original sword god

170 Dayu Intervenes in Flood Control and Intervention

For a great supernatural being like Yuan Tianzun.Moving mountains and seas is a very common thing.

Now that the demon world has been opened up.Naturally, there must be monsters living there.The original Tianzun runs the exercises.Right hand bluffed.Cangwu Mountain is ten thousand feet high and thousands of miles in radius.Even the mountains and formations were uprooted.Even the earth energy and spiritual veins of the Eternal Mountains were not damaged at all under the original control.Then he was taken into the demon world by Yuan Tianzun.

The turbulence caused by the disappearance of Cangwu Mountain in the prehistoric age.It was also smoothed by Yuan Tianzun with a wave of his hand.But this failed to hide the divine sense of some prehistoric great supernatural beings.They threw their primordial spirits to the boundary of Cangwu Mountain one after another.But I only saw potholes and depressions that were not very flat.The surrounding mountains were swept away.and.The most outrageous thing is.All the spiritual veins in Cangwu Mountain have disappeared.All I could see were the scattered wild beasts running around.We all know this is out of their hands.Can have such supernatural powers.I'm afraid it's the saints in the chaos.So they withdrew their divine thoughts one after another.

The monsters in Cangwu Mountain.I am diligently practicing Taoism in order to further obtain Taoism.Suddenly the body is empty.When I opened my eyes again.They have reached another land.Millions of monsters suddenly panicked.But saw the leader Hui Tai pondering for a moment.Then he said: "Everyone, don't panic. This is a new realm opened up by Empress Nuwa for us. It is for our monster race and monsters to practice. We must practice hard. In order to repay the great kindness of Empress."

immediately.Hui Tai raised his head and looked at the sky.A full moon keeps releasing the brilliance of this moonlight.Between one breath and one breath.Moonlight flows into the body along the pores.Immediately full of energy and merit greatly increased.Hui Tai was overjoyed and said, "This is a paradise for the monster race to cultivate. Everyone, please try your luck quickly. The speed of cultivation here is at least ten times faster than my cultivation in the original realm."

All the monster races heard this.There was some disbelief in my heart.They practiced cross-legged one after another.But once you enter the cultivation state.Feel the rich moonlight essence.All the monster races seem to have forgotten the uneasiness of the previous episode.They all sat down and concentrated on practicing.

Watching all the monster races enter the state of cultivation.Yuan Tianzun's original uneasiness towards the power of the demons has also calmed down a little.But seeing the large-scale places in this world is still empty.Suddenly remembered when Heavenly Court sent troops to attack the Dragon Clan.After being plotted against by Pan Wang Patriarch.In order to retaliate against the Dragon Clan, they charged millions of Dragon Clan elites.At present, these millions of dragon elites are still practicing in a space in the Chaos Orb.

Think about it.Yuan Tianzun waved his hand.Millions of dragons appeared in this realm.Although all the dragons knew that they were received into a space by the great supernatural being.But tens of thousands of years have passed.Finally down to earth.But the Dragon Clan has no complaints about this great supernatural being.After ten thousand years of single-minded cultivation.In addition, the Chaos Orb was already full of vitality.Therefore, among these dragon clans, there are many existences who have practiced Taoism.That is to say, there are already more than ten masters who have stepped into the quasi-sage realm.

Place many dragons in this world.Yuan Tianzun's resentment towards Pan Wang Patriarch flooded into his heart again like a tide.There has been no news of this mortal enemy for so many years.He must be cultivating somewhere in the depths of the chaos.This monster is so tolerant.It seems that this monster must be the enemy in the future.Yuan Yuan couldn't help but secretly sighed after the calculations in his heart were still fruitless.

but.Now is not the time to deal with him.Just let him live first.Wait until he succeeds in cultivation.Beat him again.Such a sense of accomplishment should be very strong.No matter how he improves.But still not his opponent.Yuanyuan is quite confident in the improvement of his skills and cultivation.That's what I thought in my original mind.

Pan Wang Patriarch who was closing the death gate in a corner of the depths of the chaos.There was a sudden tremor in the primordial spirit.Wake him up from his death.He faintly felt it.It was as if someone was plotting against him secretly.He practiced counting with his fingers.But no information was found.Then he sighed secretly.Continue to sneak into practice.But still can not enter the state of cultivation.

Separate a trace of soul and return to Penglai.The original Tianzun went back to Chaos Yuqingtian on his own.

In Penglai Island.A trace of Nuwa's primordial spirit has returned.He is anxiously waiting for Yuan Tianzun.See him back.The originally anxious face eased down.Yuan Yuan knew that something was wrong.Immediately, he took out the Chaos Orb and placed restrictions on it.Seeing that Empress Nuwa has already drilled in.Yuan Tianzun followed in.

I heard Empress Nuwa tell what she saw and heard bit by bit.Yuan Tianzun's face was not decadent at all.Instead, he became happy.Yuan Tianzun showed a smile on his face and said to Nuwa: "Madam, don't panic. No matter what method the Pingxin Empress used to regain the blood of the Wu clan. Anyway, she can't get out of the six realms. This is a good thing. In this way, she must agree to our conditions. With the support of the witch clan, there is a glimmer of hope in dealing with the demon clan."

Empress Nuwa was taken aback.He said vaguely: "However, this witch tribe seems to be born in two ways. It is about dealing with the demon tribe. Husband, what are your plans?"

"Don't panic. If the demons want to dominate the prehistoric world again, relying on their current strength is far from enough. It will take a long time to accumulate strength. Now we are enough to deal with the demons. But. That monster Mo with unpredictable skills It's more difficult to deal with. I don't know where he came from." Yuan Yuan said.His expression fell into deep thought.Seeing this, Nu Wa quietly removed.Yuan Tianzun will never allow anyone to disturb him at this moment.

Ten years is not long or short.In ten years, a hero appeared in the human race.That is the young master Yu.People called Dayu.This person is good at resourcefulness.It is recognized by the majority of the human race.

The news reached the ears of Emperor Shun, who lived in the imperial capital.At that time, Emperor Shun was very old.But the matter of treating floods has become his heart disease.Back then, Dayu's father, Gun, controlled the floods.Although he did not complete the feat of completely curing the flood.What happened after being beheaded by Emperor Shun in a fit of anger.Emperor Shun regretted it every time he thought about it.I regret that I should kill the hero in a fit of anger.Hear the name of Gun's son.Emperor Shun planned to order Dayu to inherit his father's business and continue to control the flood.

Dayu received the emperor's will.A sinister smile appeared on his face.But in an instant, he returned to that innocent smile all over his face.

When Dayu controlled the floods.Take out the huntian cudgel that master Taiyi forged for him.And Dayu Axe.Leading a pair of soldiers sent by the emperor to continue to govern the Yellow River.

According to the experience taught by the master Wutian.Dayu showed amazing talent from the very beginning.When Dayu controlled the floods.Regardless of the water level of the Yellow River for now.Just order his men to widen the river.Open the river to divert the water of the Yellow River.It took a total of ten years.Seeing that the channel will be opened.But I saw a huge mountain range blocking the way.

This mountain stretches for thousands of miles.It would take at least 20 years of hard work to get around the mountain.Dayu thought hard.Then he took out the Dayu ax trained by his master.Dayu just took the ax into his hand.Immediately, a stream of information entered my mind.Dayu realized it carefully.When he opened his eyes again, his face was full of sorrow.

There is a way to open a mountain.It is to hold this Dayu's ax to open up this mountain.Requires the high-level cultivation of Daluo Jinxian.Although he has practiced with this master for 15 years.But Dayu's cultivation had just reached the threshold of the Taiyi Golden Immortal.How to run this treasure.

at this time.The workers sent by the Emperor to open the mountain are already on their way.but.Dayu and the group of pioneers all looked helpless.Sudden.The sky shouted anxiously for a while: "Da Yu wait a minute. Wait for the poor Taoist brothers to come and help."

Dayu raised his head from his contemplation.But I saw a group of immortal masters descending from the sky.All the people saw the arrival of the immortal master.They all kowtowed and said: "Meet the immortal master."

"Everyone, please stand up." The leading Taoist Duobao.Lead Sanxiao and a monkey down the clouds.With one hand, he lifted up the worshiping crowd with the immortal energy and came to Dayu.

Dayu blinked a few times.Hide the black light in the eyes.But it didn't escape the eyes of the monkey behind Duobao at all.Seeing that monkey's demeanor is no different from that of ordinary people.But look closely.That monkey turned out to have six ears.This is obviously under the plan of Yuan Tianzun.The six-eared macaque is the registered disciple accepted by Taoist Tongtian.It is said that the six-eared macaque is good at listening.The voice thousands of miles away seems to be right in the ear.

Master Tongtian has calculated the cause and effect of the four monkeys in the chaotic world.I also know that the monkey in the Huai River is the Chijiri horse monkey.So he covered up the secret.And ordered Duobao to take the six-eared macaque to the cause and effect.

The six-eared macaque saw the vision in Dayu's eyes.He blinked a few times but didn't make a sound.Master Tongtian knew that the six-eared macaque was extremely irritable.Before going down the mountain this time.It has long been advised that everything should be arranged by the big brother Duobao Taoist.

Daoist Duobao is finishing his ceremony with Dayu at the moment.Dayu bowed and kowtowed: "It turned out to be the disciple of Emperor Zhao's brother. Dayu was rude."

Daoist Duobao is the first disciple under the head of Tongtian Sect.What a shrewd man.It has long been observed that Dayu of the human race actually has the Taoism of the Taiyi Golden Immortal.Although he has already passed the way of quasi-sage.But it is only a step forward on the road to quasi-sacredness.There is no sign of a dead body yet.But junior sister Yunxiao is similar to him.but.His tact and sophistication is second to none among the disciples of Jiejiao.Daoist Duobao stretched out his hands to help Dayu up with a smile on his face.Holding Dayu's hand.He said cordially: "The virtuous teacher is the emperor's important minister. There is no need to be too polite."

Then he took Dayu's hand.Start talking indiscriminately.And secretly.But under Dayu's unawareness.The abnormalities in Dayu's body were thoroughly investigated.

Tai Yi, who was invisible at the side, was furious when he saw this.Although he has been sanctified.But in this flood, it is suppressed everywhere.He just wanted to show up to rescue Dayu.But he was shocked by the aura of the original Tianzun who was hidden at the side.He didn't dare to show his demonic energy.otherwise.Even Hongjun Daozu would not let him go.

Although Dayu is a hero among men.but.He was the opponent of the smooth Taoist Duobao.A few words down.He almost showed his feet.But I still have to pretend that I am just a mortal.

During the three nights, Bi Xiao saw the ax in Dayu's left hand.I watched with some curiosity in my heart.Suddenly he snatched the ax away.Take it in your hand and play with it.

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