original sword god

198 Original arrangement

In the Western Ultimate Bliss, the Zhunti sage looked at the disciples under his seat with a rather ugly face. Western Buddhism finally gained a little bit of foundation, got the support of the human emperor, and the luck of its own great religion is booming. Who would have expected this? It was also the calculation of the primitive Taoist. Subconsciously, Zhunti ignored the Taiqing Laozi and the leader of Tongtian. From the bottom of his heart, he had sympathy for the calculation of the primitive Taoist. The coming of the catastrophe caused all the disciples of the four religions to fall into the catastrophe, and the growing fortune of the western great religions also disappeared.

Thinking of Taoist Tongtian's contemptuous expression at that time, Taoist Zhunti trembled with anger, his face flushed, and the wonderful tree of seven treasures in his hand trembled even more. There was a lot of numbness in Tishengren's heart.

"You don't need to be like this, junior. There is no one on the list of gods. Now it's up to chance. As long as we calculate properly and cause a dispute between the two religions, will the great prosperity of the West be far behind?" The face of Jieyin Saint became more and more serious. Distressed, but with a very calm expression, the ferocious face in Zixiao Palace just now was purely a gesture, but now the eyes are brightened and he looks at Taoist Zhunti.

Zhunti heard the words and said: "Senior brother, most of my West is a person who cultivates morality and cleanliness, and the training time is relatively short, and it is difficult for saints to intervene in the Great Tribulation of Immortals, but all disciples under the sect, including those in the realm of quasi-sages, need to enter the tribulation, and now only pharmacists in the West are barely able to enter. In the realm of quasi-sages, don’t you hear that there are no eggs under the overturned nest? There are two or three quasi-sage disciples under the Yuanyuan and Tongtian sects of the Eastern Taoism.

"Junior brother, when the catastrophe is approaching, it is not enough to rely on strength alone, but also to rely on wisdom and strategy. My Western Buddhism is a pure land, and the disciples under the sect are less exposed to the red dust. Except..., oh, yes Well, some believers still need us to plan carefully, there is still hope, so we are, so to speak," after saying that, he sent a sound transmission to Zhunti, only to hear Zhunti nod for a while, and his eyes shone brightly.

All the Buddhists in Western Buddhism heard that the catastrophe was coming, and they all recited the Buddha's name in a low voice. Their expressions became tense, and Zhunti saw it and said: "The calamity has fallen, and the disciples of the three religions have come to kill the catastrophe. We are already in Zixiao Palace." You have signed the list of gods, please wait and don't get tainted with cause and effect." All the disciples were shocked when they heard this, Maitreya Bodhisattva immediately stepped forward and asked: "Dare to ask the teacher, what is the reason for this murder?" Zhun Ti said : "It's all because the immortals haven't been able to cut off the three corpses within ten thousand years, and the catastrophe is imminent. This calamity is for the gods to kill the catastrophe. Which one of the true spirits of the catastrophe will be listed as the 360 ​​five-star emperor gods? No one will be able to do so within a calamity." relief,"

Then, Zhunti explained the words of Hongjun Daozu to his disciples one by one in detail. Seeing the surprised and inexplicable expressions of the disciples, he led the sage to say: "Kill the robbery, you go back and practice in seclusion. When the catastrophe comes, I will make arrangements with your master, and I will be able to protect you well." After hearing this, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas relaxed a little, kowtowed to the two saints, and went back to retreat to practice.

In other words, Yuanyuan returned to Kunlun Mountain and summoned all the disciples to tell him that the calamity was reduced to the god of the gods and that the calamity was coming. He ordered all the disciples to recite Huang Ting silently and not to go out for a thousand years, otherwise the calamity would be imminent.

As soon as the words fell, all the disciples burst into laughter. A few days ago, I heard that the master predicted that the catastrophe is coming. Let the disciples make more preparations so that they can go down the mountain to meet the catastrophe. These words today are obviously the words of primitive temptation , although all the disciples have reverence for Yuan Tianzun in their hearts, after getting along for a long time, they know that although this revered master has a high level of cultivation, he is easy-going and often jokes with the disciples, which is why the scene just now happened.

"When the catastrophe comes, we, the disciples of Yuxu Palace, can't wait until the catastrophe is imminent before trying to avoid it. We must take the initiative to respond to the catastrophe. All disciples obey the order," Yuan Yuan Tianzun's face suddenly became serious, and all the disciples folded their hands and waited for Yuan Yuan's order to be issued. Seeing the uplifted expressions of all the disciples, Yuan Yuan was quite satisfied, and then said: "According to the established arrangement, the disciples are led by Daoist Yuding and Daoist Randeng respectively, and there are still 600 years before they can be conferred. Within a short period of time, travel to the prehistoric regions, do you understand?"

"Respect and listen to the teacher's decree," all the disciples responded one after another.

"Yu Ding and Ran Deng stayed, and everyone else went back to prepare," Yuan Yuan said indifferently, all the disciples dispersed and prepared to go, while Master Yu Ding and Taoist Ran Deng were left in place.

"Yu Ding, is Yang Jian still unwilling to learn kendo?" Yuan Yuan asked a little gloomily. This Yang Jian is the chief disciple of the third generation of Yuxu's sect. Originally, he wanted to let him enter the practice of swordsmanship as soon as possible in a fast way, but he stubbornly chose the sword, and used the three-pointed double-edged sword he gave as a weapon. After reincarnation, he still chose the same way.

"Teacher's redemption, Yang Jian's character is stubborn, I'll try to persuade him again," Yu Ding said immediately after a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

"Haha, Yuding, don't play sloppy with me, forget it, let him go," Yuanyuan knew that Yuding's words were purely probing, and casually pointed out his careful thinking.

Yu Ding was overjoyed immediately. As Yang Jian's master, he did not force Yang Jian's choice in the slightest. Since Yang Jian chose saber technique, he naturally fully supported him. Besides, Yuqing's Miaofa explained the saber technique in a unique way. Quite looking forward to.

Dao is the overlord of weapons. What Yang Jian practiced was Ba Dao. Yuan Yuan once tested Yu Ding and demonstrated the mystery of Ba Dao for Yu Ding. Yu Ding was also quite upset, so Yu Ding did not reject Yang Jian's choice.

"This conferring of gods may be a catastrophe for others, but it is nothing to me. I decided not to participate in this catastrophe of conferring gods. I will hand over this task to you two. What do you think? , "Yuan Yuan's eyes were bright and kind, staring at his two most shrewd apprentices.

"Master, this catastrophe of conferring the gods is a catastrophe of gods, and we may be powerless to fight against the two saints of the West and the saints of the Demon Sect." Yu Ding had no objection at this time, but Falling into contemplation, and lighting a lamp to someone is an expression of being overwhelmed.

"Master, since this is the case, I am willing to take on the important task of enshrining the gods with my junior brother. Don't worry, master," Yu Ding said after hearing Yuan's instructions and seeing Ran Deng's words.

"Brother, this..." Ran Deng wanted to say something, but was stopped by Yu Ding with a wave of his hand. A flash of firmness flashed in Yu Ding's eyes and said: "Brother, we can't rely on the master for everything. Ours is an excellent opportunity. Our disciples have always been not afraid of challenges. Only by taking the initiative to challenge can we make our way go a little further. I am confident that we will be able to complete it."

"Of order, Master, since Master trusts us so much, let's try our best." There was a gleam of light in Ren Deng's eyes, obviously he was also excited.

"Okay, since you have confidence, I feel relieved," Yuan Yuan knew in his heart that Taoist Ran Deng's calculations can be said to be the No.

He took out a piece of jade ruyi and twelve Dinghai God beads at random, his eyes burst out with divine light, he patted Taoist Ran Deng on the shoulder and said: "Yu Ding, Ran Deng, I will give you two more treasures as a master, You have to study the specific functions carefully." After that, he handed Yu Ruyi to Master Yuding, and then handed over the twelve Dinghai God Beads to Taoist Ran Deng.

A trace of gratitude flashed in Ran Deng's eyes. Although he was a named disciple, Yuan Yuan treated him like a personal disciple, sometimes more than a personal disciple. Ran Deng knew in his heart that Yuan Yuan Tianzun valued his resourcefulness, so this time He needs to do well.

As soon as he got the twelve Dinghai Divine Beads, he suddenly felt that this object had a great chance for him, and his gratitude to his master was beyond words.

Seemingly aware of Taoist Ran Deng's thoughts, Yuanyuan once again said earnestly: "When the great cause of conferring the gods is successful, I will accept you as a personal disciple as a teacher. Go down and prepare."

A trace of gratitude rose in Ran Deng's heart, and then he retreated excitedly holding the Dinghai Pearl, but a whisper came from Yu Ding's ear: Yu Ding, I have an important task for you as a teacher, don't mess it up , that is, 500 years later, you will go to Chaoge, the kingdom of Dashang, to find the human race Jiang Shang and Shen Gongbao, and replace them as teachers and accept them as disciples.

Although Yu Ding was a little puzzled, he still nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, the maid Xiaozhi announced from outside: "Master, the Eldest Master and the Third Master are here,"

Yuanyuan was overjoyed, and hurried out to greet the three of them in person. After the three of them sat down, their eyes met for a while, and then they understood each other's meaning. Xiaozhi came in with tea and saw that the three of them were sitting upright with their eyes closed. He was a little surprised, but he just put down the tea The congenital spirit tea slowly receded.

After a while, the three of them opened their eyes, and Tong Tian said with a smile: "Second Senior Brother, now the teaching and interception belong to different camps, and we can see who is the authentic Pangu."

Yuan Tianzun, who has always attached great importance to respect and inferiority, immediately became furious when he heard this, and cursed: "The lawless thing is so forgetful, how dare you despise your elder brother to such an extent." There was a weird chuckle, and the cold light in his eyes was as deep as a cold pool, there was a hint of joy there, but it was all gloomy and cold.

"Third Junior Brother, you don't discriminate between the good and the bad, and you have accepted a group of people in coats and horns as your disciples. It's time to clean up the house and make Pan Gu authentic," said the old man with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

As soon as this matter was mentioned, the resentment of the leader of Tongtian popped up immediately, "Elder brother, it seems that you are all devoted to explaining the teachings. I have nothing to say. There are indeed some unworthy disciples when I cut off teaching, but who can guarantee that everyone will be good?" You are a man of morality, why should you insult my disciples, say that you wear hair and horns, I am imitating my teacher, and recruiting disciples who are predestined, what is wrong with that?"

Yuan Yuan, who had never spoken, frowned, and said dissatisfiedly in his heart: "Since this is the case, it is useless to talk more, let's see the difference in the battlefield." Go, still muttering in his mouth: "Let's see the outcome on the battlefield,"

The leader of Tongtian who had just left, Yuan Yuan felt that two divine thoughts were fleeing into the west, he smiled slightly and did not make a sound, but Tong Tian who had just left suddenly appeared in the room, Yuan Yuan nodded and waved his hands before setting up a The enchantment, the three of them entered the enchantment in succession, and the room was quiet.

"Second brother, so you have decided not to participate in this Conferred God Tribulation?" Tong Tian held a flagon in his hand, pouring the fine wine from the flagon into his mouth continuously.

"Third brother, you are a cow chewing peony. You drank the fairy wine like this. You brought a few jugs of wine and drank it like this. Do I have any more? Yes, this time the Conferred God I will not participate in the catastrophe, this catastrophe is easy to pass, the third brother will be fine according to the method we discussed, but you have to be careful," Yuan Yuan was originally smiling, but suddenly said coldly,

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