Weird valley.

As the dragon left, the place became quiet.

"Is everything going to be okay, sir?"

McCann was a little worried. Climbing onto the back of the dragon was an extremely dangerous thing.

Although in the later stages, knights can fly briefly, this is something that can only be done at the Silver Moon level. Luo Ning does not yet have such strength.

Once you fall from a high altitude, it will be very bad.

Redal frowned, feeling very worried.

"My lord, this action is a bit risky, but he should have a corresponding plan. All we can do is trust him."

Elrond murmured softly, "May the God of Light protect you!"

While several people were talking, Kurami and others who were hiding in the cave came out tremblingly.

The flames brought by the dragon's breath in the valley have been extinguished, but the air is filled with a burning smell, which is very unpleasant.

“I didn’t expect we could survive!”

Jenny looked at her husband, Horn held her hand tightly, and their eyes were filled with the joy of surviving the disaster.

Other people basically feel the same way.

Carlos's ferocious head really left a huge shadow in their hearts, and I'm afraid they will still have nightmares about it for a while.

"Commander, where is Lord Luo Ning?"

Tom glanced around. Only Rydal, McCann, Elrond and Joffrey were standing outside, but Ronin was nowhere to be seen.

Others also discovered this problem and couldn't help but look at Ruidal nervously.

Nothing will happen to the lord, right?
"Your Excellency prepared to conquer the dragon and rode on its back towards the north."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

For them, just standing in front of the dragon requires great courage, let alone climbing on the dragon's back.

Not only did the Lord do this, but he even wanted to conquer the dragon?
They couldn't help but look at the sky. dare you?

"McKen, Elrond, you lead the team and stay here. Before the adults and I come back, you need to monitor this cave, but be sure not to break in rashly."

No one was sure whether there were any other enemies in the cave. To be on the safe side, it was better to wait for Luo Ning to come back before making the next plan.

"I'll go to the north and see if I can find the adult."

The giant dragon flew very fast and lost its trace just after it rushed into the sky, but the faint roar seemed to indicate that they were in the north.

Although everyone was worried about the lord's situation, they could not help much. They could only stay here and guard the entrance of the cave, silently praying for the lord's safe return.


Ronin was listening to Carlos describe his experience on the northern beach.

If I had to use one word to describe its dragon life, it would be - miserable.

Carlos has been imprisoned in the cave since he broke out of his shell, and more than two hundred and eighty years have passed.

For more than two hundred years, Natalia has been sending some kind of dark energy into its body through a dark altar, trying to transform its body.

To be honest, Luo Ning was shocked by its age.

He originally thought that this giant dragon was only a few dozen years old at most, but he did not expect that it had lived for more than two hundred years.

What makes Luo Ning even more incredible is people like Natalia.

According to Carlos, it has been imprisoned by this group of people since its birth.

In other words, Natalia, Nibral and others are older than the dragon?

You know, even a Meteor-level person only has a lifespan of 120 or 30 years. Natalia is only a Silver-level person, how can she live for more than two hundred years?

But when asked about this question, Carlos couldn't give an answer.

As a prisoner, it has no place to learn much information.

Carlos only knew that Natalia and others had been doing the same things almost every day over the years.

For example, I would worship it every morning, patrol outside every night, etc., for more than two hundred years.

The only difference may be that Natalia's mating partner will change. For example, today it will be Nibral, tomorrow it will be Utan, and the day after tomorrow it will be another knight.

As for the master Elliott mentioned by the female knight, Carlos has not seen him in these years, not even once.

After some exchanges, Ronin asked Carlos to take a break while he sat aside and thought.

More than two hundred years ago, the Orlant Empire had collapsed, and the continent fell into chaos that lasted for decades. At this time, Alduin and Tricia, two families with blood ties to the imperial royal family, gradually became stronger and eventually became the northern and southern kingdoms.

During the centuries of chaos, no one knew what happened.

Even the history books of Wushanbao only briefly describe some deeds. How can there be any record of what happened here in the north of Wubei Territory?
Luo Ning guessed that perhaps this strange cave, Carlos and even Natalia and others were left behind by a strong man from that era.

It's just that it's been too long, that strong man has forgotten this place, or has fallen?

Luo Ning couldn't think of a reason, so he simply stopped thinking about the problem and focused on the matter in front of him.

"Carlos, I give you a gift in return for your surrender to me."

Perhaps because the contract scroll as a login reward is different from Lulans' contract scroll, Ronin was able to summon the attribute panel of Carlos like he did to McCann and others:
[Frostfire Wings Carlos]: Level 7349 (7500/) +
Wings of Frostfire is the title of Carlos, and it is said that he has had it since he could remember.

Luo Ning is more concerned about its level and progress.

The fifth-level human beings are the Silver Knight and the Chief Magician. They only need 1500 or 2000 points of energy to break through to the sixth level.

But Carlos, the giant dragon, needs 7500 points to break through!
No wonder it has been a level five monster for more than two hundred years.

But it makes sense when you think about it.

A high-level dragon like Carlos is only considered to be a young dragon when it is three hundred years old, and its level is only around level four to six.

It's pretty good that it can grow to this level despite being imprisoned and abused.

If Carlos's level progress is very low, Ronin may not choose to invest too much, but the opponent is only a little bit close to reaching full level, so he doesn't mind helping the opponent improve a little bit.

As Luo Ning invested his energy essence, the opponent's panel changed:

[Frostfire Wings Carlos]: Level 0 (12500/) +
Luo Ning was frightened by this number.

Good guy, if you want to upgrade this giant dragon from level six to level seven, you need tens of thousands of energy essence points!

This is pure robbery!

Luo Ning looked at the remaining 1449 points of energy essence in his hand, and suddenly felt a little powerless.

On the other hand, Carlos widened his eyes and fell into a state of astonishment.

It was originally wondering, looking at the owner's empty hands, what kind of gift would he prepare?

Unexpectedly, a magical power would descend on it in the next moment, giving it a sense of relief like the rain after a long drought, and it couldn't help but let out a comfortable dragon roar.

"I... got promoted??"

I saw that the edges of the scales on Carlos's body were red, no longer just ice blue;
At the same time, new scales are growing under the old scales.

When the new scales fully grow, the gaps between the scales will be greatly reduced, and it will become very difficult to insert a weapon through the gaps.


An old scale fell to the ground, followed by the second, third...

Carlos shook, and hundreds of scales fell to the ground.

"What are you doing?"

"When my strength increases, some of the aging scales will fall off automatically and new ones will grow in their original positions."

Carlos's voice became pious, "Thank you, Master, for the gift!"

From level five to level six, even though the progress is only over a hundred points, if it is allowed to break through on its own, it will take at least dozens to hundreds of years.

But now, he actually made a breakthrough in just one breath!
Carlos was both surprised and pleasantly surprised. As expected, this master was much better than Natalia.

With such a comparison, it couldn't help but feel moved, and the previous conflicts and unhappiness were diluted.

Although he is a dragon, he still has a bit of a "kid" mentality after being isolated from the world for so long.

"This is good stuff!"

Luo Ning's eyes lit up, and he quickly walked over and picked up a piece of dragon scale to observe.

The ice blue dragon scale is less than the size of a palm, but its toughness is better than steel, and it has a certain resistance to magic.

"Dragon scale armor..."

If these dragon scales are made into armor, its defensive power and value will definitely be extraordinary!
"Carlos, are these dragon scales still useful to you?"

Luo Ning said, "I want to use them to make a set of armor!"

"You can use it, Master!"

For Carlos, the fallen dragon scales only have collection value, but when faced with the owner who has improved its strength, it is not stingy at all.

"The fallen dragon scales have no value to me." (End of Chapter)

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