original sword god

111 Battle of Pangu's Real Body

They didn't seem to pay attention to their eyes.Yuan Yuan slowly stood up straight.The feet are suddenly separated from the middle.The body twisted slowly.Then bend over.Stretch your legs.Move your wrist.After doing this series of actions.He nodded towards the incarnation of Hongjun Daozu transformed by the Dao of Heaven.Slowly said: "The warm-up is over. Senior. Please enlighten me."

Speechless.Cold field.

Yuanyuan caught a glimpse of Tiandao's incarnation trembling and looking at him dumbfounded.Seeing such a performance can make Tian Dao's momentum vent.Naturally, I am quite proud of myself.But this time he was wrong.And soon he found out that he was very wrong.

suddenly.Hongjun Daozu, who was incarnated by the Dao of Heaven, found that there was an extra feeling in his heart.And this feeling made him extremely disgusted.Heaven is ruthless.Therefore, Hongjun turned into an incarnation and swung the Jue.In an instant, this feeling was separated.And this feeling of being separated turned into a cloud of green smoke that slowly floated towards Wudao.Instantly absorbed by Wudao.


The surface appears calm.But in fact, the original heart began to churn again.Primal just got here.It is found that there is an inevitable connection between these two gases.I never thought that the connection could be so wonderful.

and.Separate the feelings.No one else has accepted this approach.It is simply a wonderful use of creation.For the way of creation.The original understanding is far inferior to Nuwa Empress.This is the first time I have seen such a magical method of intercommunication.He felt quite novel.

And just for a moment.Yuan also lost his sense of normality.Usually.Except facing Erqing.Nuwa or all the disciples.He always has a cold look of putting people thousands of miles away.And this time.He even subconsciously regarded Tiandao in front of him as his senior.It was as if I was back under the care of my parents again.He even returned a trace of innocence.That's why I did the action just now.That's why it's so unrestrained.

In such a state of mind.The original has lost.And lost completely.Yuanyuan saw that Tiandao separated an emotion.I feel something in my heart.This emotion was also suppressed.And seal it up.

Looking at the younger generation who was in a daze.Wudao and Tiandao have separated a trace of divine sense and pasted it on the original outer layer.Feel for original ideas.Tiandao couldn't help but smile bitterly.Immediately after waving his hand, he separated another divine sense.Wudao happily accepted it.

finally.My mind calmed down.Primitive felt refreshed.The fighting spirit is strong.So he took a pose.He hooked his fingers towards the incarnation of Tiandao and said, "Let's fight."

Tiandao ignored the original insulting gesture.Just now he has decided to ignore the original action.He decides to teach Yuan a big lesson.To let him know that there is a day beyond the sky.There are people outside.

Say it.Yuanyuan suddenly trampled on him.A punch followed a wonderful trajectory towards Daozu Hongjun.This punch seemed extremely simple.Nothing fancy.But Tiandao looked very serious seeing this.He definitely felt the metamorphosis of the primitive now.It seems that he has eliminated all those fancy rules that are not practical.In this fist, only the infinite comprehension of the Tao and the law is left.It seems extremely simple but extremely complex.This is the truth of Dao Ruo Jian.It seems that the original has entered the Tao.

The direction of this punch.Appears to be a straight line.But it seems that the transfer can be made according to the transfer of the incarnation of heaven.After the incarnation of Tiandao nodded secretly.Decided to confront it head-on.

Slowly raised his fist under the sleeve.The fingers of this fist are white.The fingers are abnormally slender.But also incredibly flexible.It looked like it was about to collide with the original fist.Such a fist meets a raw punch.It must have been a broken bone.

but.Fist.There was no violent explosion.Yuanyuan only felt a soft force turning the strength of his fist in a circle.And hold the strength of the fist in that weak fist.It seems to vomit but not to vomit.Yuan Yuan's heart seemed to be hit hard.Uncomfortable.A mouthful of blood suddenly spilled from the corner of his mouth.suddenly.Two touching fists separated.This weak fist suddenly returned all its strength to the original.The original fist exploded several holes in an instant.Blood flowed down.


Yuanyuan spat out another mouthful of blood.This force is so heavy.The force returned instantly shattered the original attachment.

Daozu Hongjun, who watched the incarnation of the Dao of Heaven, chased after him in a primitive and retrograde manner.Yuanyuan had no choice but to retreat to relieve the impact of the strength just now.Has been back a thousand miles.Only then did Yuan Yuan feel that the force had been resolved.

Although he was prepared in his heart.But only the first attack.Let the original be so severely damaged.The original hits hard.But the original character is not bad.The heavier the blow, the more intense the confrontation.

The incarnation of Tiandao shook his fist and kicked each other.The speed is slow and fast.Let the original dizzying.Every attack always has a feeling of abnormal powerlessness.And the body is being attacked more and more.Yuan Yuan was thrown into the sky without any resistance.

I sighed in my heart.It seems that the melee attack is no longer the opponent.Then use kendo.

The original heart in the air has a feeling.A colorless sword appeared in his hand.Primal Adjustment Action Stand up.Follow the upward trend.Yuan slightly recovered from his injury.

When it falls.The original eyes have been staring at the incarnation of Tiandao standing below him.Suddenly the figure disappeared.Yuan Yuan couldn't help being surprised.Suddenly, I felt someone above my head.The original running movement instantly shifted to the other corner.It hasn't stopped yet.I feel that the incarnation of heaven is still on top of my head.Original and then turn.But still to no avail.

He sighed secretly.Yuan stretched out the sword in his hand.Row to the incarnation of heaven above the head.

Tiandao bowed his head.Instantly appeared in front of Yuan Yuan.Looking blankly at Yuanyuan, he asked, "Do you want to fight again?"

Yuan fell into silence for a while.Slowly realize the process of fighting just now.Heaven and Wudao saw this.Slowly withdrew from the horizon.Instantly disappeared without a trace.


In the prehistoric world.The words of Pangu's real body shocked Nuwa and Laozi for a while.Immediately, the two gave up the idea of ​​exploring.The battle is the most important right now.Let's save the human race first.Think about it.Nuwa stretched out the picture of the mountains and rivers and the country at will.Half of the human race disappeared.

"Yes." Lao Tzu slapped his forehead.A formation diagram very similar to that of Nuwa appeared in his hand.It is the picture of heaven and earth.It was after the original robbery of the Dragon Clan's treasure house.The treasure I got.

The picture in hand is slightly expanded.All the clans except Xuanmang and Qingying were received into the magic weapon.Taiyi saw it.Nor did it stop.According to the current situation.It is almost impossible for the human race to completely wipe out.Unless you can defeat the combination of Laozi and Nuwa.

Wutian didn't even try to block it.Just went through a big battle with Lao Tzu.Although Lao Tzu was injured more than him.But he still had the upper hand.There is no reason to do so now.This is related to the tradition of magic.Subconsciously, there is no way to stop it.Just watched all the races have been put away.

Wutian rolled his eyes.His eyes then became erratic.No one knew what was going on in his mind.

See the enemy in front of you disappear.Pan Gu's real body roared again and again in rage.This made Nuwa and Laozi calm down slowly.It seems that Pangu's real body is in spiritual wisdom.But intelligence is not high.

The real body of Pan Gu, the housekeeping skill of the Wu clan.After the addition of the new ancestor witch.A wonderful change has taken place.This was unexpected by the ancestors and witches.

The great witch Xingtian and the great witch Chiyou are newly added as Zuwu.Let the ancestral witches have a little comfort in their hearts.However, some changes have taken place in Pangu's avatar composed of twelve ancestor witches.Xing Tian is nothing more.The addition of Zuwu Chiyou is somewhat different.Chiyou was born after the intermarriage of Wu people from different tribes.Amazing talent from birth. .It's just amazing.Moreover, the body contains an energy that the former Wu clan did not have.Join behind Pan Gu Zhen, who is composed of twelve ancestor witches.Only then did the ancestral witches find out.Chi You was able to practice Taoism.Moreover, the formed Pan Gu's real body unexpectedly gave birth to some wisdom.And this wisdom is led by Chi You.It was not Di Jiang, the leader of the original Wu clan.

The battle is imminent.Zuwu Dijiang didn't complain at all.And all the ancestor witches were also very excited.Agree to take the initiative of Pan Gu's real body.Give it to this new ambitious Zuwu Chiyou.

"Brother, it seems that this time, we are going to join forces to fight against the enemy." Nuwa said on her lips.While inhaling the red hydrangea into the palm.Linglong's palm suddenly became ten feet wide.Hit towards Pan Gu's real body.

A saint must also have the majesty of a saint.The strength of Pangu's true body is naturally extremely terrifying.But the ignorant is fearless.In Nuwa's mind.Pan Gu did not become a saint at that time.Therefore, the idea of ​​a contest suddenly appeared in my heart.

Nüwa was able to control the palm formed by vitality.He smashed the red hydrangea hard at Pan Gu's real body.A trace of disdain flashed in Pan Gu's real eyes.The virtual image of Pangu Kaitian God Ax in his hand.He even slammed heavily towards the red hydrangea.

"Boom." There was an explosion.Follow the trajectory of Pangu Kaitianshen's axe.A deep gash was opened in the void.The red hydrangea was instantly ejected.Pangu's ax still relentlessly struck towards the giant palm that Nuwa had transformed into.The giant palm is just formed from vitality.All of a sudden it was split apart.

The forward movement of the Pangu ax was only hindered for a while.Still moving forward slowly.The hole in the void is getting bigger and bigger.He even attacked in the direction of Nuwa Saint.

Lao Tzu saw this.The body suddenly grew ten thousand feet tall.Showed his true Pan Gu body.With the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda on its head, it abruptly received the attack of Pangu's axe.The Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda only jumped slightly and then slowly returned to its original state.I just felt a shock.There is no other reaction.My heart suddenly relaxed.

Empress Nuwa spurted a stream of blood from her mouth.After all, she was the one who blocked Pangu Kaitianshen's axe's attack first.It can be said that most of the phantom's attacks fell on her precious red hydrangea.The Yuanshen in the red hydrangea suffered some trauma.But not very serious.

"Junior Sister. Are you okay?" I saw the blood spurting from Nuwa's mouth.I couldn't help but worry in my heart.

Nuwa sucked the red hydrangea into her palm.Then he took a deep breath.Breathe slowly for a moment.Then he slowly transmitted the sound: "Brother, I'm fine now. Why is the power of this Pan Gu real body not as great as imagined."

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