Chapter 327 Gift

The midday sun shone on the Norsca Mountains, and Lynch followed the stench of the Skaven to find the pit of hell.

He seemed to be a step too late. A certain army had already arrived in the pit of hell.

Lynch stood on the hillside, overlooking the crater below and the ruins surrounding the crater.

Rat-men wandered among the ruins one after another. They seemed to have licked the ruins of the entire city. The jagged rocks exuded a greasy feeling. According to Lynch, the greasy feeling came from the saliva left by the rat-men. .

The Rat Man's behavior of "recovering lost territory" destroyed all clues.

Ratmen died every second. They fought with each other among the ruins, grabbing the corpses of the starved and beaten ratmen. Almost all the corpses were eaten up in just a few seconds without even a drop of blood. Leave.

The slave rats were so hungry that they even swallowed stones and excrement. In fact, the only ones who could grab the excrement were the larger rat men.

The dense rat-men once made Lynch feel helpless that he could not eradicate them - during this moment of observation, he discovered that more rat-men died due to internal fighting than died on the battlefield.

New ratmen emerge from the pit every moment, and it is difficult to determine whether they are reproducing or consuming themselves.

Maybe we shouldn't launch a war against them. Trapping them in the same space is the best punishment for them.

The inverted pyramid in the pit is as sharp as a needle, and the Skaven's parody of civilization is simply blasphemy.

Lynch took a deep look at the Tower of Hell, then turned upward and quickly climbed to the top of the mountain.

He climbed to the slope on the opposite side of the mountain, roughly estimated the position, and drew a long line with his staff to mark the upper half of the peak.

What comes next requires some skill, and more strength than skill.

The loud noise like a landslide silenced the entire Skaven city for a moment. When the continuous sound of falling rocks gradually approached, the overwhelming sense of suffocation made the Skaven confirm the nightmarish fact - the mountain had indeed collapsed.

The frantic fugitives were running around the city, like prisoners who did not hesitate to do anything, trying desperately to crawl into any opening.

The squeaking sounds were annihilated in the rubble all over the sky, and the trembling earth seemed to be afraid.

The vast torrent like the collapse of the world absorbed the hearts of everyone who witnessed it, and a deep sense of powerlessness was imprinted in the hearts of the escapees. There were even ratmen who were so frightened that they could not move, waiting for death to come.

Many ratmen drilled towards the pit of hell, but the pit they came from refused their return. The volcano overflowed with light red smoke. In the smoke, the inverted pyramid that symbolized the foundation of the corrupt clan disappeared.

They were abandoned.

The futile screams were buried in the torrent of snow and stone, like a lake that burst its banks, and the snow-capped mountains overlooking the pit of hell covered the valley with their peaks.

The violent breathing demanded the omnipresent wind of magic. The bones and muscles that had been broken due to excessive force were restored to their original state, but the restored health of the body could not dispel Lynch's mental fatigue.

The arm holding the weapon trembled subconsciously. After more than ten breaths, he got rid of the fatigue after the violent explosion.

The suddenly enlightened plain made him feel that everything was worth it.

At least the Corrupt Clan will not return to the surface in a short time.

Since they like to dig holes, let them dig as much as they can. This is the gift Lynch prepared for them.

He did not believe that the pit of hell, which had been visited one after another, had enough vitality to clear the entrances and exits.

If the slave rats only relied on them, the frozen soil would be enough for them to dig for several months.

In Sylvania, the King of the Undead evoked the undead that had been buried deep in this land for thousands of years. Without the interference of the ratmen, everything went smoothly.

Nagash easily recalled Vlad von Carstein's dead wife. The vampire king lived up to its high expectations. Vlad brought back its crown, which could fulfill Vlad's ridiculous wish. It's just a female vampire, and resurrecting her is just a matter of convenience.

Next, the ancestor of Carstein will be needed to command the army!

The painful lessons made Nagash not trust vampires so much, but there is no way. It can't control every skeleton like a slave. This is what a servant should do. Vampires are good servants. They just need to block the sun. , they can bring victory to Nagash.

And of course avoid Sigma.

Sigmar is dead, but Nagash the Eternal lives on, and nothing can stop him this time.

The vague pain in the skull made Nagash more and more angry. It decided to destroy the Ostermark Territory along the way to repay the shame that Sigmar had given it two thousand years ago.

It's the ultimate winner.

After seizing the corpse of the god and having some free time, maybe it can do some tricks in the upper reaches of the Reik River, and sit back as a god and watch the descendants of Sigmar struggle in front of it.

It will dig up the tombs of all the Elector families under the statue of Sigmar and recall them all from the underworld.

It will take the "human beings" of the entire empire to defeat the kings of Nehekhara, then raise the black pyramid, swallow all the miserable gods, and let the entire world crawl at the feet of death.

It will be the only god.

I wish Sigmar could see this wonderful scene and the Imperials fall at the feet of his former enemies.

It's a pity that he died. He disappeared. It's a pity that he didn't even leave his body. It would be great if there was Sigma's body.

"If Sigma shows up, the "Dead Soul Supreme" will be frightened and only dare to say harsh words!"

"The Great Necromancer cannot subvert the empire. We all know that he is still there and the gods are still there."

"But it does represent a significant threat."

"Have you found the reason why the Doomsday Light Association lost contact? Black Sword, do you know?"

"I found the letter they left. There was only one sentence written in the letter - the creatures that cannot be mentioned underground have noticed the progress of mankind."


"Hush! There is no rat man, Mr. One-Eyed, how can you believe the nonsense of a drunkard?"

One by one, the insiders used their eyes to indicate to the members that the hardest thing to guard against is that there are ears between walls. What’s even more frightening is that with the Skaven’s learning ability, their foreign language is probably not a secret.

Their private gatherings may have been observed by intentional creatures, and now it is no longer safe. They must discuss those secrets discreetly in the future.

The "Doomsday Light" was the first large organization that had never been destroyed by the Skaven before. Its sacrifice served as a warning to those who were still alive.

There is no safe place in this world.

The Master of Death is in the shadows, and no chamber is safe.

Unless they fall into the embrace of the devil and completely get rid of the weaknesses of mortals, the Eshin clan will be a hanging sword.

(End of this chapter)

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