Chapter 345 Wu Suoran

The intensive sound of horse hooves passed over Absen, and he almost missed the knight's horse several times.

These barbarians wearing wolf skin cloaks are definitely a nightmare for all enemies, but when they become teammates with thick hair and beards, all despair is no longer complete.

Because the warriors of the Wolf God are here, the most ferocious army of the empire is here.

As one of the few legions that abandons gunpowder, the Midden Leaders are famous for their strength in close combat.

Abesen didn't know which company of the White Wolf Knights they were, he only knew that these burly men could lift him up like a chicken cub.

Who would despise these lunatics who don't even want to wear helmets?

It seemed like someone had fired a gun in the east. Unusually strong winds were blowing from the front. It was clear that the west wind was blowing before.

A huge black shadow stirred up waves in the air with a terrifying sound of breaking through the air. Before Abesen could blink, the black shadow disappeared again.

The war horses neighed in fear and abandoned their knights. After all, they were not professional elf horses capable of confronting chaos monsters.

The entire front line of the convoy was in chaos. The militiamen clung to each other trying to find a sense of security in the chaos. The knights raised their war hammers and looked for enemies everywhere. The knights who fell from their horses roared furiously and fought against the horses that were running around.

The fallen oil lamps and torches almost set the forest on fire, and the flames illuminated the woodland unevenly.

Everything is messed up.

Abesin tried hard to find the commander's order in the chaotic noise, but he didn't even hear the drums.

He moved closer to his captain, just like every militiaman, but his captain disappeared into the weeds in a few breaths and was swept away by the chaotic flow of people.

He was breathing dazedly and rapidly. The helplessness and confusion of losing his sergeant made him feel like an outsider.

What should he do now? Where are the enemies? Which direction is the fighting taking place?

The horrifying sound of bones shattering surfaced not far away. Absen shuddered in his heart and instinctively retreated towards the crowd, but stopped halfway.

According to the rules, he should stay in place with his teammates at this time, waiting for the order to come.

Maybe the commander is fighting on the spot in other directions, and they have to guard the flanks.

Another huge black image passed from above like a cannonball and hit the center of the convoy.

Abesen was completely confused when he saw the shadow's appearance clearly.

It was a war horse that had been crumpled into a ball. The shiny military rank badge was half soaked in blood, but the sharp-eyed soldiers could still vaguely recognize the meaning it contained - what was thrown away by the unknown creature was theirs. The school officer, the hapless old commander, and the war horse went together to see More.

"Hold your ground!"

The unique beast-like roar of the Midden people shocked the logistics corps. It seemed that the company commander of the White Wolf Knights temporarily took over the command. This is in line with the rules, and at this time everyone hopes that someone can stand up. Come out and give orders.

The unknown attacker seemed amused, as laughter caught in his throat came from all directions.

This is definitely not a laughter that can be made by humans. It almost fills the entire forest. The strong wind rises with its long laughter, and the branches sway with the lingering sound of the laughter.

The dull laughter didn't last long before the rationality contained in it disappeared.


It sounded like a wolf howling or a bat making a strange cry. No one knew what it was. Abesen just hoped it wouldn't come over.

The knights charged towards the north against the flow of people. Abesen wanted to keep up with the warriors, but his legs were completely out of control.

Wails and cries of pain spread everywhere, and the monster seemed to have entered the crowd and slaughtered several open spaces. Abeson was pushed to the south side by the crowd. He subconsciously looked to the north, but only saw a huge crowd of people.

When he turned around, those who were rushing to the south and blocking his front were gone.

The weeds on the ground were filled with tattered corpses, like a terrifying hallucination. They should be the militiamen who were still alive a moment ago.

What knocked them down in an instant?

The deep laughter almost flew north along with Absen, and the death that passed him by made him almost forget how to breathe.

It started to rain lightly, and when one of the drops fell on Abesen's cheek, he realized that it was blood.

He saw the knights hurriedly returning from the north, and in the next blink of an eye, he saw a black shadow appearing out of thin air behind them. Almost at the same moment, all the knights around the black shadow flew into the sky.

Human bodies exploded in mid-air, perhaps because the force that caused them to explode was a beat slower, and their belated deaths shattered them into pieces of blood.

What kind of monster is that?

What kind of demons are they fighting?

This is definitely not a fight.

It couldn't be a vampire, and vampires weren't that fast. At least Abeson had never heard of such a vampire.

White Wolf's inner ring knights called in vain for the surviving soldiers, but the collapsed front could not be healed. The militiamen around him were not professional soldiers.

The huge black shadow instantly arrived behind the inner ring knight. If Abeson hadn't been paying attention to the commander's position, his eyes might not have been able to keep up with the movement of the black shadow.

It is more elusive than a ghost.

What shocked Absen was that the arrogant Midden man could react and hastily raised his warhammer to block the sharp claws hitting him.

Who would have thought that humans could possess the same brute strength as monsters. When the loud noise of the collision went straight into the sky, Abesen remembered that most of the strongest white wolf knights were the champions of the god Ulric. Received divine grace.

The mortal's resistance seemed to surprise the monster. It stopped there and did not move any further.

The more clever musketeers seized the opportunity and fired a round at it.

But they were not sharpshooters, and the bullet almost knocked down the knight commander. The monster just dodged and avoided the gunpowder mixed with silver powder.

It even had the energy to swing its claws and miss the knight, taking the opportunity to swing at its war hammer.

Only then did Abesen have a chance to see what it looked like.

It looked like a giant with its skin removed, but it had dry, slender claws.

The same protruding soles of the feet supported its light and powerful body, and the dense barbs on its back made Abeson almost lose his temper and drop his weapon.

The deformed body makes it look more like a hunchback when standing, but even if it is bent over, it is two heads taller than the tallest Imperial man.

Abeson remembered the Strig people who lived in the empire without a fixed settlement. They seemed to believe in evil spirits with this appearance.

But there have been many such evil demons in the empire before, and many have been killed by witch hunters, but the empire has never recorded such a powerful individual.

(End of this chapter)

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