Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 223 The Problem of Raising Dragons

Ronin counted and found that there were 136 pieces of dragon scales that fell from Carlos's body. According to the size of each piece, there should be no problem in making a pair of dragon scale armor.

The only problem is, who can make this thing?
William, the carpenter at the Ironwood Workshop?
Sorry, they even have trouble processing the black iron tree. It's really difficult for them to process the dragon scales.

After thinking about it, I am afraid that only the blacksmith is somewhat reliable.

But it is not feasible to estimate Kallus's level. At least he must be a blacksmith like Dahn who has reached the level of master craftsman or even master craftsman, and it is best to be a knight. It will not work if he has no strength.

"If it doesn't work, I'll do it myself."

Ronin was thinking vaguely in his mind, and he jumped up and landed on Carlos' back again.

Although the opponent's level has improved, the injury on its back has not healed.

Although there was no further bleeding, there was blood around the wound, which looked a bit scary.

Luo Ning took out a healing spell scroll and used it on the wound. However, the dragon's physical strength was much higher than that of humans. As a second-level spell, healing was not very effective and was basically useless.

"How is your current condition? Can you still fly?" Luo Ning asked.

Carlos struggled to stand up, but his legs were wobbly, and he finally lay helplessly on the beach.

"I'm sorry, Master, I'm still very weak and it's difficult to move around for the time being."

In the past period of time, it had been too consumed, and it had been bled and beaten by Luo Ning. Even now that the level was improved, it would not be resurrected immediately with full blood. It would take a while to slowly recover its physical strength and spirit.

"Then you should have a good rest."

Luo Ning was in no hurry to leave.

According to Carlos's information, although there are still some people in the cave, they are all servants and do not pose a threat to Redal and others.

In this way, after Luo Ning finished exploring the cave, this trip to the north could be considered a successful conclusion.

He sat cross-legged on the dragon's back and began to refine his magic power.

This time, from the beginning of the battle to the complete conquest of Carlos, Luo Ning used magic countless times. The reason why he can survive until now can only be said to be because of his good attribute affinity, proficiency in magic casting, and abundant magic power storage.

If it were a different chief magician, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to do this.

Refining magic requires carefully sensing the power of elements in the surrounding heaven and earth, using mental power to absorb the wind and fire elements into the magic space, and gradually convert them into magic and store them.

This may seem like a boring process, but once you really concentrate on refining it, it can relax your entire mental state.


An inappropriate voice sounded, interrupting Luo Ning's state. He opened his eyes and looked at the giant dragon under him in surprise.

This sound sounds like my stomach is growling.

He couldn't help but ask: "Are you hungry?"

Carlos was a little embarrassed and responded weakly.

"That, yes, master..."

It explained: "Today's exercise was too big and the physical exertion was intense. Moreover, Natalia only provided me with a small amount of food at each meal, and I was never full."

Listen, how miserable it is.

Luo Ning was a little embarrassed. He didn't expect this problem at all. It turns out that giant dragons can also starve.

It's a pity that the little dry food in his space ring is not enough to fill the gap between the dragon's teeth.

Luo Ning also thought of a question - how should he feed this giant dragon.

It's definitely not realistic to take it back to the territory.

Just the few sheep in Shanlin Town and the hundreds of cattle in Swamp Town are probably not enough for the dragon to feed for a year.

It was impossible for him to feed all the five to six hundred black buffaloes to Carlos. How could the territory be reclaimed in that case? What's more, black buffalo are also one of the sources of income for the territory.

After much thought, he only came up with one solution, and that was to let it go free.

To the west of Wubei Territory is the huge Wushan Warcraft Mountain Range. Let Carlos find food and feed himself.

Anyway, with the soul contract, Luo Ning can send signals to the other party about anything.

At Carlos' full flying speed, it probably wouldn't take long to reach the territory.

"What did Natalia give you to eat?"

"Fish, all kinds of fish."

There was despair in Carlos's eyes. He didn't know how he got there all these years. Sometimes he would feel sick when he saw live fish.

But I have no choice but to eat in order to fill my stomach.

Luo Ning was focused on something else.

Natalia and others almost only move in the valley, unless they are chasing invading enemies, but they can only go out for three miles at most. Where did they get so many fish?
He absolutely doesn't believe it when it comes to warehouse storage.

What kind of warehouse can store nearly three hundred years of rations?

It seems that we still need to go to the cave to see. There must be some mysteries in it that Carlo doesn't know yet.

"I'll go find you something to eat."

Luo Ning jumped down from the dragon's back helplessly, and went into the forest to see if he could hunt down the beast.

But the huge movement just now had scared away the animals here, and he was destined to return empty-handed.

After searching without any results, Luo Ning could only return to the beach. Fortunately, he came back in time. At this moment, Redal was raising his sword to ask Carlos a soul question - where is the lord?

But he also didn't understand dragon language, couldn't understand the dragon's excuse at all, and was about to use force.

"Redal, stop."

Luo Ning ran over quickly, "It has been surrendered by me and is no longer an enemy."

Carlos nodded humanely, without any dignity of the dragon. It was really too weak now and was no match for Redal.

"My lord, did you really conquer the dragon?"

Ruidal looked shocked. It was one thing for him to believe in Luo Ning, but it was another thing to see him actually subduing the dragon!

"This is... incredible!"

Luo Ning smiled slightly and said: "Let's not talk about it for now. There is a tricky thing now. Carlos is hungry and cannot find food in his current state, but I can't find any wild beasts nearby."

Ruidal immediately said: "I will go back and let everyone search separately. I hope there will be something harvested."

For now, that's all we can do.

"Go ahead."

Ronin glanced at Carlos and said, "We will also gather in that valley after it recovers a little strength."

After watching Ruidal leave, Luo Ning sighed.

"If Ruidal and the others don't get anything, they can only go to the cave to see if there is any catch."

Carlos trembled.

Luo Ning walked to the beach. This place was also a shallow beach and was not suitable for development into a port.

He planned to wait for Carlos to recover and take a walk along the coastline of Wubei Territory to see if he could find a relatively suitable location.

This is the advantage of flying mounts, saving time and improving efficiency.

After more than two hours, the sun set in the west and twilight began to fall.

Carlos stood up, "Master, I have recovered a little strength and can fly for a while now."

"it is good!"

Luo Ning came to the other party's back and said, "Let's go back to the valley."

The huge wings spread out, and Carlos took off.

Its movements are quite smooth, and its broad neck blocks the oncoming wind.

Luo Ning didn't feel any difficulty sitting on it, which was completely different from when he conquered the opponent before.

Carlos doesn't fly very high, nor does he fly very fast.

However, since the distance between the beach and the valley was only twenty miles, they landed outside the cave soon.

The whistling wind attracted the attention of the followers who stayed outside the cave. They stood up in horror and looked at the black shadow in the sky.

"It's a dragon!"

Everyone's hearts were in panic again.

Although the commander returned and said that the lord was fine and had conquered the dragon, they were still frightened when they faced the dragon again.

Carlos folded his wings and landed in the open space in front of the cave.

With a breath, air spurted out of his nostrils, feeling a little tired.

It just glanced at the humans next to it, knowing that these people were Luo Ning's subordinates, so it didn't pay too much attention.

Dragons are all arrogant and respectful and submissive to Ronin. That is because they have signed a master-servant contract. For others, Carlos still despises them.

"It's the Lord!"

"The Lord is back!"

Only then did the subordinates on the ground see Luo Ning on his back.

They exclaimed, their eyes shining with awe and adoration.

Ronin jumped off the dragon's back and took a glance. At this time, there were only four people staying here: Elrond, Bablin, Jenny, and Grado. The remaining people probably went hunting in the mountains.

"Babulin, how is your injury?"

In the previous battle, Bablin was injured by the high-ranking knight on the opposite side.

Bablin was a little excited. Now Luo Ning is not only the Viscount of Wubei Territory, but also a strong man who has subdued the dragon!
Bablin was very excited to be cared about by such a person. He was also proud of being able to follow such a person.

"Thank you for your concern, sir! The great doctor has treated my wound, and it's nothing serious now."

Elrond added: "Others were also slightly injured, but they are all okay. Don't worry, sir."

Luo Ning nodded and looked at the others, "Thank you everyone for your hard work. If you have nothing to do, please rest here first. When Redal and the others come back from hunting, let me know."

"Eron, come with me."

With that said, he took Elrond and Carlos into the cave, leaving a few of his men staring at the dragon's back in a daze. (End of chapter)

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