original sword god

040 Conspiracy Appears

"We ordinary people, I'm so happy today!" Humming a ditty, Yuan Yuan felt complacent when he saw the eyes of everyone looking up at him.

Seeing that the teacher was very excited, Yu Ding hurriedly stepped forward to make fun of him and said: "The teacher showed great power today and beat the Zhunti Taoist terribly. The disciple finally saw the teacher's majesty!" After finishing speaking, he blinked his eyes, revealing He showed strong admiration, that kind of eyes were so innocent, it was almost embarrassing to see them so primitive.

"You know how to read words and expressions, you boy, you are so flattering, boy! You are very promising, and you will be able to hang out with the uncle in the future!" Tong Tian couldn't help but said as he watched Yu Ding playing tricks, and even patted Yu Ding for fear of Yu Ding Yu Ding's body staggered and was almost knocked down by Tong Tian.

The moment his body turned to Tongtian, Yuding's eyes immediately changed into a trace of resentment: "Master, please be gentle, your old man is about to kill his corpse. Poor me, I only have the cultivation base of Daluo Jinxian in the early stage, so I can stand you like this!" What a miracle!"

"What, you broke through so soon in the early stage of Daluo Jinxian?" Yuan Yuan was shocked, and pulled Yuding's arm to check. Sure enough, the three flowers in Yuding Yuanshen had initially condensed, which was the sign of the early stage of Daluo Jinxian.The original joy of laughing.

Lao Tzu and Tong Tian also looked at him approvingly. Yu Ding is really good luck and talented. He really deserves to be transformed by Pan Gu's teeth. Pan Gu is authentic. With painstaking efforts, Tong Tian looked at Yuan Yuan and Lao Tzu, and secretly made up his mind that in the future, when recruiting apprentices, he must accept someone with qualifications like Yu Ding.

Several people went back to Kunlun Mountain without mentioning it.


On Kunlun Mountain, Yuding took the lead in retreating to stabilize the cultivation base that had just broken through.Laozi and Tongtian also hurriedly thought about retreating to digest Hongjun's preaching knowledge in order to break through the current cultivation level, but they were held back by Yuanyuan, and Laozi and Tongtian were puzzled for a while.

Seeing that Nuwa was also confused, Yuanyuan nodded to Nuwa. With the tacit understanding between the two, they both knew that the other party had something urgent to say. Lao Tzu and Tong Tian followed closely behind.

After arranging the array to isolate all the probes on Kunlun Mountain, Yuanyuan inspected for a while, and when he saw that there were no mistakes, he nodded, and he himself entered the Chaos Orb.

In the Chaos Orb, Erqing and Nuwa were looking forward to it, and when they saw Yuanyuan coming in, they all surrounded him.

Several members of the ward sat on the futon, and Yuan Yuan said seriously: "What we are going to say below is top secret, and it is enough for the few of us to know it, please don't let it out!"

Tong Tian interjected, "Can't you even talk about Yuding?"

Yuan Yuan gave Tong Tian a serious look, and said: "Yes! Even Yu Ding can't say it. I will tell him when he reaches this level in the future, but we must not let him know now, otherwise it will be of no benefit to him!"

Tong Tian couldn't help feeling strange that Yuan Yuan had always treated Yuding like a parent and child, but now he was hiding something.But Tongtian knew that Yuanyuan had always been very wise and scheming, so he didn't ask, but just kept it in his heart.

Seeing Tongtian's performance, Yuanyuan nodded and continued: "Taoist Hongjun has taught you the method of killing corpses, right? What do you think of this method?"

Nuwa looked confused at this time, and asked Yuanyuan: "The teacher has indeed taught us the method of beheading the corpse. The teacher said that the "three corpses" represent the three "evil desires" in the human body, namely selfish desire, appetite and sexual desire. *...Three corpses, whose prototypes are three kinds of worms. There are three worms in the human body. Specifically, it includes the three worms of the upper corpse, the three worms of the middle corpse, and the three worms of the lower corpse, so it is called "three corpses and nine worms". To embark on the road of immortality, the ascetic must eradicate and eliminate the roots of the three corpses. The idea that if you kill the three corpses, you can prove the golden immortal led the ancients to indulge in alchemy and medicine in order to kill the three corpses. Can be sanctified."

After hearing this, Yuanyuan sighed, and continued to ask: "Has Taoist Hongjun ever said, what method will be used to kill the three corpses?"

Regarding his own safety, Lao Tzu dare not be negligent at this moment: "The teacher said that killing the three corpses is to cut off one's good thoughts, evil thoughts and oneself, that is, obsessions. When cutting obsessions, you can place your obsessions on all kinds On the Xiantian Lingbao, the incarnation is cut out, and the magic power is boundless. After the three corpses are cut off, it is the perfect realm of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal. Then the three corpses are merged into one, and the incarnation and the body are completely fused without distinguishing each other. It is only one step away from the Hunyuan Avenue."

After hearing this, Yuan Yuan was furious, and the trace of gratitude to Hongjun when he preached before has disappeared without a trace. Seeing Yuan Yuan like this, everyone in the room was puzzled and looked at Yuan Yuan eagerly.

"Have you ever thought about this question, if different spirit treasures are used to cut off the three corpses, how will the three corpses be combined into one in the future, and the synthesis of innate spirit treasures with different materials, hum! I have never heard of it!" Yuanyuan said angrily.

Erqing and Nuwa panicked, and Tongtian was impatient. At this moment, he didn't care whether Yuanyuan would blame him or not, so he asked, "Second brother, what's going on, the teacher forgot to tell us, right?"

At this moment, Yuanyuan raised a strong defense against Hongjun, and naturally he would not speak for him: "Don't be too naive, think of him as Taoist Hongjun, how could he even forget or teach the wrong way?"

But Lao Tzu showed a faint smile, and said: "Second brother has a superhuman mind, I must have made a plan!"

Yuanyuan looked at Lao Tzu and said lightly: "Yes, I have heard of the method of beheading the three corpses before. This method is indeed wonderful. It can prompt the practitioner to cut off the three desires, and the speed of cultivation is greatly accelerated. There is no evidence to prove it." It is dangerous during Taoism, but the process of combining the three corpses into one is the most important thing, there are currently two ways to solve this problem!"

Yuanyuan pursed his lips, and continued: "One, is to find three spirit treasures of the same material, cut off the three corpses separately, and then combine the three corpses into one. The other method is more troublesome and time-consuming. I don't know. Would you choose this method?"

Tong Tian asked eagerly: "Second brother, hurry up and talk about the second method."

Yuanyuan looked at Tongtian and smiled, and said: "That is to cut off the three corpses with your own perseverance, not relying on any spiritual treasures, but the three corpses that have been cut off need to be cultivated to Dzogchen before they can be united. I don't know if the two brothers and Which method is the girl willing to choose?"

Everyone fell into silence, thinking quietly, Tongtian finally figured it out: "I choose the first one, but these three innate spirit treasures with the same nature are hard to find."

Lao Tzu also said at this moment: "I choose the second one. After a great battle in the previous dragon and phoenix catastrophe, my good and evil thoughts are almost complete now. It must be not difficult to cut them off with this method."

Yuan Yuan was very satisfied, and he thought so too.Lao Tzu has a lot of savings, so the first method is not worth the loss, and Tongtian is very impatient, so the second method is not suitable.As for the spirit treasure, didn't I already have an idea? After thinking for a while, Yuan Yuan took out the Karmic Fire Red Lotus and said to Tong Tian: "Use this magic weapon to kill the evil corpses. I already have an idea about the other spirit treasures. It's up to me." After saying that, he even patted his own chest.

Tongtian looked at Yuanyuan with tears in his eyes, Yuanyuan smiled at Tongtian and said nothing, the three brothers stayed quietly like this, a strong brotherhood rippling among them.

Seeing this, Nuwa was also very moved, and laughed loudly: "What's the matter with you three, you still look affectionate, and you have goosebumps all over your body." She touched her arm with her hand as she spoke.

Several people laughed, Lao Tzu and Tong Tian went to retreat soon.

Yuanyuan looked at Nuwa, and didn't pay attention to it for a few days, but Nuwa became even more beautiful. Yuanyuan looked like Brother Pig, and the corners of his mouth were almost drooling, Nuwa was also quite shy when he saw this.But as the two got along for a long time, Nuwa's resistance to this also increased greatly, and Nuwa blamed: "You haven't said that I choose which cultivation method?"

Yuanyuan laughed and said: "Your thoughts of good and evil are not perfect yet, I suggest you to further temper your thoughts of goodness first, and I will find you three innate spirit treasures with the same attributes in the future, so you are still satisfied! "

On the other hand, Nuwa looked indifferent, and said, "I knew you would think about it for me, so you passed the test!"

Yuan Yuan was overjoyed and asked with a smile, "Is there any reward?"

Nu Wa's face was flushed, and she said shyly: "No." After saying that, she ran out.

Yuanyuan knew that Nuwa was deliberately distracting her anger, so she chased after her with great comfort.

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