original sword god

124 The Emperor's Birth

South of Kunlun Mountains.It is a series of small mountain ranges.Stretching thousands of miles away.These mountains are full of aura.Although the scenery is not as good as that of Kunlun Mountain.But it is also a famous strange mountain in the wild.Cangwushang is one of them.But Cangwu Mountain is protected by a large natural barrier.It is basically impossible for casual cultivators outside to get in.

A couple of young people came from a distance.A man in a blue Taoist robe.The nose is straight and the eyebrows are long.Star pupil sword eyebrow.The long eyebrows are slightly bent.The woman is wearing a golden palace dress.A woman with a golden phoenix spreading its wings and a pearl hairpin slantingly inserted into the temples of the clouds.The hanging pearl swayed with laughter.It can be described as the beauty of a handsome man and a beautiful woman.It is a pair of talented men and women.The woman's face glowed with a moving red light.Listening to the young man explaining anecdotes.And this pair of young people are the two saints Yuanyuan and Nuwa.

Ever since the human race settled down.Yuanyuan took Nuwa around all day long.Be a pair of happy immortal cultivators.This is the original way of monasticism.And Nu Wa also likes this kind of cultivation process very much.

The original cultivation has reached the realm of a great god.That is to say, the original body sword soul has been formed.But Sword Soul has just been cultivated.Just consume the essence in the flesh.It takes a lot of ability to fill in to reach the next level.And this step up the realm.Under the original conservative estimate.It takes several sessions.So Yuan relaxed.Not to mention so much casually wandering around with Nuwa in the prehistoric world.

There are actually many purposes for this original release.One of the biggest goals is to choose a cave for each disciple.Original descendants come.Taking care of these disciples is like their own children.There are many people who are concerned.

Soon the two came to a mountain peak.Seeing the towering mountains.Steal the void.There are thousands of exotic flowers and plants in the middle.The wind shakes the trees.The golden lotus is reflected in the sun.A dark green purple bamboo forest can be seen far away.Countless peacocks sing in the purple bamboo forest.

Originally saw the purple bamboo forest.Immediately, it became clear in my heart.This place seems to be the place where the legendary Guanyin Bodhisattva practiced.It is also the place where his own elucidation traitor, Ci Hang Taoist, practiced.Yuan Yuan's face immediately became cloudy and uncertain.see such a situation.Nüwa pinched her fingers in surprise and counted.But she didn't know how to calculate the future.

"Senior Brother. But what did the calculation come to?" Seeing that the calculation was fruitless.Nuwa stopped the useless work.Then asked softly.

Silence.The original eyes have been looking at this piece of purple bamboo forest.Smelling the faint smell of this piece of spiritual grass.Primal was lost in his thoughts.Seeing this, Nuwa also remained silent.Just stay with him quietly.

The situation today is quite different from what posterity remembers.Cihang's kendo has already been introduced.Moreover, the cooperation of the fourteen disciples was extremely tacit.So what if the Conferred God War is about to start.The chance of Cihang defecting from the sect is very small.Think here.Primitive thoughts slowly turned dull.

"Sister. Let's go." Turning around, she looked at the pretty woman standing in front of her.The original soft voice sounded in my ears again.Nuwa then nodded.Accompanied by the original figure slowly away.

There are some things Yuan Yuan also wanted to express his heartfelt heart to Nu Wa.But the moment is clearly not ripe.Primitive realized that his own strength was not enough.So several times the words have reached the tip of my tongue and I have given up.

There is no such thing as flying through the clouds to look at the prehistoric mountains.But slowly, like an ordinary person, he traveled between the several big rivers near Kunlun.It went on like this for a while.The original previous emotions were also swept away.Slowly talking and laughing with Nuwa.Hear all kinds of jokes passed down from later generations.Nuwa laughed so hard that she leaned forward and backward.Huarong trembled.A happy smile appeared on the pretty face.The original looked refreshed for a while.From time to time, I will explain a little bit of dirty jokes from previous lives.All I could hear was Nuwa Hongyun's face.Yuanyuan laughed dumbfoundedly from the sidelines.

Cultivating the Tao is cultivating the mind.Primitive seems boring.In fact, it is the same as Nuwa.He has always kept his heart.I am used to seeing large and small scale battles in the wild.Yuanyuan and Nuwa just watched the battle from the sidelines.Just ignore it.

In this way, more than ten years passed.Yuanyuan felt that his Dao heart had taken a big step forward.

this day.The two were walking in the forest talking and laughing.Suddenly, I saw the aura like a meteor chasing the moon frantically throwing towards the lower realm of the human race.Nuwa was shocked.Immediately, I felt a wave of ups and downs in my soul.Then he pinched his fingers and calculated.Can't help but be overjoyed.At the same time, the two counted that Fuxi had been successfully reincarnated.

Terran.With a loud baby cry.An old woman came out of a thatched hut.Holding a newborn baby in her arms.This baby turned out to be a snake with a human body and a head.It is similar to the real body of Nuwa Madonna.The human race couldn't help but be ecstatic.They were worshiped as gods.at the time of birth.Beasts all around.Birds circled.A strange fragrance came to the face.Everyone in the family suddenly felt that the old diseases of the past years had disappeared.The body returns to health.The more I feel that this child is extraordinary.Followed by a celebration of the human race.With this baby kept crying.And the people are full of joy.

It is said that since Hua Xu became pregnant for no reason.He was driven out of the tribe by the tribe.Huaxu's unmarried pregnancy became a big scandal for the human race.After Hua Xu moved out of the human race with tears in his eyes.Under the care of some well-meaning young people in the clan.A simple tent was set up in the land of Lei Ze.So settled down.

After Sanqing discussed with Nuwa.They all agreed that Lao Tzu, the head of the Sanqing, personally accepted Fu Xi as his disciple.I didn't want to.Because of Nuwa's relationship.Laozi thinks that Nuwa and Sanqing were born in the same generation.The original meaning is to accept Fuxi as a junior.But how could Daozu's apprentices be chosen casually?Sanqing is also helpless.Immediately, Nuwa suggested that Lao Tzu should accept him as an apprentice.After success, they will become friends with each other.After hearing this, Sanqing all said good things.

After the Huaxu family was kicked out by the human race.Always lived by the river.Even the daily food requirements are problematic.Tongtian immediately sent a unicorn fairy under his seat to bring spiritual fruits and place them outside Huaxu's door every day.After everyone heard the news.All were shocked.Because the unicorn is auspicious.It was the old man who invited Hua Xu out of the hut again.Settle in the clan and take care of it carefully.

Lin'er came to the world.Hua Xu named him Fuxi.Because Hua Xu is very young and has no experience in taking care of children.Immediately, the human race specially arranged for three experienced women to take care of them one after another.

Fuxi was born intelligent. 30 days later.After the body molts, it can walk freely.

this day.The purple energy of the human tribe came from the east.Everyone in the family knew that it was a person with great supernatural powers.They burned incense and prayed and came out to welcome them.I saw about 40 immortals falling from the sky a year.It is Lao Tzu, the supreme sage who is the leader of the human religion.Lao Tzu saw Fu Xi who looked like a child and had a shrewd face.I am overjoyed.Then he was accepted as an apprentice.

Lao Tzu has studied the original Tao for many years.I have a deep understanding of the way of investigating things and extending knowledge in Yuqing's wonderful method.Fuxi, who was ignorant in the prehistoric world, was naturally relaxed.In addition, the Great God Fuxi himself has extraordinary intelligence.Often draw inferences about other cases from one instance.This made Lao Tzu quite gratified.At the same time, he secretly sighed for his stupid disciple Xuandu.

After teaching Fuxi for about 20 years.Lao Tzu drifted away.

The vision of Fuxi's birth has attracted the attention of the patriarch of the human race.And when he was ten years old.The Huaxu family has handed over all the affairs of their tribe to Fuxi.After Fuxi became the patriarch of the tribe.He even used his intelligence.Blessed the tribe.

Fuxi accidentally watched the spider sister weaving a web.And so inspired.Then learn to grid after some experimentation.Teach it to the tribe.Greatly improved the production capacity of the tribe at that time.At the same time, he taught the people to domesticate wild animals.This is where livestock come in.

The intermarriage policy among the human race is somewhat refuted.There are many children born to dementia after intermarriage between close relatives.Therefore, a rapid change in marriage customs was launched.Advocate the marriage customs and etiquette of men hiring women to marry.Change consanguineous marriage to extra-clan marriage.It's over for a long time.Children only know their mother but not their father's original group marriage status.This is also a sign that the social phenomenon of ** is beginning to disintegrate.

And enable the sage's warehouse jaw.Create Terran script.Started to make a contract.Used for notes.It replaces the backward form of knotting notes in the past.Finally, under the inspiration of Lao Tzu.The original private school teaching slowly took shape.After being educated, the human race suddenly became more sensible.

The Yanguan people use crude bowls carved from primitive stones.Fuxi ordered Ming Tao to die, qin and se and other musical instruments.Create songs and ballads.Bring music into people's lives.Help people to "cultivate themselves rationally. Anti naive"

Divide and conquer its dominion.And appoint officials to carry out social management.Provide reference for future generations to govern society.

With the prosperity of the tribe.Fuxi's reputation among the human race is also growing.Many tribes want to learn life skills from the Huaxu tribe.Since then, the human race has set the rules for marriage.Fuxi's cultivation base has been continuously improved along with his merits of enlightening the human race.

However, the problem of life and destiny of the human race has always been Fuxi's heart disease.The improvement of cultivation can no longer delay the spread of heart disease.Fuxi slowly showed an old state.It has become the biggest headache for all the clans.

See original.I know the time has come.Immediately spread rumors to Yuding.Let him go to the land of Beiming and ask Kunpeng to hand over the map of Luoshu River.

Yuding arrived in the land of Beiming.Seeing that the road ahead is blocked by countless glaciers.There were bursts of cold air.Yu Ding only felt the cold air go straight into his body.Not even the original.Kunpeng traced his whereabouts in order to avoid the great supernatural being.It turned out to be the use of great supernatural powers.The entire Beiming land was severely blocked.

Seeing that Kunpeng actually took the method of thanking guests behind closed doors.Yuding suddenly remembered the etiquette of hospitality that Yuan said first and then soldiers.Immediately, Harmony gathered his skills to the top of his voice and called out: "Senior Kunpeng is here. The junior Yuqing's disciple Yuding came to visit. I hope the senior will see you."

The sound is not loud though.But the meandering sound waves drilled all the way down the veins of the glacier.It passed straight to the ears of Kunpeng who was in retreat at the bottom of Beiming.

The land of Beiming is Kunpeng's last place to save his life.The illusion around him has long been under the control of his primordial spirit.Yuding was discovered by Kunpeng as soon as he arrived.Knowing the reason for Yuding's arrival this time.But Hetu and Luoshu came from Kunpeng brazenly begging Taiyi.Now it has been refined into a magic weapon of life.How willing to give up on this.Immediately came and ignored.But I didn't expect Yuding's sonic attack to be so sharp.

Seeing is inevitable.Kunpeng immediately cast a spell.Glaciers are melting rapidly visible to the naked eye.And control the trajectory of the flow to flow in the opposite direction to the North Sea.

Watching Kunpeng's tricks.Yuding naturally knew that Kunpeng's move was obviously a bit of a prestige.I couldn't help sneering in my heart.

Glaciers disappear.A figure in light gray Taoist uniform appeared in front of Yuding's eyes.It was Kunpeng Demon Master.

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