Chapter 344 Sylvania Forest

Maybe this group of soldiers seems ridiculous to outsiders, but Abesin never doubts the courage of the Stir people.

They were just a little poorer. If a war really broke out, the big men from Midden might not be braver than the Stirians.

Maybe the white wolves are indeed not afraid, but they are the most powerful Midden warriors, and the best Stiir army is not necessarily weaker than them.

No matter how stubborn you are, you can't survive the sharp screams when the cold wind blows through the treetops. As long as you are a human being, you should be afraid when you are surrounded by the shadowy and absurd tree shadows.

Absen watched silently at the front and back of the long convoy. Sylvania was right in front. Anyone who said he was not afraid must be lying. Even the vegetation along the road had turned into grotesque dead trees with ferocious looks. Who knew What else is waiting for them ahead?

The armies of the Iveyland and the Wesenland are really good. Although the Stirland can be used to attack the southern front and the same results can be achieved, Abesin cannot belittle the warriors who paid their blood for this.

Marching in the oppressive darkness of Sylvania is an unbearable test, let alone fighting the undead while recovering a city desecrated by vampires?

What's even sadder is that the Sylvanians are used to moving food like cattle and sheep. Even if a vampire suddenly goes crazy and slaughters the village, they can't make them resist. They will even help their undead masters to fight against the evil spirits. to liberate their fellow citizens.

The sad Sylvanians probably still dream of being beasts. They have never considered themselves human beings. Every soldier who returns from collecting taxes in Sylvania will recognize this point of view.

On normal days, Abesen would only point out their ignorance after dinner. Who doesn't like to talk about the bad situation of those unlucky people?

But when the emperor issued a war mobilization order, these stupid Sylvanians had become enemies that Abeson could see and touch. He even had to guard against locals hiding in the woods and firing concealed guns.

This is really bad. The threat of vampires alone is deadly enough, and the humans who are supposed to help them shamelessly side with the vampires.

The sharp tips of grass brushed against Abesen's ankles from time to time, as disgusting as a snake. Coupled with the unique humidity and gloominess of Sylvania, if there weren't so many people around, Abesen would have wised up. The place where he came back from.

He could only use extravagant thoughts to distract himself from his surroundings.

The harsh wind seemed to hide the monster's breathing, and there seemed to be a terrifying giant thing moving silently behind the tall trees.

Cypress trees were mixed among the firs, and the dense coniferous forest was unusually green in the darkness. The color of the forest was closer to deep black than the deep green of Steeleland.

Whenever a strong wind blows, the trembling branches are like fleeting ghosts. No one will like this ghost place.

If the sun would shine on this place, Abesen would surely think it was a good wood, with its lush vegetation.

But Sylvania seemed to be spurned by Sigma. Abesen was sure that it was a clear day in Stirland at this time, but it was always dark night in Sylvania.

The unusually lush forest seemed dead in the darkness, and bones often lay among the grass and rocks.

No one dared to determine whether they were new bones or remnants of the old ones. Everyone moved closer to the carriage, for fear that they would lose sight of their companions the next time they turned around.

Stories about Sylvania are always full of weirdness. Who can guarantee that you won’t lose contact with the crowd in the blink of an eye, and then be accompanied by lurking monsters in the wilderness like in the story?

The branches that emerge from time to time among the greenery are like terrifying wizards, as if this forest is watching humans enter death.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that he had become a prey, and that there was a terrifying hunter hiding in secret and watching the convoy.

Absen was scared.

But he is a citizen of the Empire, a Stir, and he is obliged to respond to the call of the Elector and the Emperor. It is his duty and obligation to stand here.

Another gust of cold wind blew through, and the entire forest shivered in the cold, and Absen's heartbeat also accelerated.

The wind was like the breath of a giant blowing towards the convoy, and the sound of the branches clashing in the wind sounded like the devil in action. What's worse is that the deeper you go into Sylvania, the taller the grass on the trail becomes, and in the end it can even obscure the sight between people.

If he hadn't reached out and touched his companions, he would have thought he was falling behind.

Of course, he was even more afraid that the next time he reached out his hand, he would touch something cold.

Dead people have no warmth and move around like living people. This is a very common thing in Sylvania.

Normal living people are not used to being around dead people. Only mentally twisted perverts like corpses.

The only thing that could comfort Abesen was the gongs and drums used to look after the team. Every once in a while, the gongs and drums would be beaten.

But routine will lead to the mechanization of the sound of gongs and drums. The people responsible for beating the drums are very responsible, and they almost all beat the drums at the same moment.

As time went by, this neat sound seemed extremely strange in this wilderness.

Because the convoy is too quiet.

Perhaps others had the same premonition that Absen had—that they were walking into the hunting grounds of some kind of predator.

Who knows if those drummers are still alive? Are the same people still beating the drums from the beginning?

Maybe there was only one living person left in the entire convoy, Abesen, that’s why it was so quiet.

Once again, the echoing sound of drums spread in all directions, guiding the silent motorcade.

Abesin desperately hoped that someone would say something, but no one dared to break the silence.

He silently prayed to Tal, asking the "God of the Wilderness" to protect the travelers in the forest, but Bitar first answered his prayers from the knights.

The deep vegetation blocked Abeson's sight, and he could only hear the rapid and neat low roar from behind that suddenly shattered the silence, and he quickly moved forward.

"Uric gave me the fangs of a wolf!"

It was like thunder, the abnormal silence was penetrated by the cry of the God of War, and the bad premonition also climbed to the highest level in Abesen's heart.

"Uric gave me the claws of a wolf!"

The hurried prayers were continuous, like continuous war drums. The biting cold went up Abesen's back, cooling his fiery thinking.

"Uric gave me the pelt of a wolf!"

The silent convoy came to life amidst the howling of the white wolf, and the noise once again occupied the ancient road in the forest. Absen drew his sword and took off the shield behind his back with his trembling hands.

A monster is coming, and even a fool can see it, and the knights discover the monster.

But he was just a logistics soldier, and he shouldn't have faced the vampire directly.

"I will grant the enemy the mercy of the wolf." The knight's prayer drifted away in the wind, and the sound of horse hooves resounded in all directions, but until now Abesen didn't know where the enemy was.

(End of this chapter)

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