original sword god

063 Only 11 awkward times

In the cracks in the space, the elders of the Dragon Clan felt uneasy, a gap appeared in the space, and the figure of the original Taoist emerged. The two elders had seen the original demeanor before, and when they saw the arrival of the original, they clasped their fists and said: "The younger generation has seen the original senior, I haven't seen you for many years, but the heroic appearance of the senior is still there, it is really gratifying."

Yuanyuan glanced at the two elders indifferently, cupped his fists in return and said, "Today I found two of you, not just to reminisce about the past, that's all right, since we are old acquaintances, I won't beat around the bush, I just ask a question, I hope you can be truthful answer."

The two elders have lived in this chaotic world for a long time, and they have already developed a thick skin. At this time, they don't feel that Yuan Yuan's move is rude. After all, they are senior masters with arrogant privileges. They have seen the heroic appearance of Yuan Yuan fighting against Luo Hu , the two elders also admired Yuan Yuan very much, so they stepped forward and said: "Senior, if you have something to do, please ask, I will know everything."

Yuan Yuan nodded slightly, his expression softened slightly, he waved his hand forward, and two futons appeared out of thin air, Yuan Yuan said: "Two sit down and talk."

After thanking the two elders of the dragon clan, they sat in front of them and listened intently.

Yuan Yuan said: "Have the two of you ever seen a man in black? This man in black is wearing a dark black long gown and often hides his face in the collar."

The two elders turned pale with fright, because this man in black was exactly the man in black from Ao Guang's mouth. He was entrusted by Zhulong, the patriarch of the Dragon Clan, to go to the Dragon Clan, and his target was this primitive Taoist.

Seeing the faces of the two dragon elders, Yuanyuan knew that it was not what he expected. The man in black has a great connection with the dragon clan. Seeing the two elders faltering and not speaking, Yuanyuan's face turned cold, and he said sharply: "You better follow I will answer truthfully, otherwise I will have my own way to get things from you, and then don’t blame me for not being respectful.”

Regarding Zhulong, the two elders also complained quite a bit, but after all, they are the patriarch of the Dragon Clan, and they themselves are a member of the Dragon Clan. To tell the truth, I am afraid that the blood will be bloody in the next moment.

Ao Di's mind is very simple, and he is most afraid that Yuan Yuan will endanger his life, so without even thinking about it, he clasped his fists at Yuan Yuan and said, "Senior, I will tell you the truth, don't do that!"

Aotian's complexion sank, he swung his palm and hit Ao Di's back, his original eyes glanced, showing a look of contempt, he pinched the formula with the index finger of his left hand, and softly shouted: "The space is still." Aotian's The attacking hand stopped an inch away from Ao Di's back, and could no longer enter.

Ao Di felt a pain in his heart, looked at his elder brother disappointedly, Yuan Yuan coughed softly, Ao Di hurriedly thanked Yuan Yuan: "Thank you, senior, for your help."

Yuanyuan looked at Aotian, with a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Someone dares to play tricks in front of me, hum!"

Yuan Yuan gave Ao Di an encouraging look, but there was a ruthless streak in his eyes, which was very hidden from Ao Di to see, Yuan Yuan continued: "Go on, I guarantee your safety."

Ao Di swallowed his saliva involuntarily, and hurriedly said: "Senior, although I have never seen this kind of person, I heard it from Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and it is like this..." Ao Di hurriedly told the origin of the matter. Let me clarify.

After listening to Yuanyuan, he pondered for a while, and then asked: "Are you sure, that little jade dragon is the treasure of the dragon clan carried by Zhulong?"

Ao Di breathed a sigh of relief, and then said triumphantly like a meritorious service: "Senior, it is absolutely true, I have seen Zhulong use it with my own eyes, and this treasure was robbed by the subordinates of the Dragon Clan. The body is blood red, crystal clear, and the material is very rare, Zhulong likes this treasure very much, and often takes it out to play with."

After hearing this, Yuanyuan nodded and loosened Aotian's shackles. Aotian took a deep look at Aodi, his face was very ugly, and he stretched his brows after a long time. Aotian sighed: "Second brother, I also know that you are Cherish life, but this matter is related to the safety of the entire Dragon Clan, how can you say it out."

Hearing what Aotian said, Ao Di bowed his head in embarrassment because he originally had respect for this elder brother.

Seeing this, Aotian's life is at stake, and he no longer has the intention of blaming his brother, he sighed and said to Yuanyuan: "Senior, please ensure that the lives of the dragons of the four seas are not threatened, otherwise I will stop it even if I risk my life." senior."

Yuan Yuan's eyes were fascinated, but there was a ruthless light in his eyes, and he stared at Aotian closely. Even his handsome face was slightly ferocious, but Aotian looked at Yuan without showing any weakness. After a long time, Yuan nodded and said slowly: "Don't worry, I'm not killing innocent people indiscriminately. I won't move casually with the dragons of the four seas. This matter is only related to the candle dragon, but I won't be polite to the dragons of the prehistoric east pole."

Aotian sighed, and said in his heart: "Patriarch Zhulong, I can't do anything, you can ask for blessings yourself."

Stepping out of the space, seeing the Fuxi brothers and sisters talking, Yuanyuan came out with two dragon clan elders with a sullen face. Seeing this, Nuwa gestured to her elder brother with her eyes, and the two came to Yuanyuan together.

Yuan Yuan has respect for the ancestor of China, the Great God Fuxi. In addition, he is the elder brother of Nuwa. Planning, are you still planning to return to the Heavenly Court to work for it?"

Nuwa looked at Fuxi anxiously. Fuxi put his left hand crossed on top of his right hand, touched the light red sapphire ring on his right hand with his left index finger, and sighed as if talking to himself: "In the heaven, there are endless battles. It is not the previous heaven. After the demon queen became pregnant, Emperor Jun and the demon emperor stayed with the demon queen Xihe all day long. After Tai Yi took over the power, he kept eliminating the old people and dismantling the rights of the older generation of ministers. To obey the arrangement of the man in black,..."

Before he finished speaking, Yuanyuan grabbed Fuxi's sleeve with a bit of composure, and asked hastily, "You mean the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, who now has to follow the arrangements of the man in black in everything. It really is true!"

Fu Xi wondered why Yuan Yuan was so groggy, but he still replied truthfully: "It is true, this man in black has unfathomable supernatural powers, and his wisdom is extraordinary. Every time he comes up with some tricks, they are brilliant and amazing."

Hearing this, Yuan Yuan frowned even more. From this point of view, Yuan Yuan Tianmao joined the Heavenly Court with ulterior motives. I am afraid that it will not be long before the Heavenly Court will become his private army.At this moment, Yuanyuan didn't know what feeling he felt in his heart. Logically speaking, Yuantian Demon was the corpse killed by the main body, and he felt some sense with the main body. It's under control, now we're in big trouble!

Fuxi was eager to return to the Heavenly Court to return to his life, but with a noble nature, although he was not very interested in the battles in the Heavenly Court, let alone the war, he wanted to repay the kindness of Emperor Jun Yaodi.

Yuanyuan thought for a while, gave Fuxi a communication symbol, and told him to keep in touch at any time.Fuxi led the two dragon elders back to the heaven without mentioning it.

Not to mention how bad the original mood was after sending off the Great God Fuxi, Nuwa, who looked at the charming girl, was still very upset, and said angrily, "Your brother has gone to the Heavenly Court to help, what are your plans?"

Nu Wa looked at Yuan Yuan and heard Yuan Yuan's words, not to mention how wronged she was.

Well aware of the original nature, although she didn't want to stick to each other very well, Nuwa forced a smile and comforted Yuan: "Big brother, don't worry, things are not as bad as big brother thinks, it should be okay." There is a solution. I haven’t been back to Buzhou Mountain for a long time, and I want to go back and have a look.”

Yuan Yuan didn't say anything after listening, turned her head and drove back to Penglai Island. Nu Wa looked at Yuan Yuan's bleak back, biting her lips tightly with her teeth, and her heart was full of endless grievances.

Lao Tzu and Tong Tian are about to prove the Tao, and Tong Tian's magic weapon to cut off his own corpse has not yet been found. Yuan Yuan was anxious for a while, and then left Penglai Island, wandering around helplessly to relax, the depression in his heart could not dissipate.

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