original sword god

160 Calculation against Emperor Yao

Thinking about it, Yuanyuan looked at the void with some doubts and pondered: Now that Buzhou Mountain has not collapsed, and the water of Tianhe River has not flooded, then can Emperor Yu appear? The Qiankun Ding is still in his Chaos Orb , Can it happen that the Qiankun Ding turns into Jiu Ding to guard the earth?

The more he thought about it, the more bored he became. Suddenly, Yuanyuan slapped his thigh and yelled: That's right! The red-tailed horse monkey Wuzhiqi, it seems that Wuzhiqi is the root cause of the flood in the human race. The idea in my heart is firm.

Interfere with the operation of the Dao of Heaven, or give a hint to the normal operation of the Dao of Heaven, or else the Journey to the West or the general situation will change, Yuan Yuan thought, so he sat cross-legged in the Wendao Temple on Penglai Island, integrating his thoughts into the perception of Dao and the Dao of Heaven, Sure enough, a flood erupted in the human race, and Yuan Yuan keenly sensed that the human race was approaching a catastrophe.

Emperor Xuanxiao had meritorious service in conquering the Dongyi tribe, but lacked the ability to govern the country himself, so he abdicated Emperor Ku, but Xuanxiao himself had reached the peak of the heavenly immortals when he was a hundred years old, leaving the realm of immortality, so he Go live in Huoyun Cave.

The greatness of Xuanxiao's merits and virtues is almost ten times that of Zhuanxu's. This made the Buddhist sages Zhunti and Jieying extremely jealous. Merit and a greater status in the human race, but after discussing with Laozi, Tongtian and Laozi only allowed Buddhism to obtain the merit of the emperor's teacher once, and they were allowed to intervene again, but the emperor Yunxiao took another step ahead and accepted Emperor Ku.

Emperor Ku succeeded to the throne, and all officials, big and small, did not change, but they did move to Kyoto, and chose Boyi, where Gaoxin, north of Songshan Mountain, as the new capital. After being buried outside Diqiu City with Emperor Xuanxiao, even if the capital was moved to Boyi.

After Emperor Ku moved the capital, he changed the name of the country to the Gaoxin family. From then on, it was the era of Emperor Ku.

Emperor Ku Ji Jun was born with extraordinary intelligence, and he even said his own name. Believe, you will be convinced by the world.

Take the wealth of the land and use it sparingly, educate the people to benefit them, welcome and send them off over the course of the day, understand ghosts and gods and respect them, their colors are gloomy, their virtues are suspicious, their actions are timely, their obedience Ye Shi, Emperor Ku is in control and spreads all over the world, under the sun and the moon, and wherever the wind and rain come, there is no one who does not obey.

It can be seen from the above that Di Ku's main merit is in governing the country, but the dog army invaded the country, Gaoxin Emperor Di Ku was already very old, and Di Ku proposed that whoever can cut off the head of the king of Fan should marry him with the three princesses, The dragon dog reveals the list of former enemies. When the king was drunk, he bit off his head and dedicated it to Emperor Gao Xin. Emperor Gao Xin wanted to regret his marriage because he was a dog, but was stopped by Yun Xiao.

When the dragon dog came, Empress Liu's dream, Jin Lou, was reincarnated from the golden dog, and many of the disciples of the leader of Tongtian were all beasts. Get married.

Before Emperor Ku was alive, he had appointed his third concubine Qingdu's son Rao as emperor, but Western Buddhism refused to accept it. After Emperor Ku passed away, Zhunti secretly supported the fourth concubine's son Zhi to inherit the throne.

However, Zhi's talent is limited to one county, where there is a place to govern the country. In the ninth year when Zhi succeeded Di Ku's throne, under the unanimous suggestion of the ministers, he followed his father Di Ku's suggestion and abdicated to Emperor Yao. , Western Buddhism saw that the momentum was not good, and then withdrew from the government and continued to live as a hermit.

Yao, surnamed Yiqi and given name Fangxun, followed his grandfather's surname. He was born in Yiqi Mountain in Tang Dynasty and spent his childhood with his mother in Qingdu Mountain.

At the age of 20, his brother Di Zhi was forced to give way to him due to the situation, and became the leader of the tribal alliance at the end of my country's primitive society. The first capital city was built in the city area, and then gradually moved westward to Shanxi due to floods, and the capital was Pingyang.

Because when his mother, Qingdu, was pregnant, he was infiltrated by Ziwei emperor star Ziqi, which made Yao have the appearance of great virtue, and he was born with some astronomical knowledge.

Yao ordered the Xi family and the He family to formulate a calendar according to the movement of the sun, moon and stars, and then promulgated it to the world so that agricultural production would follow. In the case of sunrise, the vernal equinox is taken as the day when the day and night are equinoxed, and the position of the bird star is used for correction.

Uncle Pai Xi lives in a place called Mingdu, observes the movement of the sun from north to south, takes the day with the longest daylight hours as the summer solstice, and makes corrections with reference to the position of Mars.

Pai and Zhong lived in a place called Shibuya in the west, observed the sunset, took the day when the day and night were evenly divided as the autumnal equinox, and corrected it with reference to the positions of the virtual stars.

Pai and Uncle lived in a place called Youdu in the north, and observed the movement of the sun from south to north, and took the day with the shortest day as the winter solstice, and made corrections with reference to the position of Ang Xing.

After the two points and two solstices were determined, Yao decided to use 360 ​​six days as a year, and set a leap month every three years, and use the leap month to adjust the relationship between the calendar and the four seasons, so that the annual farming time is correct without errors.

Therefore, the ancients regarded the era of Emperor Yao as the era of leaps and bounds in farming culture.

In the last years of Emperor Yao, there was a Lao River in the north of Pingyang near the place where the human race lived. It originated from the foot of Niushou Mountain in the northeast of Fushan Mountain. A large number of torrents pose a great threat to the human race.

It is rumored that there are monsters at the bottom of this river that cause the river to flood, but the nearby residents rely on the water of the Laohe River to survive, but every year when the rainy season comes, there is a torrent going up, but the river rises several feet steeply, and the waves It flooded the nearby villages with fertile fields, and countless people died in the torrent every year. The rainy season just passed, the sky was dry, the land was cracked, the flooded river was dry, and there was no water left.

Emperor Yao heard about this, and in order to solve the sufferings of the people, he personally led a group of people to control the flood and eliminate the disaster before the arrival of the drought, flood and rainy season.

Yao and his party came to Guoxing. At this time, the drought and flood season had not yet arrived. Yao sent people to investigate the terrain, but saw that the river was clear and bright. The human race was in the harvest season, but everyone had a trace of worry on their faces. The people sent by Emperor Yao The news from the inquiring is that the weather is good.

Is it really as Tanshao said? Emperor Yao had some doubts in his heart, so he never left. He visited the Laohe River every day, waiting for the rainy season to come.

On this day, Emperor Yao and his party came to the entrance of the village. Looking at the crowds rushing to other places to hide, Emperor Yao was very disturbed, and suddenly felt as if something big was about to happen.

At the order of Emperor Yao, the low-level counselors immediately unfolded the Fuxi gossip to measure the good and bad luck of today. Mou, a member of the Ji family, threw the tortoise shell up into the sky and landed on the ground. He was shocked and said: "Your Majesty, today's omen is a warning." , Your Majesty is very fierce today, it is not suitable to go out, otherwise disaster will befall you later, "

Emperor Yao was astonished. Although he believed in the algorithm of Fuxi's gossip of the Ji family, he was still a benevolent lord without fear, and immediately ordered to set off for Laohe.

In the Palace of Eight Scenes of Chaos, Lao Tzu, the Supreme Leader, sat on the Fenghuo futon, opened his eyes slightly, and then pointed to the wind, and a gust of wind hit the bronze mirror in front of him. Lao Tzu scolded in a low voice: " Xuandu, come and see me quickly,"

From time to time, Xuandu came to him dressed in a Taoist uniform, and he lowered his head slightly and said, "Teacher, what are you looking for me for?" His movements were not at all like a master and apprentice, but his voice was very sincere.

Lao Tzu nodded and said: "The owner is in trouble, you go to the rescue quickly, after you are done, don't clear the monsters at the bottom of the river, return quickly, remember, don't frighten this little monkey away by scaring the snake." A smile appeared.

Under his insistence, Emperor Yao and his party continued to walk outside the village. After a while, they saw the southeast wind blowing up, flying sand and rocks for a while, the sky was dark, and dark clouds covered the heads of the people. The clouds were so low that they could be touched with hands, covering the sky Very dark, this is also the imminent catastrophe of the master. At this time, the luck of the human race is lost. Ji Mou took a closer look and saw a black breath covering Emperor Yao's face and forehead, which is a sign of catastrophe. Ji Mou can Kneeling down in the tunnel, he said, "Your Majesty, please don't go any further, otherwise, catastrophe will be imminent."

"Presumptuous, you actually cursed Your Majesty," one of Emperor Yao's generals came out and scolded Ji Mou for a while, then knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, this Ji Mou used his own Taoism to speak lies, please punish him."

"He will step down, you don't need to control me, I have my own discretion, but if the sky wants to take my human life, it must first step over my corpse," Emperor Yao's old face flashed a look of compassion, all the generals The counselors knelt down and bowed down one after another, saying, "Your Majesty's benevolence moves the heavens and the earth,"

Seeing Emperor Yao's situation, the human race around him also echoed, "Your Majesty's benevolence is moving the heavens and the earth."

"Haha, what benevolence, Emperor Yao, give up the throne, or I will take your life," just after the words fell, the wind rose and the clouds began to pour, and the flood immediately rushed towards the human village. A little banshee in black appeared in the air with a ferocious face and said with a sneer.

When Yao was helpless, he took out a golden elixir pearl that his mother had carried with him when he was born, and the thick dark clouds and mist dissipated slowly. Slowly retreated a few steps, Emperor Yao saw the effect, and then quickly forced a few steps back, the banshee said in a hateful voice: "Di Yao, you will die," and then the banshee retreated far away.

Emperor Yao laughed loudly and said, "This little danger is nothing to me at all."

Ji Mou was also puzzled, could it be that there was only this little threat, he couldn't believe it, and when he took out the tortoise shells and threw them on the ground again, all four sets of tortoise shells stood upside down, Ji Mou couldn't help but was shocked and said: "Your Majesty, this hexagram The image is very abnormal, and there is no movement at all. For the sake of safety, Your Majesty, you must not go any further."

Di Yao shook his head, turned around, Ji Mou saw that Di Yao's face was covered with dark clouds, the meaning in Di Yao's eyes was very firm, he couldn't be dissuaded by seeing it, but the black evil spirit was so powerful, it seemed inevitable up.

Ji Mou gritted his teeth and took out a pair of turtle bones from his bosom, took two steps forward and hung them on Emperor Yao's chest, and then said: "Your Majesty, please be careful, I have to do my best to protect Your Majesty. The animal bones are left by the ancestors, they can ward off evil spirits and avoid disasters, I hope His Majesty can escape this disaster." After finishing speaking, Ji Mou spat out a mouthful of blood, wiping away a trace of the soul enshrined in the animal bones, and then his face turned blue, Slowly retreated behind the team,

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