Chapter 328 The frightened bird

Ilya huddled in the corner of the basement, closed his eyes, and listened carefully to the heartbeat in the venue.

He didn't hear any extra heartbeats, but he didn't dare to judge that there were no rat men lurking around.

The Eshin clan's invisibility is not invisibility in the physical sense.

The sound of blood flowing through the blood vessels is as sweet as the sound of nature, as if a graceful woman is extending an invitation to an untouched young man, and as if delicacies are showing the diners the ultimate enjoyment on the tip of their tongues.

Elijah swallowed hard, feeling a chill flow through his soul due to physical pleasure and desire.

He was fortunate that the "patrollers" who might have discovered his ugly appearance had not yet returned from the north, the "sons of the bear" were dealing with the powerful in the court, and the "inspectors" were far away in the passes of the World's Edge Mountains. None of them participated in this temporary assembly.

"Black Sword" Ilya opened his eyes guiltily, but happened to meet the eyes of "One Eye" sitting diagonally across from him.

The ghost-face mask hid Davis’s other empty eye. There was no emotion in the Witch Hunter’s remaining eyeball. His soulless gaze penetrated the candlestick in the open space in the midfield and was fixed on the uneven stone wall. superior.

Elijah didn't know what Davis was observing. He thought Davis was just in a daze.

When the one eye behind the mask suddenly became sharp, even Ilya, who had experienced many battles, was almost startled.

Perhaps the witch hunter had discovered something, but he did not speak out to break the ongoing exchange within the meeting.

He just changed his posture and direction, and continued to observe the wall with that hollow and terrifying sight.

The old members were teaching their experiences to the newcomers who had just arrived for a year or two, and Ilya had no interest in participating.

He had been enthusiastic before, but when one of his companions disappeared one after another, and even the gentleman who guided him died suddenly and inexplicably one day, he lost his enthusiasm.

No matter which country they were citizens of before, no matter what outstanding abilities they had, they were of no use in this hellish place.

Maybe there will be a few fewer members at the next gathering, and this life of fear will continue for decades. Eventually, like the "Light of Doomsday", the "Esun Defenders" will suddenly be destroyed one day.

Later, new visitors from foreign lands will discover the traces they left, starting another cycle in the deserted secret room.

It is said that this was not the case a thousand years ago. The manuscript shared with them by "Doomsday Light" contains records of the Stranger organization from a thousand years ago.

At that time, the danger came more from the greenskins, beastmen, and Chaos marauders on the surface, instead of like now, when all visitors from other lands seemed to be watched by invisible beings.

Of course, the imperial organization from a thousand years ago has not been passed down, and only a few words about them are buried in taboo books.

At a certain period, they also encountered the current situation of the "Esun Defenders". Members lost contact one after another, and some members died suddenly in strange ways.

The imperial organization from thousands of years ago finally disappeared on an evil moon night. The record of that night in their diary was a scribble. The years had soaked the scrawled paper. Ilya and other members who had read the diary were all confused. No clues were found from it.

Ilya once thought it was the ratman who had done something good, but the ratman would not let a log be passed down from the disaster.

Maybe you shouldn't think too much about this matter. There must be no good things behind the truth. There must be something more terrifying than the rat men, waiting for those who seek the truth to fall into their trap.

Ilya was about to move his neck, but found that he had become as stiff as a puppet.

The already dim candlelight seemed extremely cold at this moment, and the conversations of other members were broken into eerie crows. Even without body temperature, Ilya felt the cold.

Just when he thought he was about to witness the truth, and the being behind the scenes was about to appear, the flames gained warmth again, and the crushed language regained its logic. The members continued to talk ignorantly, as if they didn't sense anything. Only Ilya faced the abnormality.

But why did the exception stop suddenly?

What's happening here?

The Mirror God didn't care about catching the one who crossed the line. He didn't even pick up the crystal mirror that fell on the ground, and fled to the east in a slightly embarrassed manner.

When the fiery burning sensation gradually approached in its second sight, an unspeakable anger slowly accumulated in the heart of the All-Changing Demon Lord.

Why isn't that damn two-legged reptile up north?

Didn't he go to find the short man in the north?

Why did you run to Dongfang State so quickly?

If it were in the past, the Mirror God could even wait for the other party to arrive in a arrogant manner, ridicule a few words and then leave calmly, because it has countless believers and countless wings. Unless the cold-blooded species attacks the invisible island, there will be no threat to its body. .

It's all the fault of the fire that burned Kislev.

Hotar can't blame himself for paying too much attention to Kislev, so he didn't have time to cut off the contact when the fire fell, right?

Daha, who should be crushed to pieces by the "Supreme Warlock", is like a brainless child playing with fire, while Hotar is the unfortunate crow that was set alight by wildfire.

It was just passing by. Before that, it was even fighting against the Blood God's legion from a distance, affecting the overall situation at the level of destiny.

But the arsonist threw the flames indiscriminately towards its lair.

Ninety million curses cannot explain the anger of the Mirror God.

It never thought of being a direct enemy of Daha. Who could have predicted that the god would suddenly become desperate?

The situation is clearly not as bad as it has ever been. At most, it will just kill a few more humans.

Well now, Daha is gone, and so is its thousand-year legacy.

The saddest thing is that it didn't get any benefits at all. Apart from the pleasure brought by the miserable situation of "Eternal Watch", it got nothing, and even lost its original capital.

The human body was filled with pathos due to the intense thinking activities of the Mirror God. This different taste that did not belong to the devil only added fuel to Hotar's anger.

This is not over yet.

What's going on?

The magical wind is boiling violently, like oil and water about to fry a pot. All substances and the magical wind contained in them reflect a certain kind of anger.

Lynch initially thought that a spell caster made a mistake, causing the magical wind in this land to be abnormally disordered.

It wasn't until half a day later, when he approached a small river, that the demonic aura remaining by the river allowed him to figure out the truth.

There is a certain great demon, or demon prince, lurking within a thousand miles nearby.

What a strange thing, a wounded devil?

If it were a healthy demon, what Lynch discovered now should be an entire army of demons, and the celestial phenomena and environment should also have obvious distortions.

It doesn't go to a certain spiritual node to heal its wounds, doesn't find a remote place to hibernate, and just wanders around the mortal kingdom like this?

(End of this chapter)

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