Early the next morning, the noble coalition troops stationed in the north of Boulder Territory lined up and set off after having breakfast.

Although each noble's team had a dedicated person in charge, when these troops gathered together and marched towards Boulder City at the same time, there was a problem with the march.

After all, there is only one road. If everyone wants to walk, there will inevitably be crowds. Maybe a team will be scattered, a few here, a few there.

Luo Ning originally wanted to wait until he arrived at Boulder City before worrying about the whole team, but in the face of this situation, he, the commander, needed to do something.

First, he asked Redal, McCann and others to order all teams to stay put. While the Wubei Knights' team maintained order, after all the teams of one noble were on the road, the next noble's troops could follow.

Secondly, Luo Ning also asked Jenny and Kurami to go to the front of the team in advance, and when a team passed by them, they would register the team's detailed information:

For example, the identity of the team leader, the strength of the team, the specific number of main and support personnel, etc.

Although this process is not fast, at least after this operation, the chaotic team has initially regained order.

"I thought the marching issue would give Luo Ning a headache, but I didn't expect him to solve it quite quickly."

The one-armed lone wolf Gehrman was a little surprised.

Although Luo Ning's method is not complicated, it is very good that he can find a solution so quickly when he is on the battlefield for the first time and serves as a commander.

"Compared to Wiggins, Ronin seems to be better at this."

Marvin next to him couldn't help but nodded.

As the deputy commander, his main responsibility was to assist Luo Ning when the attack started. As for the marching matters, he didn't care much.

In fact, even if Luo Ning didn't make any arrangements, the noble coalition would arrive at Boulder City noisily. It would just be slower or there would be some friction.

While the two were talking, Redal rode over and politely reminded: "Baron Hermann, it's your turn!"

Gehrman nodded in greeting, and then signaled his subordinate Andrea Knight to lead the team to follow the previous team. He himself looked up and down at the commander of the Wubei Territory.

"Knight Redal, what you said just now is not simple. I wonder what your strength is now?"

It was Redal's roar like the roar of a giant dragon that calmed the chaotic situation.

It was this roar that made the noble men know that this knight was not easy to mess with, so they did not raise any objection to the arrangement.

Redal smiled slightly, but did not answer the question directly, "Perhaps Baron Hermann will know when we get to the battlefield."

"Haha, I'll have to take a good look then."

Herman didn't ask any questions and left with the team.

"Your Majesty the Viscount, your team is at the end." Ruidal reminded.

"no problem."

Marvin ordered: "Talen, you are responsible for leading the team. I will go to Luo Ning's place to have a look."

"Okay sir."

At this moment, Luo Ning was riding on the Cloud Rider, observing the empty camp after the coalition forces left.

After a night, a lot of garbage and feces were left here, just like some tourist attractions after a holiday, in a mess.

Fortunately, they only camped here for one night. If they stayed for a few more days, hygiene would become a big problem.

For extraordinary people, this is not a critical matter. After all, they have strong physiques and will not get sick easily.

But the same cannot be said for ordinary people such as infantry, cavalry, and logistics. If a plague occurs if it is not handled well, it will be troublesome.

"Luo Ning, what are you looking at?" Marvin came over.

"I'm thinking about how to deal with the sanitary treatment problem when marching and camping."

Luo Ning looked at Marvin, thinking that the other party had experienced hundreds of battles, so he asked: "I wonder how you handled it when you fought before?" Marvin obviously didn't expect to be asked this question. He rubbed his chin and thought deeply. With.

When he was marching before, he didn't pay much attention to this aspect.

"When we camp, we usually choose to stay under the water source to keep the water source clean."

He pointed at the garbage on the mountain: "As for these things, I don't think you need to pay too much attention to them. They are really too dirty. We can just move them to another place. The wilderness is so big anyway. It is easier to set up a new tent than to think of ways to deal with them." many."

"This... is a solution."

After saying this, Luo Ning frowned slightly.

Marvin's method is suitable for troops that are small in number and can be moved flexibly.

Once there are more people, it doesn't need to be much more. It only needs more than four or five thousand. After the difficulty of transfer increases, it is more convenient to set up camp.

And when it comes to a confrontation and you can attack at any time, how can you have time to change positions every once in a while?
But it is also difficult to solve the sanitation problem in the camp.

After all, the logistics staff come from various places and have different qualities, and some people only know how to follow the orders of their own person in charge, which makes it troublesome to give orders.

"It's better to wait until we enter Boulder City, wait for Tolu and Corian to arrive, and then we can discuss and decide."

The coalition of nobles poured into Boulder City in a mighty manner. After seeing this huge team, the anxious people finally felt relieved.

They no longer have to worry about the threat of the Bolt Bandits.

Tolu, Corian and his men have been waiting outside the city for a long time. They will arrange for people to lead the team to move forward and camp in a pre-arranged area south of Boulder City, waiting for the next move.

Luo Ning and other nobles and leaders of each team will stop at the Stone Castle to rest.

"Hahaha, welcome the Viscount of Wubei Territory, Commander Luo Ning to Boulder City!"

Corian laughed and came forward, first greeted Ronin, and then greeted Marvin.

He looked more like a host welcoming guests than a seriously injured defeated person.

Luo Ning saluted politely and asked with concern: "I heard that Baron Corian was seriously injured and he seems to be recovering well now?"

"Thank you for your concern. I have recovered now."

Corian suppressed his smile and said seriously: "Everything in this war will be subject to your arrangements, Commander. I will try my best to make up for the mistakes I made in Chishan Town. But before that, please allow me to entertain you as the master of the Boulder Territory." Everyone!"

Naturally, Luo Ning would not refuse such a thing, and he saw that the noble knights who stayed behind had already made plans to go to the Stone Castle for a feast. If he refused, he would arouse everyone's resentment.

Next, under the leadership of Kerien, everyone walked into the Stone Castle.

This is a castle that is much grander and stronger than Swamp Castle. It is not difficult to see that Corian has strong financial resources.

Although there were dangers outside, and even though the Polite thieves were watching eagerly, the excitement of the luncheon remained unabated, and Corian even announced the arrangements for the dinner in advance.

Fighting is tomorrow's thing, so you should enjoy yourself today.

After drinking and eating, everyone was arranged to rest in their respective rooms.

"Sir, this is what Kurami and I calculated. Please take a look."

Ronin took the parchment from Jenny's hand and read it carefully.

The aristocratic coalition has a total of 53 troops, including 1855 combat personnel and 7421 support personnel.

Among the combat personnel, there are 95 professional knights, including 3 silver knights, 8 bronze knights, 14 senior knights, 25 intermediate knights, and 45 junior knights.

There are only 11 people in bronze and silver levels combined?
Luo Ning's left eyelid twitched. He had expected that the number of extraordinary beings would not be too many, but he did not expect that there would be so few.

Fortunately, the troops from the First Knights, the Fifth Knights, and the Wubei Territory were not included in the statistics. Otherwise, with just these few people, I don’t know how to fight this battle. (End of chapter)

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