at that time, let me go now." A trace of tension flashed in the eyes of the original demon, Back away slowly.

The woman with supernatural powers was stunned for a moment, and then she heard the words and said: "This matter has nothing to do with you, our lord still wants to see you, this is an order, you stand where you are and don't move!"

As if resigned to his fate, the original demon stopped moving. Suddenly, with a "shua", it turned into an arrow that left the string and rushed outward. Countless energies were driven, and the endless earth fire elements plundered away again. Come.

The female supernatural being was taken aback for a moment, and then there was a trace of disdain at the corner of her mouth. She spread her palms lightly, and the endless lead energy emitted nine-colored rays of light and began to rotate continuously, spinning like a kaleidoscope rapidly, spinning away A strong suction force was formed between his hands, and the Primordial Heavenly Demon's body was involuntarily pulled back to the vicinity of the female supernatural powers like a cannonball.

While turning around, a steel gun appeared in the hands of the original demon, shooting through the space like a laser beam, and shooting towards the face of the great supernatural being.


The mysterious man snorted coldly, the primordial demon stopped in the void as if frozen, and saw that the tip of the steel gun was only half an inch away from the mysterious man's eyes.

The mysterious man didn't even look at it, the energy body in his hand twirled, and the tip of the steel gun was instantly blocked and turned sideways. The mysterious man couldn't help feeling resentful at the rudeness of the primitive demon, stretched out his left hand, and blasted violently The sound appeared again, and the black and white divine light appeared, instantly compressed into the same crystal as before, and flew towards the original demon.

Suddenly, a glint of light shot out from the eyes of the primordial demon, and the black lotus platform appeared in front of him instantly. The dark lotus platform emitted bursts of black light, spinning continuously, like a lover acting coquettishly, making a series of whispering voices.

The mysterious man's mind was attracted by it, and he stopped his movements immediately.

This is the magical power that the original demon learned from the descendants of the original Taoist. Seeing this great supernatural being, the three of them cannot resist.At this moment, the life of the original Taoist is at stake. If he can't watch the original Taoist die, then he will not exist in the world.

"Soul Destroyer Dafa!"

The primordial demon yelled violently, and the gloomy light shot from his eyes instantly entered the eyes of the female great supernatural being.Then, the female great supernatural power woman lowered her hands, and even the magic arts that were pinched in her hands stopped, and the black and white energy crystals in her hands dissipated instantly.

A trace of blue blood spilled from the corner of Primordial Heavenly Demon's mouth, apparently controlling the mind of such a supernatural being has already caused him severe damage to his primordial spirit.

The energy crystals in front of the original Taoist and Hongjun Taoist also dissipated instantly, and the original Taoist and Hongjun Taoist broke away.

There was a trace of loneliness in the eyes of the original demon, and he was very puzzled when he was seen by the original Taoist.

"Okay, let's go quickly! But remember, don't reveal anything about today's events!" Let's talk, Yuan Tianmo waved his sleeves, just as a farewell.

The original Taoist and Hongjun Daozu glanced at the original demon, and then used their body skills. These two top powerhouses in the prehistoric world disappeared in the eyes of the demon in an instant.

Seeing the backs of the three disappeared, Yuan Tianmo couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then said softly: "Senior, don't pretend anymore, I know I can't control you for long!"

"This trick is very good, little Luohu, how about passing it on to me for fun!" The female supernatural power suddenly returned to normal, and said with a smile on the original demon.

"Fairy Humei, I didn't expect you to become someone else's lackey after parting in the chaos." Yuan Tianmo seemed to know this female great supernatural being, and said with his eyes fixed on her.

Fairy Humei, that is, this female supernatural power user, suddenly had a lonely look in the corner of her eyes, and said slowly: "Not only me, but all four brothers have joined, what can you do if you call me a weak woman?"

"You are a weak woman, just kidding, but why is your Taoism so powerful, could it be..."

"Don't guess, it won't do you any good, but your skill has improved a lot. Would you like me to introduce you to you?"

"No need, from what you said, I know that your organization is a very strict one, and I don't want to be inferior to others!" The primordial demon showed a trace of hesitation in his eyes, but was instantly replaced by firmness, and said immediately.

After a long time, returning from the chaotic space to the prehistoric world, Hongjun Daozu stood still for a while, a hint of envy suddenly burst out in his eyes, and he looked at the primitive Taoist without turning.

Suddenly, he made a gesture of clasping his fists towards the primitive Taoist, and Daozu Hongjun said: "Forget about this time, fellow Taoist, you must try your best to restrain this Taoist brother Tianmo, and don't let him do things that violate the way of heaven, otherwise you will be killed." Even..." Daozu Hongjun pointed to the void and said.

The original Taoist nodded slowly. The secrets of today's prehistoric world have been changed by him and the original demon and deviated from the original track. Seeing that Daoist Hongjun's third sermon is coming soon, and the human race has already advanced tens of thousands of years In this world, the two brothers have not yet been sanctified, and these things are always lingering in the hearts of primitive Taoists.

Looking at Daozu Hongjun with his eyes, Yuanyuan felt quite funny.

"I don't know, friend, do you have any thoughts about that senior female supernatural power?" Daozu Hongjun looked at Yuan Taoist in a daze, thought twice, and couldn't help but ask.

"That woman has a very high level of cultivation. According to my estimation, she is an existence that surpasses the way of heaven. The power between the golden horns on the top of her head is not what I estimated, but the cultivation that I have seen in my life. He is the highest, Pan Gu is slightly inferior to all of them, not to mention, from the mouth of this woman, I don’t know how high the cultivation level of the master is?" Yuan Yuan seems to be muttering to himself, and it seems to be telling Hong Jun Daozu sounded like it.

Daoist Hongjun nodded slightly, nodded and said: "That's right! The current strategy is to improve your cultivation as soon as possible. The third lecture is coming soon. I hope that fellow Taoists will not have anything to do. If the machine is not working today, I don't want me to join the Dao Before that, if there are any mistakes, fellow daoists must be clear about this!"

Now that the matter has been dealt with, fortunately there are no major mistakes, the original demon is still under control, and the original Taoist feels a little comfort in his heart.Nodding his head, Yuanyuan immediately said: "Then, teacher, goodbye fellow Taoist!" After finishing speaking, without raising his head, he turned and disappeared into the sky and returned to Kunlun Mountain.

In Fuxi Palace, Nuwa and Taoist Fuxi sat opposite each other. Fuxi gently stroked the strings of the Jiuxuanqin. After a long time, he raised his head and said: "So, that senior is the evil corpse that the primitive Taoist cut off. But his whole body is full of demon energy, I don't know if my sister has noticed anything strange."

Nuwa raised her head slightly, opened her eyelids slightly, and said slowly: "Brother, I'm just guessing about this matter. Now that you're cultivated, you know these things are useless. , Tianting is now controlled by Taiyi again, I am afraid that there will be no chance for brother to revitalize the monster clan, so it is best for brother to try his best to get out of this matter."

Fuxi sighed softly, then said nothing, his fingers touched the strings lightly, and the clear and crisp sound came, which was mellow and pathetic in the ears, which made people feel emotional ups and downs.

Nuwa also sighed, stood up slowly, and walked out with lotus steps. Fuxi then raised his head, glanced at his younger sister, then lowered his head again, and concentrated on playing the piano again.

Along the way, Nuwa's ears were still ringing with the melodious sound of the piano, but her mind was immersed in infinite thoughts.

Everything seems to have returned to the way it was before. In the Kunlun Mountains, there is still that harmonious atmosphere, but Yuanyuan and Nuwa are no longer happy as before. They are always frowning, as if something is about to happen. It seems to happen.

A hundred years passed in an instant, and an indifferent voice spread across the Great Desolate Continent again: "The third sermon is about to begin, everyone who is destined, come and listen to the sermon in Zixiao Palace."

finally coming?Yuanyuan thought in his heart, and stopped practicing in an instant, but his eyes looked far into the distance, as if he had crossed the prehistoric continent and looked into the depths of chaos.

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